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  • Beth Humphreys Talks Her Tiny Pea Head, Being a New Year Baby and E-Cups

    Beth Humphreys, if you don’t know, is a UK glamour model and has appeared in Nuts, Front, FHM, Loaded, etc. She was born on January 1, 1994 which makes her a New Year baby and sports an E-cup which we learn is not all its cut out to be. Beth was nice enough to answer a few of our questions and it feels like she even laugh cried after one of them. Though things escalated quickly at the suggestion of a drinking challenge.

    How did you get your start in glamour modeling and why did you decide to do it?
    I have no idea. Just fell into it and just for fun and to make some money while I studied at uni. Didn’t think I would start to do as well as I have in such a short time.

    I take it you’re not a Belieber as you’ve said Justin Bieber sounds like a pussy-boy. I don’t think anyone is going to fight you on that but can you explain more?
    Hahahahaha I dunno. I said that spur of the moment. He just seems a little child like a bit girly even though he’s trying to change his appearance and dress with more sense now

    Are you definitely going to college to study chemical engineering? Why? Unless you’re blowing stuff up, chemistry seems kind of boring.
    No. Plan changed. I’m now doing economics and finance. I still love chemistry though

    People say you’re on too much sugar. Are you sure it’s not just the cocaine?
    Hahahahaha I don’t do cocaine! Omg. I do for some reason have a lot of energy but think that’s down to my youth. I’m only 19.

    Your friend calls you a monkey-head but I’ve been trying to figure out what kind of monkey you look like and I’m stumped. Any hints? Hahaha I don’t know.
    I think it’s when I do my cheesy grin when I’m happy. I have a pea head and look like a monkey.

    You say you can handle your liquor and that it doesn’t affect you. I don’t believe you. I’d like to propose a challenge. Do you accept? Name your terms.
    I accept.Whoever dies first from alcohol loses .

    What’s your favorite drink? Baileys and Soya milk Your nipples are pierced. What was it like getting them done? I mean, besides the quick pain(?), did the person doing it just look at your breasts and mouth “oh. my. god.” while shedding a single tear? I’ve had them done twice now.

    It hurts a little but looks hot naked however they are not pierced anymore.
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