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  • 19 Reasons Getting Older Is The Best Thing That Will Ever Happen To You

    While sitting around lamenting our millennial lives, a friend of mine shared this morsel of wisdom she'd gotten from an older acquaintance. It was something like, when you're young you have time and energy, but no money. When you're middle-aged, you have energy and money, but no time. And when you're old, you have time and money, but no energy.

    Such is the quagmire of youth. While we're getting bombarded with messages telling us to YOLO, to "dance like nobody's watching," and love like we've never been hurt before -- we're busy dealing with unemployment, wondering how to pay for our weddings, and how to lower our astronomical student loan payments.

    And the thing about having more energy -- well, I can't vouch for that. Consensus among my 20-something friends is we're tired. All.the.time. We're juggling young, new relationships, 60-hour workweeks in many cases, and the pressure to maintain the illusion of having "a life."

    Truth be told, many of us are looking forward to aging, and getting to a point where we've passed most of life's major hurdles -- not spending our entire paychecks on the newest anti-aging serum to help us cling to our exponentially fading youth. Here's what we're looking forward to in older age:

    1. Two words. Senior discounts. Because there's no I-still-live-with-my-parents discount or student-loan-repayment- discount.

    2. Not worrying as much about things will "turn out." After 50 or so, I'm guessing most major questions of life have been answered. Will I find the right life partner? Will I have kids? Will everything be okay?

    My 65-plus father once told me that when he looks at young folks he feels sheer pity. Not what I was expecting to hear. But they're fit, healthy, and able-bodied I said confusedly. True, he agreed. But they just have so many hurdles ahead of them that they can't even imagine. There are so many uphill battles they have yet to face. I'm confident I've already faced the worst of my problems, he said. Let's hope he's right.

    3. More mature relationships (hopefully). As a young dater or novice boyfriend/girlfriend, everything is so much more fragile and every fight leaves you wondering if you're headed for a breakup that will cause the devastation of a nuclear bomb in your heart.

    I can't wait to celebrate my 30th or 40th wedding anniversary with someone I've been through thick and thin with. Someone who has essentially watched me grow up. That's the sort of intimacy that easily trumps the passion and fireworks of a budding love.

    5 Surefire Signs Someone You Care About Is A Narcissist

    At middle age, we all face the fact that our place in the world is evolving as we get older and our bodies and faces change. Narcissists are confronted with the decline of their sense of importance in the world and the fading of their good looks in a way that can be particularly devastating to them. There may be a frantic grasp at staying young by narcissists who have lived their lives trading on their physical appearance to be relevant and noticed. It happens on blogs and in the media as (more often than not) women try to keep the attention they've always craved through plastic surgery, overt sexuality, provocative words and images and more. In some cases, it's not sexy at all - it's sad and desperate.

    According to the Mayo Clinic, narcissism is:

    ...characterized by dramatic, emotional behavior, which is in the same category as antisocial and borderline personality disorders.
    Some of the symptoms of narcissism include:

    Believing that you're better than others
    Fantasizing about power, success and attractiveness
    Exaggerating your achievements or talents
    Expecting constant praise and admiration
    Believing that you're special and acting accordingly
    As you can see, narcissists live in a fantasyland of their own sense of exaggerated self-importance. When the world acknowledges them as young beauties, they are given the kind of attention the believe they deserve without having to do much to attract it to them. As they grow older, the loss of attention can wreak havoc. Because they hold a mirror up to the world to see who they are, this lack of attention can very well obliterate their self-worth.

    Narcissists are among the most difficult people with whom to have a relationship, be it personal or professional, because no matter what you do or say it isn't enough to feed their never-ending desire for admiration and applause. They expect to be praised simply for showing up, and watch out if you don't respond the way they think you should to their slightest effort. Narcissists are exhausting, and beware the narcissist whose anger is focused your way:

    The anger of narcissists...can be more demeaning. Their criticism evolves from their conviction that others don't meet their lofty standards-or worse, aren't letting them get their own way. "Narcissistic injuries," or wounds to the ego, often pave the way for narcissistic rages, which can be passive-aggressive or planned out, as well as sudden. They are above you and you have displeased them and probably deserve punishment they will dole out. - Psychology Today

    फैक्ट एनालिसिस- गाजर

    गाजर विटामिन ए का भंडार है। विटामिन ए नेत्रों की सेहत के लिए और त्वचा रोगों से बचाव में सहायक है। गाजर में बी ग्रुप के विटामिंस पाए जाते है। गाजर शरीर की रोग-प्रतिरोधक क्षमता बढ़ाती है। इसमें कैरोटिन, कैल्शियम और फास्फोरस और गंधक जैसे अन्य स्वास्थ्यकर तत्व भी पाए जाते है। गाजर रक्त को साफ करती है।
    माइनस प्वाइंट
    जिन लोगों के पेट में गैस बनती है, उन्हे गाजर से परहेज करना चाहिए। इसी तरह गाजर के मध्य में स्थित पीले भाग को भी न खाएं। ऐसा इसलिए, क्योंकि पीले भाग के खाने से खांसी होने की आशंका बढ़ जाती है। यहीं नहीं गाजर खाने के तुरंत बाद पानी भी न पिएं। तुरंत पानी पीने से खांसी की शिकायत पकड़ सकती है।
    जिन लोगों को पेट में गैस बनने की शिकायत हो, उन्हे गाजर का रस या सूप ग्रहण करना चाहिए। इसी तरह यदि गाजर खाने से पेट में दर्द हो, तो गुड़ खाना चाहिए। गुड़ खाने से दर्द ठीक हो जाता है। वरिष्ठ आयुर्वेद चिकित्सक डॉ. सतीश चंद्र शुक्ला के अनुसार जो लोग रतौंधी से ग्रस्त है, उन्हे मौजूदा मौसम में पर्याप्त मात्रा में गाजर का सेवन करना चाहिए। इसी तरह जो लोग त्वचा रोगों से पीड़ित है, उनके लिए भी गाजर का सेवन विशेष रूप से लाभप्रद है। जागरण

    Justin Bieber Has Words For His Haters

    Justin Bieber recruited rapper Blake Kelly for his new song "Broken" which made its debut this weekend. The first track the young Biebs has released since his recent arrest, "Broken" has the 19-year-old singer addressing the drama, singing, "I guess they want a reaction / I ain't gonna give it to 'em." Bieber then sticks it to his haters, crooning, "I cannot be broken / like I know you were hoping."

    An African Man Allegedly Got His Weiner Stuck In A Woman’s Hoo-Ha During Sex

    In I Don’t Even Understand How In The Hell This Could Ever Happen news, The Ghana News Agency is reporting that a man and a woman renting out a “guest house” (which I guess is probably the equivalent of a cheap motel) near a public market in Sunyani, Ghana became, uh, stuck, when the man could not remove his penis from the woman’s vagina following intercourse. Hooooo boy. From Graphic Online:

    An attendant at the guest house told the GNA on condition of anonymity that the two booked the room for 30 minutes but when the time elapsed they failed to come out. He said he knocked at the door but heard some unusual sound from the room and informed some traders in the market.

    “When we forced the door open we saw the unexpected as the two lovers were lying on the floor in torment,” the attendant said. Some of the market women said the woman was a trader from Berekum who sells soap every market day.

    Some of them attributed the cause of the incident to a curse placed either on the man or the woman and added that rituals had to be performed before they could be separated.

    So that sounds like a sexy, fun time. I mean, obviously any news outlet reporting that rituals needed to be performed to remove a curse that super glues your genitals together needs to be taken with a grain of salt — but we also know there are legitimate medical oddities out there, such as the man with 132 pound nutsack, Sex Sent Me To The ER, and you do not even want to know what kind of freaky sh*t they have at Philadelphia’s Mutter Museum. So, suspending all disbelief, what do you guys think? Did she have some kind of super-suctioney vagina like a finger trap or did he have a penis shaped like an umbrella? These are VERY IMPORTANT QUESTIONS we need to be asking. Got theories? Leave ‘em in the comments, because I for one would love to hear them.

    15-Year-Old Amber Hellesten Charged As Adult In Fatal Stabbing Of 14-Year-Old Boy

    A 15-year-old Pennsylvania girl was charged Thursday as an adult in the death of a 14-year-old boy.

    Amber Hellesten faces charges of murder, aggravated assault and simple assault for the stabbing of Azim Chaplin, according to the Philadelphia District Attorney's Office.

    The charges stem from a Feb. 11 incident in Point Breeze. Police say Hellesten, who reportedly lived down the street from Chaplin, stabbed him once in the chest at about 8 p.m. that night. The blade from the knife pierced the boy's heart and he was transported to Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, where he was admitted in critical condition.

    Witnesses at the scene allegedly identified Hellesten to police as the individual who stabbed Chaplin.

    The Philadelphia Inquirer, citing unnamed police sources, reported Chaplin was stabbed during an argument with Hellesten and other kids. Tasha Jamerson, a spokeswoman for the district attorney's office, would not confirm that report. She told The Huffington Post the cause of the stabbing is "still under investigation."

    Authorities took Hellesten into custody the night of the stabbing and charged her with attempted murder.

    "When she was charged with attempted murder, directly after the stabbing, we charged her as an adult because of her actions and because she was 15," said Jamerson.

    Pennsylvania law prohibits charging anyone under the age of 15 as an adult in an attempted murder case. At 15, Hellesten met the standard.

    No Protester Is Safe From Snipers Or AK-47s In Ukraine

    With the death toll already at 50 and rising in two days of violence, clashes in Kiev, Ukraine, show no signs of slowing down, despite President Viktor Yanukovych's announcement of a truce on Wednesday evening. Though the protests have persisted for nearly three months, the bloodiest days of unrest have come this week after both Russia and the European Union maneuvered to further influence the former Soviet state.

    A multitude of videos circulating the Internet show the outrageous levels of violence in the Ukrainian capital. In one video from Radio Svoboda, Radio Free Europe's Russian service, a riot policeman with an unmistakable AK-47 assault rifle fires off the screen.

    The video then cuts to footage of a sniper in the prone position, flanked by other police. Eventually, they all scamper out of frame.

    In a Sky News video, another riot police officer fires his AK-47 as he retreats down a street.

    It's unclear what he's firing at, though the news anchor suggests some sort of "firework" went off above the police.

    Ukraine Peace Deal Signed, Opens Way For Early Election

     Ukraine's opposition leaders signed an EU-mediated peace pact with President Viktor Yanukovich on Friday, winning a raft of concessions in a delicate deal to end violence that killed at least 77 people and turned the capital into a battle zone.

    By nightfall, opposition leaders who signed the deal were addressing peaceful crowds from a stage in Independence Square, which for the past 48 hours had become an inferno of blazing barricades, where protesters were shot dead by police snipers.

    But the crowd was still defiant, holding aloft open coffins of slain demonstrators and making speeches denouncing the opposition leaders for shaking hands with Yanukovich.

    If it holds, the deal - hammered out with the mediation efforts of the foreign ministers of France, Germany and Poland - would mark a victory for Europe in a tug-of-war with Moscow for influence in the divided ex-Soviet state of 46 million people.

    But it remains to be seen whether violence can be halted and whether a lurch away from Moscow will cost Ukraine a $15 billion Russian financial lifeline it needs to stave off bankruptcy.

    Under pressure to quit from mass demonstrations in Kiev, Russian-backed Yanukovich agreed to create a national unity government, change the constitution to reduce his powers and leave office early for new elections.

    "There are no steps that we should not take to restore peace in Ukraine," the president said in announcing his concessions before the agreement was signed. "I announce that I am initiating early elections."

    Within hours, parliament voted to revert to a previous constitution slashing Yanukovich's prerogatives, sacked his interior minister blamed for this week's bloodshed and amended the criminal code to pave the way to release his rival, jailed opposition leader Yulia Tymoshenko.

    EU leaders and the White House praised what European Council President Herman Van Rompuy called a "necessary compromise". Moscow made grudging comments that fell short of endorsing the deal. The European envoys signed the document as witnesses, but a Russian envoy did not.

    That envoy, Vladimir Lukin, acknowledged that Moscow had fallen behind the EU in the latest diplomacy: "The EU representatives were in their own way trying to be useful, they started the talks.

    "We joined the talks later, which wasn't very right. One should have agreed on the format of the talks right from the start," Lukin was quoted as saying by Interfax news agency.

    Tata Motors to cut vehicle prices by up to Rs 1.5 lakh

    Auto major Tata Motors today announced cut in prices by up to Rs 1.5 lakh across its product portfolio following excise duty reduction announced in the interim Budget.

    The price reduction across passenger vehicles is in the range of Rs 6,300 to Rs 69,000, depending on the model, while the cut in commercial vehicles portfolio is in the range of Rs 15,000 to Rs 150,000, Tata Motors said in a statement.
    "The price reduction is in the light of excise duty cut on vehicles and the company is passing on the excise reduction to the customers," a Tata Motors spokesperson said.

    The reduction is with immediate effect, she added.

    The company's passenger vehicle portfolio comprises models from entry level hatchback Nano to multi utility vehicle Aria. Besides, the company sells a range of commercial vehicles, including buses.

    In the interim Budget 2014-15, Finance Minister P Chidambaram had announced reduction of excise duty on small cars, scooters, motorcycles and commercial vehicles to 8 per cent from 12 per cent earlier; 24 per cent from 30 per cent on SUVs; 24 per cent from 27 per cent on large cars and 20 per cent from 24 per cent in mid sized cars.

    Earlier during the week, various car makers including Maruti Suzuki India (MSI), Hyundai Motor India, Honda Cars India, Volkswagen, Mahindra & Mahindra, Fiat and Nissan had also announced price cuts.

    Christina Aguilera Is Pregnant

    Christina Aguilera is pregnant with her second child.

    Less than a week after announcing her engagement to boyfriend Matt Rutler, Us Weekly is reporting that The Voice coach is expecting baby number two.

    The couple met in 2010 on the set of Aguilera’s film, “Burlesque.”
    Christina Aguilera is engaged — and expecting.

    A week after announcing that boyfriend Matt Rutler had proposed, the singer has more happy news to celebrate.

    Aguilera, 33, and Rutler, 29, a film producer, are set to welcome their first child together, PEOPLE confirms.

    The couple met on the set of Burlesque, the 2010 film they both worked on.

    Keep up with Christina Aguilera in the pages of PEOPLE Magazine by subscribing now.
    “They’re very much in love and are really excited to take this next step!” a source close to the pair tells PEOPLE.

    The Voice coach is already mom to Max Liron, 6, her son with ex-husband Jordan Bratman.

    Katy Perry Leggy Luscious Cleopatra Performance at the BRIT Awards

    I'm not exactly sure who Katy Cocktease is supposed to be. I'm going with Cleopatra or somebody Egyptian. I suppose it ties in with one of her little pop ditties or something or maybe I'm missing out on a new wave of scarab inspired fashion. Nevertheless, I was mostly checking out her legs. Yes, Katy can cocktease even with her special gams, not quite as exceptional perhaps as her bodacious bosom but nevertheless, the worked out stems of a woman who prances the stage for a living.

    Someday, when Katy reveals herself in her entirety, as I have  foreseen in visions, maybe you'd call them masturbation fantasies, we shall see the entire package and her nickname will change. Until that time, it's all about trying to peek up her skirt at awards show acts. Hey, it's an honest living.

    Kylie Jenner Posts Bikini Photo, Reminds Us It's Not Summer

    That was the question on Kylie Jenner's mind when she posted a bikini photo to Instagram Wednesday (Feb. 19). In the pic, the 16-year-old wears a black two-piece and dark, oversized sunglasses while in a grassy backyard.

    "So.. Is it summer yet?.." she captioned the image, which has since gotten almost 700,000 likes.

    It has been some months since Jenner shared a swimsuit snapshot and it's unclear when this one was taken. But after a winter of polar vortexes, we could all certainly use a little sunshine.

    Taylor Swift Is Apparently A Ballerina Now

    It appears that instead of working on a new album, Taylor Swift is learning to perfect a new craft.

    The "Red" singer has been spotted hitting up a dance studio almost every day this week, sporting ballerina-like outfits as she makes her way in and out of the building. Swift, 24, has ditched her typical leggings and oversized sweatshirt look for leotards, tights and ballet skirts.
    Not to mention she switched up her dance style directly after changing up her appearance -- the normally long-haired blonde is now a short-haired beauty.

    Disgruntled Parents Want Miley Cyrus' 'Bangerz' Tour Shut Down

    No one is surprised that Miley Cyrus' "Bangerz" tour pushes the limits of performance artistry, but people are starting to wonder if she's maybe taken things a bit too far this time. Cyrus' recent tour antics are making her MTV Video Music Awards "Blurred Lines" performance look tame and family-friendly.

    "Bangerz" has all the twerking, straddling and Bill Clinton-scandal-mocking that a person could want, but not everyone's happy about it.

    In fact, many parents are so upset with Cyrus' antics that they want the entire "Bangerz" tour to be shut down. MusicFix reports that Cyrus' management team has been inundated with complaints about the performance, saying that it is just too racy and inappropriate for young fans. The show doesn't have a rating of any kind, so children of all ages can see it if they are accompanied by a parent. We send our regrets to any preteens who have had to watch Miley straddle a flying hot dog, stuff a thong in her mouth and simulate oral sex on a Bill Clinton impersonator while accompanied by mom and dad.
    Many parents have responded to the show's reviews by posting their tickets for sale on Ebay and StubHub, while others are demanding refunds and refusing to attend. One miffed parent reportedly even contacted Cyrus' record bosses at RCA, to say that his or her family walked out of a performance, unwilling to subject their 9-year-old child to a "porn show."

    “Miley’s management have been flooded with complaints, mainly from parents, since her tour began last week in Canada with calls for the entire tour to be axed," a source told MusicFix.

    Apparently, the entire team behind the tour has been called for an emergency meeting to strategize after learning that several U.S. arenas are considering dropping her act.

    All we can do for now is pick our jaws up off the floor and wait for the next chapter of "Bangerz" drama to unfold.

    Blondie Bennett, Barbie-Obsessed Woman, Uses Hypnotherapy To Make Herself 'Brainless'

    A California woman who describes herself as Barbie-obsessed says she uses hypnotherapy sessions in the hopes that it will decrease her IQ.

    "I just want to be the ultimate Barbie. I actually want to be brainless," Blondie Bennett, 38, told Barcroft TV. "I don't like being human, if that makes sense... Natural is boring... I would love to be like, completely plastic."

    Bennett has had five breast augmentations and other procedures in the hopes of attaining her goal. But now she says she's undergoing hypnotherapy sessions two-to-three times a week in order to dumb down her thoughts.
    She says it's working.

    "I've had 20 sessions and I'm already starting to feel ditzy and confused all the time," Bennett told the Daily Mail.

    She told Barcroft TV that although she loves her looks, her plastic features tend to turn off a lot of people. She said that her friends and family don't approve of her lifestyle.

    Bennett appears to maintain a NSFW Twitter account advertising live camera shows. Her handle, not surprisingly, is "Busty_Doll."

    Adelina Sotnikova Wins Gold In Women's Figure Skating For Russia In Upset Of Yuna Kim

    Bursting from the shadow of her adored teammate, Adelina Sotnikova gave Russia its first gold medal in women's Olympic figure skating.

    While much-heralded Julia Lipnitskaia was stumbling, the 17-year-old Sotnikova soared. When she won the free skate Thursday at the Sochi Games, she denied South Korea's Yuna Kim from defending her title and confirmed Russian command of the sport once more.
    "This is the happiest day in my life," Sotnikova said. "I simply stepped on the ice today and realized how much I like what I'm doing and skated really good."

    The Russians have won three figure skating gold medals at these Olympics: team, pairs and women's.

    Only this latest one was a surprise. A huge surprise.

    23 Questions Raised By Katy Perry's Absurd 'Dark Horse' Video

    Katy Perry unveiled the video for "Dark Horse" on Thursday, and boy, do we have questions. Lots of them. Like: Why? Why is anything that happens in it happening?

    If you haven't watched, it appropriates ancient Egyptian culture and symbolism, and, well, that's about all we can tell you. We could pretend like we have all the answers, except we don't have a single answer. So here are a lot of questions raised by "Dark Horse."
    Katy Perry proved she was ready for a perfect storm on Thursday, dropping the music video to her latest single, "Dark Horse" (featuring Juicy J). The visuals are like, what? A nod to "Cleopatra"? A spoof of "Avatar"? Some random parody of Michael Jackson's "Remember The Time"? All of the above? None of the above? Watch below?

    Beauty queen the latest victim in Venezuela unrest

    A local beauty queen has died of a gunshot wound, becoming the fifth fatality from Venezuela's political unrest, as imprisoned protest leader Leopoldo Lopez urged supporters to keep fighting for the departure of the socialist government.

    Tensions have risen in Venezuela since Mr Lopez, a 42-year-old Harvard-educated economist, turned himself in to troops on Tuesday after spearheading three weeks of often rowdy protests against President Nicolas Maduro's government.

    The latest victims of the unrest included college student and model Genesis Carmona, 22, who was shot in the head at a protest on Tuesday in the central city of Valencia. She died later in a clinic.

    College student and model Genesis Carmona (EPA)
    "How long are we going to live like this? How long do we have to tolerate this pressure, with them killing us?" a relative, who asked not to be named, told Reuters.

    "She only needed one more semester to graduate," he added of Carmona, who had been studying tourism and had won the 2013 Miss Tourism competition in her state.

    Three people were shot dead in Caracas after an opposition rally a week ago, and a fourth person died after being run over by a car during a demonstration in the coastal town of Carupano. Scores of people have been arrested or injured.

    State television channel VTV said the mother of one its employees died while being rushed to hospital in Caracas. VTV said she suffered a heart attack while the ambulance carrying her was stuck in gridlock due to opposition supporters blocking roads.

    "We cannot underestimate those fascist groups whose boss is behind bars," Mr Maduro said in a nationally televised speech late on Wednesday. "I'm not playing with democracy. I do not accept that they challenge the Venezuelan people and our Constitution."

    Speaking in Mexico, US President Barack Obama criticized Mr Maduro's government for arresting protesters and urged it to focus on the "legitimate grievances" of its people.

    Instead of "making up false accusations" against three US diplomats expelled this week, he said, Venezuela's government should release detained protesters and engage in a real dialogue. "All parties have an obligation to work together," Mr Obama said.
    ReadFull Story

    Ukraine crisis deal on knife-edge amid stand off Photo

     Ukraine's pro-European opposition sought last minute changes to a deal with Russian-backed President Viktor Yanukovich intended to resolve the former Soviet republic's political crisis, but EU mediators said they still expect an agreement on Friday.

    The German and Polish foreign ministers were in Kiev to try to broker an end to the worst violence since Soviet days amid a stand-off between riot police and anti-government protesters who have occupied a central square for nearly three months.

    The sprawling nation of 46 million with a shattered economy and endemic corruption is at the center of a geopolitical tug-of-war between Russia and the European Union.

    Diplomats said a compromise drafted in all-night negotiations involved appointing a transitional government, with a reformed constitution by September reducing presidential powers, and fresh elections by the end of the year.

    Whether such a gradual transition would be acceptable to grassroots activists who want Yanukovich out now was unclear.

    "This is just another piece of paper. We will not leave the barricades until Yanukovich steps down. That's all people want," said Anton Solovyov, 28, an IT worker protesting in the central square.

    A senior EU diplomat said the president and opposition leaders were expected to sign the deal on Friday, even though the opposition still wanted some changes.

    Earlier, police said in a statement that anti-government militants fired on security forces near the central Independence Square, scene of a three-month-old protest vigil.

    However, there was no independent confirmation of such an incident and no report of casualties.

    The square, known as Maidan or "Euro-Maidan", appeared peaceful, with thousands of demonstrators chanting anti-government slogans interspersed with patriotic singing.

    After the visiting ministers suspended talks at dawn, the presidential press service said an agreement with the opposition would be signed at noon (1000 GMT) but it gave no details. That time passed with no word of a signing.

    Google plans to turn phones into 3D mapping devices

     Google has announced a new research project aimed at bringing 3D technology to smartphones, for potential applications such as indoor mapping, gaming and helping blind people navigate.

    The California tech giant said its Project Tango would provide prototypes of its new smartphone to outside developers to encourage the writing of new applications.

    Project leader Johnny Lee said the goal of the project, which incorporates robotics and vision-processing technology, is "to give mobile devices a human-scale understanding of space and motion."

    "What if you could capture the dimensions of your home simply by walking around with your phone before you went furniture shopping?" Google said on its Project Tango web page.

    "What if directions to a new location didn't stop at the street address? What if you never again found yourself lost in a new building? What if the visually impaired could navigate unassisted in unfamiliar indoor places? What if you could search for a product and see where the exact shelf is located in a super-store?"

    The technology could also be used for "playing hide-and-seek in your house with your favourite game character, or transforming the hallways into a tree-lined path."

    Smartphones are equipped with sensors which make over 1.4 million measurements per second, updating the positon and rotation of the phone.

    Partners in the project include researchers from the University of Minnesota, George Washington University, German tech firm Bosch and the Open Source Robotics Foundation, among others.

    Another partner is California-based Movidius, which makes vision-processor technology for mobile and portable devices and will provide the processor platform.
    Read More Detail 

    I am delighted with the feedback on my bikini shot: Sonam Kapoor

    Sonam Kapoor, who is sporting a bikini onscreen for the first time, is flattered by the reactions of her fans.

    "I’m very delighted with the feedback I’ve been getting  from the time the pictures came out. It’s a simple shot that has become a huge talking point. I am happy that fans have loved it," says the actor, who had once vowed never to wear a two piece on the big screen.

    "Sonam has experimented a lot with her clothes, but she was keen to know how her fans would react to her bikini look. As soon as the promo was released, many fans shared it on their social networking accounts," says a source close to the actor.

    Interestingly, around two years ago, the actor had said that she would never wear a bikini as she does not have a perfect body to carry it off. "I will never wear a bikini on screen, because I am not confident enough. I know that I will not look good. I don’t have the best body," Sonam told PTI in 2012. - See more at:

    Sonia Gandhi seeks dismissal of 1984 case in US

    India's Congress party president Sonia Gandhi's has filed a new motion to dismiss a human rights violation lawsuit against her by Sikhs for Justice, a New York based human rights group.

    In a reply memorandum filed in the district court of New York's eastern district, Gandhi's lawyers said the plaintiffs had unjustly argued for "unlimited extraterritorial jurisdiction and corporate liability to reach the tragic events of 1984 in India, and hold an innocent Gandhi liable.

    Saying that "two wrongs don't make a right," the motion said the plaintiffs "fail to attribute actual acts or omissions to Gandhi".
    The plaintiffs complaint was also devoid of any "factual content that allows the court to draw the reasonable inference that the defendant is liable for the misconduct alleged," they said.

    US federal court for the Eastern District of New York had in Sep 2013 issued summons against Sonia Gandhi on a complaint filed by SFJ and some victims of anti-Sikh violence in India in November 1984.

    The group has sought compensatory and punitive damages against Gandhi for her alleged role in shielding and protecting Congress party leaders including Kamal Nath, Sajjan Kumar, Jagdish Tytler and Amitabh Bachchan from prosecution for their alleged role in the 1984 violence.

    11 Videos That Show Why Evgeni Plushenko Is An Olympic Figure Skating Legend

    If you had never heard about Russian figure skater Evgeni Plushenko until the start of the 2014 Sochi Olympics then you might be wondering what all the fuss is about. You might be wondering why the crowd in Sochi was so absolutely stunned by his withdrawal from the Olympic men's short program and the subsequent announcement of his retirement on Thursday.

    Rest assured, Plushenko is more than deserving of the attention. Not only did his early performances in Sochi help Russia win the inaugural gold medal in the Olympic team figure skating competition but they also earned him an unprecedented fourth Olympic medal in his fourth Olympic appearance.

    That final gold medal capped off an incredible figure skating career that spanned 17 years -- pretty much unheard-of longevity in the sport.

    In honor of the Russian legend's amazing run, we rounded up 11 of his most noteworthy moments on the ice.

    1997: At the age of 14, Plushenko, already with a solid triple axel in his arsenal, won the Junior World Championships.

    1998: Plushenko won the bronze medal at his first World Championships at the elite level at age 15. After winning a silver medal at his first European Championships, he was rightly heralded as a rising teen phenom. The following year at the Worlds, he climbed to second place, just behind his Russian rival Alexei Yagudin. He became the youngest male skater to earn a perfect 6.0 mark at the age of 16.

    2000: Plushenko defeated Yagudin at the European Championships. Despite finishing out of the top three at the World Championships, he established himself as a major contender. Look at that sensational quad jump!

    New 'Transcendence' Trailer Finds Johnny Depp A Little Artificial-Intelligence Happy

    "This isn't evolution. It's an abomination," Morgan Freeman informs Johnny Depp in the new trailer for "Transcendence." It looks like the velvet-voiced sage is going head-to-head with the "Pirates of the Caribbean" star in the forthcoming artificial-intelligence thriller. Depp plays Dr. Will Caster, a researcher who's working to create a sentient machine that surpasses human intelligence. Naturally, he's up against a motherload of opposition. When Caster faces death and wants to become a part of that machinery, even his wife (Rebecca Hall) and best friend (Paul Bettany) think he's gone too far.

    "Transcendence" opens April 18. It's directed by Wally Pfister, who is known for his cinematography work on Christopher Nolan's movies. Watch the new trailer below.

    Well, here's the first teaser trailer to see how he did. Starring Johnny Depp, the actor takes the role of Dr. Will Caster, whose creation of sentient machine puts him at risk from anti-technology extremists who inadvertently set the researcher on a dangerous path towards, you guessed it, transcendence. It's a fascinating premise by Jack Paglen from his 2012 Black List script, and while Pfister is making his feature debut, he isn't too far away from his frequent collaborator Christopher Nolan who is executive producing this one.

    Thoughts? Share 'em below. Co-starring Rebecca Hall, Kate Mara, Paul Bettany, Morgan Freeman and Cillian Murphy, "Transcendence" happens on April 18, 2014. Watch below plus two more teasers featuring more narration and less footage!

    Mumbai police chief quits, may plunge into politics

     Mumbai Police Commissioner, Satyapal Singh, tendered his resignation to the State Home Department on Thursday and plans to explore a career in politics.

    Mr.Singh has sought Voluntary Retirement from service and wants to be relieved from his duties by the second week of February.

    Sources told The Hindu that Mr. Singh has received offers from two major political parties - BJP and AAP. The BJP is keen to field Mr. Singh for a Lok Sabha seat from Meerut.

    Speaking to the media, Mr. Singh confirmed the developments and said, " I have put my in papers and have requested the Government to accept the same. So far I have worked in the limited jurisdiction of Mumbai while serving in the force. Now I would like to expand my area of operation and I would like to devote my time and energy for social harmony, national reconstruction and world peace," Mr. Singh added

    "I have received offers from various political parties and I am weighing my options," Mr. Singh added.

    Mr Singh becomes the first police chief to quit the force. The 1980 batch officer was due for retirement in 2015.

    His resignation will the pave the way for the appointment of the new Commissioner of Police(CP) that has been delayed by over eight months by the State Government. Sources say since no consensus was reached between Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan and the State Home Minister RR Patil on who should be the next CP of Mumbai, the appointment has been delayed.

    Two IPS officers, the present Anti Terrorism Squad(ATS) chief , Mr. Rakesh Maria and Maharashtra, Additional Director General (ADG), Law and Order, Mr. Ahmed Javed are the front runners for the post of the CP. Mr. Maria, though junior to Mr.Javed, is tipped to be the next chief.

    "Mr. Maria enjoys proximity to the NCP which holds the Home portfolio in the state. Also in an election year , the state would like to appoint somebody who is seen as an officer accepted by all communities. Mr. Maria is seen as somebody who fits the bill," added sources.

    22 Diva Collaborations To Rival Madonna And Miley Cyrus' Duet

    There's nothing like a great diva collaboration. Every time we see two top-notch chanteuses join forces, it feels like something special is happening. Miley Cyrus and Madonna mark the latest combination to get us in the girl-power zone. Their duet on Cyrus' episode of "MTV Unplugged" recalls a slew of performances that have spotlighted the pipes of pop's greatest divas. Join us in jamming to these multi-octave gems. No man can do it better.

    Katy Perry Fingerbanged Anna Kendrick’s Cleavage

    Anna Kendrick talked about her Grammy experience on Conan the other night and spent what seemed like 5 whole minutes gushing over Beyonce. Then she casually mentioned Katy Perry fingerbanged her cleavage.

    Dear god, woman. You’re supposed to lead with stuff like that. Not say it as some afterthought in an interview.

    Kendrick said she was asking for it because of how she was dressed which I know is a joke but when I fingerbang her cleavage at the next event she’s at, that’s what my legal defense will be built on.

    Here's Why Quentin Tarantino Is Making Way Too Big A Deal Over The 'Hateful Eight' Script Leak

    Quentin Tarantino is currently suing Gawker Media for perpetuating the leak of his "Hateful Eight" script, over which he is "very, very depressed."

    Once the script began circulating, Tarantino announced he would no longer be making the film, at which point Defamer posted a link to the full, 146-page script. Now, "Gawker Media has made a business of predatory journalism, violating people's rights to make a buck," the director said in his formal complaint.

    Except, is he making too big a deal out of the whole thing? This is not the first major script to leak. It's not even the first major Tarantino script to leak. In the past few years, many of the big-name scripts that have gotten preemptive glances by online masses have seen major success at the box office. We've rounded up six films that have dealt with pre-release leaks, all that seem to have been largely unharmed by their respective reveals, which may suggest Gawker's "violating" post might not be the real problem.

    "Scream 2"

    The Leak: Wes Craven and his crew suspected someone in the Xerox room of putting the first 40 pages of "Scream 2" online in 2006. "It totally ruined that version of the script, frankly," he told Vulture. "We had to go back and change everything, and it set us back about two months" -- which is a lot of time, when you consider there was less than a year turn around after the first film. Apparently, the original ending revealed four different characters as the ghost-faced killer, as opposed to only two.

    The Leak: In July of 2008, various sites obtained a full copy of Tarantino's "Inglourious Basterds" script, complete with a handwritten cover. Although there were various misspellings throughout, the script was much closer to its final form than "Hateful Eight" appears to be now. There was not much blowback beyond various blogs taking it upon themselves to review the work.

    Madonna Confirms Grammys Performance

    Madonna will perform at the Grammy Awards.

    A Friday news release from The Recording Academy had no other details about the seven-time Grammy winner's appearance, however, which has been a rumor for some time.

    Also added to the performance lineup are nominees Miranda Lambert and Billie Joe Armstrong. They will sing a tribute to the late Phil Everly of The Everly Brothers. Juicy J and Trombone Shorty have also been added to the roster.

    They'll join a star-studded lineup that includes most of today's top pop stars and leading nominees Jay Z, Macklemore & Ryan Lewis, Pharrell Williams and Kendrick Lamar.

    The 56th annual Grammy Awards hosted by LL Cool J will air live Sunday night from the Staples Center in Los Angeles.

    Kim Kardashian Rocks Tight Leather Skirt All Over Paris

    Kim Kardashian joined Kanye West in Paris this weekend where she shocked us, ditching her now-signature all-white look. On Friday (Jan. 17), the 33-year-old reality star donned a black leather peplum shirt paired with a black pencil skirt for dinner with her fiance and some of the biggest creative minds in the world, including designer Azzedine Alaïa, Spanish director Pedro Almodóvar, Vogue Italia editor-in-chief Franca Sozzani and designer Riccardo Tisci.

    On Saturday, Kardashian hit the streets of Paris for some retail therapy dressed head to toe in designer threads, and she wanted everyone to know it. The reality star took to her own Instagram account to share that she was rocking a leather Givenchy skirt, Alexander Wang t-shirt, Céline coat and Tom Ford heels.

    Fox's 'New Girl' Sued For Plagiarism, Intellectual Property Theft

    Hollywood's about to have a major headache over the fun and quirky show "New Girl."

    Screenwriters Stephanie Counts and Shari Gold have filed a lawsuit claiming that they are the true creators of the hit Fox series. They are suing the show's creator Elizabeth Meriwether, William Morris Endeavor Entertainment LLC, executive-producer Peter Chernin, executive-producer Jacob Kasdan and Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc. for plagiarism, claiming that "New Girl" is a ripoff of their own original script.

    The Hollywood Reporter has attained a copy of Counts and Gold's suit, which demands monetary compensation, credit for the show and an injunction to halt any further filming and distribution.

    Counts and Gold claim that when they shopped their original pilot, titled "Square One," around town through William Morris Endeavor (WME), it was received with favorable reviews and interest, but they had not been able to make a deal to sell it.

    Once "New Girl" was produced and aired to rave reviews in 2011, Counts and Gold retained a lawyer and informed the defendants that they were infringing upon the content of "Square One." Fox allegedly made the writers a $10,000 settlement offer, but they refused the money.

    "Square One" is based on Counts' real-life experience of moving into a three-man bachelor pad after learning that her husband was having an affair. The suit claims that "New Girl" is all but identical to Counts and Gold's work, saying, "Any differences between the Square One scripts and New Girl are so small and insignificant that they cannot be afforded copyright protection, and are, in fact, nothing more than transparent attempts to hide Defendants’ blatant plagiarism."

    Ke$ha's 'Dirty Love' Video Forgets The Iggy Pop Part

    Ke$ha closed out 2013 by releasing the video for "Dirty Love," a song from the 2012 album, "Warrior." Ke$ha, who wrote on Twitter that "Dirty Love" was her favorite track off "Warrior," added this note on the video's YouTube page:

        Death by glitter. hope u like it. heres my directorial debut for the Dirty Love music video from my warrior album...$

    Great and good, but the video version of "Dirty Love" is much different from the one that appears on "Warrior." That "Dirty Love" is a duet between Ke$ha and Iggy Pop (Ke$ha actually name checks Iggy Pop in the song's first few seconds), and it includes a verse sung by the Stooges' frontman that goes like this:

        Cockroaches do it in the garbage cans / Rug merchants do it in Afghanistan / Santorum did it in a V-neck sweater / Pornos produce it / But a wild child can do it better

    The video version of "Dirty Love" has no such verse, and makes no reference to Iggy Pop at all. It does, however, feature Ke$ha being doused in beer. Watch below:

    NASA Responds To Beyonce's Use Of Challenger Audio

     NASA officials say the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster "should never be trivialized" in response to a new song from Beyonce that features an audio sample recorded just after the craft exploded on takeoff in 1986, killing all seven crewmembers.

    The space agency issued the statement late Tuesday after the pop star began to receive criticism from Challenger families and others for using the short sample that includes the words "major malfunction" as an allusion to a failed relationship.

    "The Challenger accident is an important part of our history; a tragic reminder that space exploration is risky and should never be trivialized," said the statement from Lauren B. Worley, NASA's press secretary. "NASA works every day to honor the legacy of our fallen astronauts as we carry out our mission to reach for new heights and explore the universe."

    NASA's response came after Beyonce explained the use of the short snippet in a statement to ABC News Tuesday that stopped short of an apology. The sample appears at the beginning of her song "XO" from her new self-titled album.

    Among those critical of the sample was June Scobee Rodgers, widow of Challenger commander Dick Scobee. She told ABC in a statement that she was disappointed and described the use of the sample as "emotionally difficult."

    "My heart goes out to the families of those lost in the Challenger disaster," Beyonce's statement said. "The song 'XO' was recorded with the sincerest intention to help heal those who have lost loved ones and to remind us that unexpected things happen, so love and appreciate every minute that you have with those who mean the most to you. The songwriters included the audio in tribute to the unselfish work of the Challenger crew with hope that they will never be forgotten."

    Beyonce released her new self-titled "visual album" earlier this month that included 14 songs and 17 videos. Much of the initial discussion about the album had to do with its surprise release and platinum sales until the reaction to the Challenger sample began to circulate.

    Britney Spears Dances Right Through Wardrobe Malfunction In Vegas

    Wardrobe malfunctions happen to the best of us, even Britney Spears. The pop star's "Piece of Me" concert almost got a little too risque when her costume flew open during Saturday night's show. Spears was performing "Circus" when her costume's zipper opened up, exposing her back.

    Britney didn't miss a single beat though, as her backup dancers rushed to zip up her costume, and the piece carried on with hardly any interruption at all.

    Spears has just begun a two-year Las Vegas residency with her "Piece of Me" show at the Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino. The show is receiving rave reviews and the opening night was attended by many stars, including Miley Cyrus, Katy Perry, and Mario Lopez. She was recently criticized for lip-syncing during performances, but many reviewers say that all in all, the show is a success.

    Casino executives say the residency may be extended past its two-year slot if it is successful.

    Modi blames Cong for lack of development in Jharkhand, addresses rally amid watertight security

    Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi on Sunday blamed the Congress-led UPA government at the Centre for lack of development in mineral-rich Jharkhand.
    BJP's prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi is garlanded along with party president Rajnath Singh at the Vijay Sankalp rally in Ranchi. (PTI Photo)

    Addressing a rally in state capital Ranchi, the Gujarat chief minister highlighted Jharkhand’s unemployment problem and said the central government had done nothing to bring about change.

    “Chhattisgarh has developed a lot. Chief minister Raman Singh has scored a hat-trick (of assembly poll wins). Why are Jharkhand and Uttarakhand lagging behind?” Modi said at the rally, which saw a huge gathering.

    The three states were created in 2000, when the BJP-led NDA government was in power at the Centre. While Chhattisgarh has been ruled by the BJP for the past 10 years, the other two have undergone regime changes. Maoist-hit Jharkhand has seen nine governments and three spells of President’s rule.

    Modi, who has recently got a clean chit from an Ahmedabad court in a Gujarat riots case, also attacked the Centre over price rise.

    A supporter of BJP at party's prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi's Vijay Sankalp rally at Dhurwa in Ranchi. (PTI Photo)

    The BJP’s PM nominee stressed the Congress had lost contact with the people of the country.

    “Jharkhand’s people were heard only when (veteran BJP leader) Atal Bihari Vajpayee came to power... a separate state was created,” he said.

    Heavy security arrangements were in place for the rally in the Jharkhand capital, which had grabbed the headlines two months ago for links with the October Patna blasts accused.

    More than 2,500 security personnel were deployed at the venue. As many as 40 CCTVs kept an eye on the proceedings.

    The Jharkhand Police were on toes to avoid a Patna-like incident. In the last week of October, serial blasts had rocked the Bihar capital ahead of a rally addressed by Modi, killing five people and leaving more than 90 injured. Probe led the investigators to Ranchi, the native place of the accused.

    Earlier in the day, Modi reached the venue in a chopper after landing at Ranchi’s Birsa Munda Airport. Senior BJP leaders such as former chief minister Arjun Munda, Yashwant Sinha and Ravindra Rai, welcomed Modi amid a gathering of around 2 lakh people from across Jharkhand. The saffron party booked five trains and 2,000 buses to ferry the supporters from different districts.

    The stage was a replica of Parliament building. A message ‘Mission-2014: 272 +’ was displayed at the top.

    “It’s a Modi wave and the benefit of the wave will be seen in the 2014 elections in Jharkhand,” said former chief minister Munda.

    The state BJP is on the back foot, with the Jharkhand Mukti Morcha (JMM) withdrew its support to the Munda government in January. The JMM has now formed a government in the state with the Congress' help.  Source

    Kallis goes past Dravid, becomes third highest Test run-scorer

    South African all-rounder Jacques Kallis on Sunday surpassed Rahul Dravid as the third highest run-getter in Test cricket after a 115-run knock against India in his farewell match in Durban.

    Kallis, who would be retiring from Tests at the end of the match, now has 13,289 runs in the longest format.

    That tally is one run more than Dravid, who retired last year after playing 164 Tests. Kallis, who is playing in his 166th Test, is now third behind Sachin Tendulkar (15,921) and Ricky Ponting (13,378) in the all-time list.

    The South African, considered the best all-rounder in modern cricket, struck a fluent 115-run knock, which came off 316 balls and included nine fours, in his final Test.

    Kallis goes past Dravid
    “Hail King Kallis!Even his worst critic wudn’t begrudge JK farewell ton—truly fantastic feat V normally relate 2 dreams!!” tweeted former Indian captain Bishan Singh Bedi, paying tribute to the 38-year old.

    “Handsome is that handsome does!Is thr any1 more handsome than Kallis in his final test?No 1 took so much workload as JK in last 3/4 decades!” he added.

    Besides the mountain of runs he sits on, Kallis also has 292 wickets in Tests at an impressive average of 32.53, besides having 200 catches to his credit.

    “100 for #Kallis in his last test. One of the greats,” wrote New Zealand captain Ross Taylor.

    Composer Khayyam recounts his association with Farooq Sheikh

    I have had the good fortune of being in several projects in which Farooq Sheikh was involved, so in the early hours when I heard of his passing away my first reaction was of disbelief. How can a man so full of life be snatched away like this from amongst our midst?

    Steeped in Hindustani tehzeeb, an adaab and a smile from him was all it took to bewitch people. Everything about him suggested gentlemanliness and great upbringing. He came from a family of well-to-do zamindars of Amroli, but never once did one find him even raising his voice. You should see how much izzat and affection he would put into speaking either on the sets or at home. That for me is the real indication of how great a human being he was.
     Farooq Sheikh
    When he was cast in the lead as Yusuf Fakir Mohammed, for the low-budget Yashraj film Noorie in 1979, he’d already made a mark for himself with roles like Sikandar Mirza in Garm Hawa, Aquil in Shatranj Ke Khiladi and Ghulam Hussain in Gaman. Both Poonam (Dhillon) and he were new and hardly known but the film became a hit with record-breaking collections. My compositions for the film were such a hit that they could be heard no matter where one went in the country.

    Even in the 1981 Umrao Jaan, where the Rekha-Asha Bhosale combination walked away with all the acclaim, the song by Talat Aziz filmed on him — zindagi jab bhi tere bazm mein laati hai hamey — stood out. He would praise the silken soft feel of the song, which he really made his own in the film with his regal splendour.

    Though I wasn’t associated with either Saath Saath or Chashme Buddoor, which came in quick succession after this, they will remain the films that come to mind immediately when one thinks of him. We were to again work together in Sagar Sarhadi’s Bazaar in 1982. This time, his Sarju came from a really poor background and the pain Farooq saab depicted with his eyes was amazing. Again, the number I composed drew a lot on his refined gentle persona. Even today, ‘Phir chhidi raat baat phoolon ki’ never fails to enthuse listeners and I will always give credit to Farooq and Supriya, who brought the sentiment of the song alive.

    Let all 14 seats come to BJP in 2014 polls, says Narendra Modi in Ranchi

    2:50 pm Modi concludes his rally by ensuring that the BJP will usher in a better and brighter future for Jharkhand. And the people (Congress) who just believe in doing 'Aakashwani', will be of no use.

    2:50 pm This is a historic rally. When I was watching it from the chopper, I could see a sea of humanity queued up for this rally.

    2:48 pm The country need development, and not division. People need employment and not political chaos. The elders need support and not struggle.

    2:47 pm The Congress is cut off from the people. Their leaders can't hear the public's voice.

    2:45 pm Jharkhand's electorate must support the BJP and we ensure it a bright future. Otherwise, its young can never be 'Bharat ke Bhagya Vidhata'.

    2:40 pm People ask me what's your vision? Jharkhand has coal but no electricity stations. Where is the vision? If there were power stations here, then Jharkhand could create so much electricty as to illuminate the entire nation. But the Centre doesn't care.

    2:32pm: Delhi government has been paralysed. The Centre has done nothing for Jharkhand since Independence.

    2:30pm: In 2014, we have Lok Sabha Elections. Let all 14 Lok Sabha seats come to the BJP.

    2:21pm: Jharkhand people would have not been poor if there was a BJP government in the state. People ar epoor here despite abundant resources.

     Narendra Modi in Ranchi
    2:14 pm: Three states were formed at the same time - Jharkhand,Chhattisgarh & Uttarakhand. Why is it that Ch'garh is on a development trajectory but other two are lagging way behind?

    2:10 pm: It was Atal Bihari Vajpayee ji who had a vision for Jharkhand, that vision needs to be realised.

    2:05 pm: Modi starts addressing the rally

    1:30 pm: Modi reaches the venue

    Narendra Modi landed near the venue in a chopper from Birsa Munda airport.

    11:00 am: Crowd starts to gather at the venue

    The people of Jharkhand began assembling for the Narendra Modi's speech. Modi will make the speech from the stage which is shaped like a Parliament House.

    The Dhurva Ground in Jharkhand's Ranchi is all set to be graced by Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modion who will address the crowd in his 'Vijay Sankalp' rally today.

    The remarkable point about this rally is that Modi will address the crowd from the stage with a model of the Parliament in the background.

    The back side of the stage from where Modi will address the crowd, has been made in the form of a Parliament house to give an impression of the Parliament. Read More

    BJP slams Arvind Kejriwal for taking Congress' support to form govt

    BJP on Sunday criticised newly-appointed Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal for forming a government with the support of the "corrupt" Congress party, claiming that the latter would abandon it sooner or later.

     Arvind Kejriwal
    "It is really strange that Kejriwal has taken the support of the same Congress which he has been always been describing as a corrupt political party," BJP national vice president Prabhat Jha told PTI.

    Aam Aadmi Party convener Arvind Kejriwal was yesterday sworn-in as as the seventh Chief Minster of Delhi.

    ar term, Jha said, and claimed that "Congress would withdraw its support from the Kejriwal government sooner or later."

    Kejriwal has been making tall claims about removing corruption, but it has no meaning if his government has the backing of a corrupt political party, he said.

    "I feel that a time will come when Kejriwal will be exposed," Jha said.

    Asked if the BJP would support Kejriwal in case Congress withdraws support from his government, he refused any such move saying, "There can be no question of it."

    As Hollywood Filming Spreads Out Globally, California Loses

    In the old days, filmmakers flocked to Hollywood for its abundant sunshine, beautiful people and sandy beaches. But today a new filmmaking diaspora is spreading across the globe to places like Vancouver, London and Wellington, New Zealand.

    Fueled by politicians doling out generous tax breaks, filmmaking talent is migrating to where the money is. The result is an incentives arms race that pits California against governments around the world and allows powerful studios —with hundreds of millions of dollars at their disposal— to cherry-pick the best deals.

    The most recent iteration of the phenomenon came earlier this month when James Cameron announced plans to shoot and produce the next three "Avatar" sequels largely in New Zealand. What Cameron gets out of the deal is a 25 percent rebate on production costs, as long as his company spends at least $413 million on the three films.

    "There's no place in the world that we could make these sequels more cost effectively," says producer Jon Landau. It is neither the archipelago's volcanoes nor its glaciers that are attractive, because the "Avatar" movies will be shot indoors. Sure, Peter Jackson's award-winning special effects infrastructure is there, but the deciding factor was the money. "We looked at other places," says Landau. But in the end, "it was this rebate."

    In exchange, the local economy will benefit hugely, Landau says, comparing the ripple effect to the boost that comes from new home construction. "We're doing lumber, we're catering for hundreds of people a day. We're housing people in hotels. We're going to a stationery store and tripling their business in a year."

    The deal was "the best Christmas present we could have possibly hoped for," says Alex Lee, an Auckland, New Zealand-based entertainment lawyer. The news is especially welcome because the local screen industry is facing a potential drought: The Starz pay TV series "Spartacus" finished this year and Peter Jackson's "The Hobbit" trilogy is set to wrap next year. Thanks to the "Avatar" sequels, the 1,100 workers at Weta Digital Ltd., the ground-breaking digital effects house Jackson co-founded in 1993, can keep plugging away through 2018.

    "It would have been a real shame if we had lost any of that talent and they had to move to follow the films," says Wellington Mayor Celia Wade-Brown.

    Renee Zellweger Goes Incognito In Santa Monica Photo

    Renee Zellweger, that you, girl? The 44-year-old actress went super casual while dining with her parents Emil and Kjellfrid Zellweger in Santa Monica, Calif., on Thursday (Dec. 26). (The half-up, half-down hairdo is an apparent fave, judging from the same hairstyle Zellweger wore back in November).

    Zellweger has remained relatively out of the spotlight since starring in 2010's "My Own Love Song," though fans of the actress have been putting up her name for bid ever since Helen Fielding released a third Bridget Jones book, "Mad About A Boy," in October.

    Meanwhile, Zellweger has been spotted hitting town with her new beau, guitarist Doyle Bramhall II, whom she has been dating since at least last December.

    Why Julia Roberts Is Picky With Her Movie Roles

    The 46-year-old actress sat down with Amy Kaufman from the Los Angeles Times to talk about her transition into motherhood and how it reflects on her career. "I think people like to say that I'm super picky because of how much I l-oo-ve my kids. But as an actor, I sort of pride myself on the fact that I've always been picky," Roberts explained to the paper.

    Roberts has been married to cinematographer Daniel Moder for 11 years, and the couple have three children together. At this point in her life, those kids have become her top priority. "We try to protect our kids. We just want to have our family life and not have that intruded upon," Roberts told USA Today in a separate interview.

    Speaking to the Times, Roberts also explained how age plays a part in her decision making. "For one, I'm 46 years old, so falling out of chairs isn't as funny. I could break a hip," Roberts said. "Certain scenarios that worked 10 years ago aren't as appealing, as applicable, as believable, as original -- all those things." These factors have directed Roberts away from many of the big romantic comedies she became famous for, and have allowed her to focus on the roles that inspire her most, like "August: Osage County." The new film finds Roberts in unfamiliar territory, playing a depressed mother on the cusp of a divorce.

    "Julia, when we first started talking about it, that was our question," director John Wells told HuffPost Entertainment when asked about the decision to cast Roberts in such an against-type role. "This is an embittered, angry woman in her mid-40s, and it's going to be a lot of time spent not being a very nice person. Julia has a screen persona that she has not exclusively done, but done often, where people sort of expect her to be a certain way. None of that was going to be what we're doing. She said, 'Yeah, that's exactly why I want to do it.'"

    The actress credits her career's development and success to finding fame in a time when she was allowed to be herself. "Nobody expected me to be anybody but myself, really," she recalled.

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