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  • 19 Reasons Getting Older Is The Best Thing That Will Ever Happen To You

    While sitting around lamenting our millennial lives, a friend of mine shared this morsel of wisdom she'd gotten from an older acquaintance. It was something like, when you're young you have time and energy, but no money. When you're middle-aged, you have energy and money, but no time. And when you're old, you have time and money, but no energy.

    Such is the quagmire of youth. While we're getting bombarded with messages telling us to YOLO, to "dance like nobody's watching," and love like we've never been hurt before -- we're busy dealing with unemployment, wondering how to pay for our weddings, and how to lower our astronomical student loan payments.

    And the thing about having more energy -- well, I can't vouch for that. Consensus among my 20-something friends is we're tired. All.the.time. We're juggling young, new relationships, 60-hour workweeks in many cases, and the pressure to maintain the illusion of having "a life."

    Truth be told, many of us are looking forward to aging, and getting to a point where we've passed most of life's major hurdles -- not spending our entire paychecks on the newest anti-aging serum to help us cling to our exponentially fading youth. Here's what we're looking forward to in older age:

    1. Two words. Senior discounts. Because there's no I-still-live-with-my-parents discount or student-loan-repayment- discount.

    2. Not worrying as much about things will "turn out." After 50 or so, I'm guessing most major questions of life have been answered. Will I find the right life partner? Will I have kids? Will everything be okay?

    My 65-plus father once told me that when he looks at young folks he feels sheer pity. Not what I was expecting to hear. But they're fit, healthy, and able-bodied I said confusedly. True, he agreed. But they just have so many hurdles ahead of them that they can't even imagine. There are so many uphill battles they have yet to face. I'm confident I've already faced the worst of my problems, he said. Let's hope he's right.

    3. More mature relationships (hopefully). As a young dater or novice boyfriend/girlfriend, everything is so much more fragile and every fight leaves you wondering if you're headed for a breakup that will cause the devastation of a nuclear bomb in your heart.

    I can't wait to celebrate my 30th or 40th wedding anniversary with someone I've been through thick and thin with. Someone who has essentially watched me grow up. That's the sort of intimacy that easily trumps the passion and fireworks of a budding love.

    5 Surefire Signs Someone You Care About Is A Narcissist

    At middle age, we all face the fact that our place in the world is evolving as we get older and our bodies and faces change. Narcissists are confronted with the decline of their sense of importance in the world and the fading of their good looks in a way that can be particularly devastating to them. There may be a frantic grasp at staying young by narcissists who have lived their lives trading on their physical appearance to be relevant and noticed. It happens on blogs and in the media as (more often than not) women try to keep the attention they've always craved through plastic surgery, overt sexuality, provocative words and images and more. In some cases, it's not sexy at all - it's sad and desperate.

    According to the Mayo Clinic, narcissism is:

    ...characterized by dramatic, emotional behavior, which is in the same category as antisocial and borderline personality disorders.
    Some of the symptoms of narcissism include:

    Believing that you're better than others
    Fantasizing about power, success and attractiveness
    Exaggerating your achievements or talents
    Expecting constant praise and admiration
    Believing that you're special and acting accordingly
    As you can see, narcissists live in a fantasyland of their own sense of exaggerated self-importance. When the world acknowledges them as young beauties, they are given the kind of attention the believe they deserve without having to do much to attract it to them. As they grow older, the loss of attention can wreak havoc. Because they hold a mirror up to the world to see who they are, this lack of attention can very well obliterate their self-worth.

    Narcissists are among the most difficult people with whom to have a relationship, be it personal or professional, because no matter what you do or say it isn't enough to feed their never-ending desire for admiration and applause. They expect to be praised simply for showing up, and watch out if you don't respond the way they think you should to their slightest effort. Narcissists are exhausting, and beware the narcissist whose anger is focused your way:

    The anger of narcissists...can be more demeaning. Their criticism evolves from their conviction that others don't meet their lofty standards-or worse, aren't letting them get their own way. "Narcissistic injuries," or wounds to the ego, often pave the way for narcissistic rages, which can be passive-aggressive or planned out, as well as sudden. They are above you and you have displeased them and probably deserve punishment they will dole out. - Psychology Today

    फैक्ट एनालिसिस- गाजर

    गाजर विटामिन ए का भंडार है। विटामिन ए नेत्रों की सेहत के लिए और त्वचा रोगों से बचाव में सहायक है। गाजर में बी ग्रुप के विटामिंस पाए जाते है। गाजर शरीर की रोग-प्रतिरोधक क्षमता बढ़ाती है। इसमें कैरोटिन, कैल्शियम और फास्फोरस और गंधक जैसे अन्य स्वास्थ्यकर तत्व भी पाए जाते है। गाजर रक्त को साफ करती है।
    माइनस प्वाइंट
    जिन लोगों के पेट में गैस बनती है, उन्हे गाजर से परहेज करना चाहिए। इसी तरह गाजर के मध्य में स्थित पीले भाग को भी न खाएं। ऐसा इसलिए, क्योंकि पीले भाग के खाने से खांसी होने की आशंका बढ़ जाती है। यहीं नहीं गाजर खाने के तुरंत बाद पानी भी न पिएं। तुरंत पानी पीने से खांसी की शिकायत पकड़ सकती है।
    जिन लोगों को पेट में गैस बनने की शिकायत हो, उन्हे गाजर का रस या सूप ग्रहण करना चाहिए। इसी तरह यदि गाजर खाने से पेट में दर्द हो, तो गुड़ खाना चाहिए। गुड़ खाने से दर्द ठीक हो जाता है। वरिष्ठ आयुर्वेद चिकित्सक डॉ. सतीश चंद्र शुक्ला के अनुसार जो लोग रतौंधी से ग्रस्त है, उन्हे मौजूदा मौसम में पर्याप्त मात्रा में गाजर का सेवन करना चाहिए। इसी तरह जो लोग त्वचा रोगों से पीड़ित है, उनके लिए भी गाजर का सेवन विशेष रूप से लाभप्रद है। जागरण

    Justin Bieber Has Words For His Haters

    Justin Bieber recruited rapper Blake Kelly for his new song "Broken" which made its debut this weekend. The first track the young Biebs has released since his recent arrest, "Broken" has the 19-year-old singer addressing the drama, singing, "I guess they want a reaction / I ain't gonna give it to 'em." Bieber then sticks it to his haters, crooning, "I cannot be broken / like I know you were hoping."

    An African Man Allegedly Got His Weiner Stuck In A Woman’s Hoo-Ha During Sex

    In I Don’t Even Understand How In The Hell This Could Ever Happen news, The Ghana News Agency is reporting that a man and a woman renting out a “guest house” (which I guess is probably the equivalent of a cheap motel) near a public market in Sunyani, Ghana became, uh, stuck, when the man could not remove his penis from the woman’s vagina following intercourse. Hooooo boy. From Graphic Online:

    An attendant at the guest house told the GNA on condition of anonymity that the two booked the room for 30 minutes but when the time elapsed they failed to come out. He said he knocked at the door but heard some unusual sound from the room and informed some traders in the market.

    “When we forced the door open we saw the unexpected as the two lovers were lying on the floor in torment,” the attendant said. Some of the market women said the woman was a trader from Berekum who sells soap every market day.

    Some of them attributed the cause of the incident to a curse placed either on the man or the woman and added that rituals had to be performed before they could be separated.

    So that sounds like a sexy, fun time. I mean, obviously any news outlet reporting that rituals needed to be performed to remove a curse that super glues your genitals together needs to be taken with a grain of salt — but we also know there are legitimate medical oddities out there, such as the man with 132 pound nutsack, Sex Sent Me To The ER, and you do not even want to know what kind of freaky sh*t they have at Philadelphia’s Mutter Museum. So, suspending all disbelief, what do you guys think? Did she have some kind of super-suctioney vagina like a finger trap or did he have a penis shaped like an umbrella? These are VERY IMPORTANT QUESTIONS we need to be asking. Got theories? Leave ‘em in the comments, because I for one would love to hear them.

    15-Year-Old Amber Hellesten Charged As Adult In Fatal Stabbing Of 14-Year-Old Boy

    A 15-year-old Pennsylvania girl was charged Thursday as an adult in the death of a 14-year-old boy.

    Amber Hellesten faces charges of murder, aggravated assault and simple assault for the stabbing of Azim Chaplin, according to the Philadelphia District Attorney's Office.

    The charges stem from a Feb. 11 incident in Point Breeze. Police say Hellesten, who reportedly lived down the street from Chaplin, stabbed him once in the chest at about 8 p.m. that night. The blade from the knife pierced the boy's heart and he was transported to Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, where he was admitted in critical condition.

    Witnesses at the scene allegedly identified Hellesten to police as the individual who stabbed Chaplin.

    The Philadelphia Inquirer, citing unnamed police sources, reported Chaplin was stabbed during an argument with Hellesten and other kids. Tasha Jamerson, a spokeswoman for the district attorney's office, would not confirm that report. She told The Huffington Post the cause of the stabbing is "still under investigation."

    Authorities took Hellesten into custody the night of the stabbing and charged her with attempted murder.

    "When she was charged with attempted murder, directly after the stabbing, we charged her as an adult because of her actions and because she was 15," said Jamerson.

    Pennsylvania law prohibits charging anyone under the age of 15 as an adult in an attempted murder case. At 15, Hellesten met the standard.

    No Protester Is Safe From Snipers Or AK-47s In Ukraine

    With the death toll already at 50 and rising in two days of violence, clashes in Kiev, Ukraine, show no signs of slowing down, despite President Viktor Yanukovych's announcement of a truce on Wednesday evening. Though the protests have persisted for nearly three months, the bloodiest days of unrest have come this week after both Russia and the European Union maneuvered to further influence the former Soviet state.

    A multitude of videos circulating the Internet show the outrageous levels of violence in the Ukrainian capital. In one video from Radio Svoboda, Radio Free Europe's Russian service, a riot policeman with an unmistakable AK-47 assault rifle fires off the screen.

    The video then cuts to footage of a sniper in the prone position, flanked by other police. Eventually, they all scamper out of frame.

    In a Sky News video, another riot police officer fires his AK-47 as he retreats down a street.

    It's unclear what he's firing at, though the news anchor suggests some sort of "firework" went off above the police.

    Ukraine Peace Deal Signed, Opens Way For Early Election

     Ukraine's opposition leaders signed an EU-mediated peace pact with President Viktor Yanukovich on Friday, winning a raft of concessions in a delicate deal to end violence that killed at least 77 people and turned the capital into a battle zone.

    By nightfall, opposition leaders who signed the deal were addressing peaceful crowds from a stage in Independence Square, which for the past 48 hours had become an inferno of blazing barricades, where protesters were shot dead by police snipers.

    But the crowd was still defiant, holding aloft open coffins of slain demonstrators and making speeches denouncing the opposition leaders for shaking hands with Yanukovich.

    If it holds, the deal - hammered out with the mediation efforts of the foreign ministers of France, Germany and Poland - would mark a victory for Europe in a tug-of-war with Moscow for influence in the divided ex-Soviet state of 46 million people.

    But it remains to be seen whether violence can be halted and whether a lurch away from Moscow will cost Ukraine a $15 billion Russian financial lifeline it needs to stave off bankruptcy.

    Under pressure to quit from mass demonstrations in Kiev, Russian-backed Yanukovich agreed to create a national unity government, change the constitution to reduce his powers and leave office early for new elections.

    "There are no steps that we should not take to restore peace in Ukraine," the president said in announcing his concessions before the agreement was signed. "I announce that I am initiating early elections."

    Within hours, parliament voted to revert to a previous constitution slashing Yanukovich's prerogatives, sacked his interior minister blamed for this week's bloodshed and amended the criminal code to pave the way to release his rival, jailed opposition leader Yulia Tymoshenko.

    EU leaders and the White House praised what European Council President Herman Van Rompuy called a "necessary compromise". Moscow made grudging comments that fell short of endorsing the deal. The European envoys signed the document as witnesses, but a Russian envoy did not.

    That envoy, Vladimir Lukin, acknowledged that Moscow had fallen behind the EU in the latest diplomacy: "The EU representatives were in their own way trying to be useful, they started the talks.

    "We joined the talks later, which wasn't very right. One should have agreed on the format of the talks right from the start," Lukin was quoted as saying by Interfax news agency.

    Tata Motors to cut vehicle prices by up to Rs 1.5 lakh

    Auto major Tata Motors today announced cut in prices by up to Rs 1.5 lakh across its product portfolio following excise duty reduction announced in the interim Budget.

    The price reduction across passenger vehicles is in the range of Rs 6,300 to Rs 69,000, depending on the model, while the cut in commercial vehicles portfolio is in the range of Rs 15,000 to Rs 150,000, Tata Motors said in a statement.
    "The price reduction is in the light of excise duty cut on vehicles and the company is passing on the excise reduction to the customers," a Tata Motors spokesperson said.

    The reduction is with immediate effect, she added.

    The company's passenger vehicle portfolio comprises models from entry level hatchback Nano to multi utility vehicle Aria. Besides, the company sells a range of commercial vehicles, including buses.

    In the interim Budget 2014-15, Finance Minister P Chidambaram had announced reduction of excise duty on small cars, scooters, motorcycles and commercial vehicles to 8 per cent from 12 per cent earlier; 24 per cent from 30 per cent on SUVs; 24 per cent from 27 per cent on large cars and 20 per cent from 24 per cent in mid sized cars.

    Earlier during the week, various car makers including Maruti Suzuki India (MSI), Hyundai Motor India, Honda Cars India, Volkswagen, Mahindra & Mahindra, Fiat and Nissan had also announced price cuts.

    Christina Aguilera Is Pregnant

    Christina Aguilera is pregnant with her second child.

    Less than a week after announcing her engagement to boyfriend Matt Rutler, Us Weekly is reporting that The Voice coach is expecting baby number two.

    The couple met in 2010 on the set of Aguilera’s film, “Burlesque.”
    Christina Aguilera is engaged — and expecting.

    A week after announcing that boyfriend Matt Rutler had proposed, the singer has more happy news to celebrate.

    Aguilera, 33, and Rutler, 29, a film producer, are set to welcome their first child together, PEOPLE confirms.

    The couple met on the set of Burlesque, the 2010 film they both worked on.

    Keep up with Christina Aguilera in the pages of PEOPLE Magazine by subscribing now.
    “They’re very much in love and are really excited to take this next step!” a source close to the pair tells PEOPLE.

    The Voice coach is already mom to Max Liron, 6, her son with ex-husband Jordan Bratman.

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