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  • Wardrobe Malfunctions Photos: See This Week's Almost-Dangerous Outfits

    This week in wardrobe malfunctions (and close calls) is notable for bringing us the riskiest dress ever -- Micaela Schaefer's dress of VHS tape horrors. There were some other celebs who we feared would make a huge wardrobe blunder this week. Check out the slideshow to see our picks for who came closest to a nip slip, a sheer dress fail and other blushworthy outfit foibles!

    ‘CoolSculpting’ will freeze the fat off your love handles

    I'd seen the billboards advertising CoolSculpting and I was skeptical. In a country consumed with weight loss and get-thin-quick gimmicks, it's sometimes hard to tell what's legit and what isn't. But I wanted to be impartial, so I went into Dr. Gordon Sasaki's office with an open mind. What I learned surprised me. I expected a hardcore sales pitch from Dr. Sasaki and the CoolSculpting reps. Instead I got a no-nonsense discussion about science and the physiology behind weight loss and fat loss. CoolSculpting isn't a process they recommend for everyone. And it's not so much about overall weight loss as it is focused on fat loss — getting rid of that stubborn fat that even fit, healthy people have lingering around their midsection. This was certainly refreshing. Where were the miracle claims? Where were the obviously altered before and after photos that strained credulity? Dr Sasaki has undergone the procedure himself.Dr Sasaki has undergone the procedure himself. Troy is a guy many men can relate to. Athletic, married with kids, his weight has fluctuated over the years. Overall he stays pretty healthy, but he's got some love handles that he just can't seem to break up with. According to Dr. Sasaki, that's a common problem. Once weight is gained and then lost in an area, those fat cells are still there, albeit smaller than before. Traditionally, the surgical method to get rid of that fat meant liposuction, an invasive technique with plenty of risk and plenty of pain. CoolSculpting was a perfect alternative for Troy. He spends an hour in the chair, dealing with a cold application that's numbing but not painful, and that's it. Over the next few weeks his body works to eliminate the newly destroyed fat cells. The infamous tummy shot that got Troy to try CoolSculpting.The infamous tummy shot that got Troy to try CoolSculpting. Seeing the process firsthand was helpful. I learned that CoolSculpting isn't a miracle cure designed to eradicate the negative effects of a lifetime of bad habits,. Rather, it's a bit like teeth whitening to get rid of stubborn stains. It helps patients get over that last hurdle. Looking better, feeling better, and without having to go under the knife. Turns out CoolSculpting might be kinda cool after all.

    ‘Men in Black’ moment: Will Smith and son Jaden get real with Pres. Obama

    Will Smith and his son Jaden recently had a close encounter of the presidential kind. While the Smiths were visiting President Barack Obama as part of Easter celebrations in April, Jaden, now 13, could not withhold a pressing question he had for the leader of the free world. Will Smith, who stars in "Men in Black 3" (in theaters May 25), explained during a recent interview with BBC Radio 1: "I was at the White House with my family and we were getting a tour and, you know, Barack and Michelle and Sasha and Malia... And it's me, Jada and the kids and we're walking through the White House. And the night before Jaden had said to me, 'Dad, I got to ask the president about the aliens.' I was like, 'Dude, no.' It's not cool. It's not cool. It's embarrassing." The Obamas led the Smiths to the Situation Room -- the White House's "nerve center" where Obama and his senior security team famously observed real-time updates during the U.S. mission that killed Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. Apparently the room inspired Jaden to strike out against his father's wishes: "...Jaden gets the look in his eyes and he leans over and says, 'Dad, what's my punishment?' And I was like, 'Jaden, do not.' And you know, Barack is talking about the Situation Room and Jaden says, 'Excuse me, Mr. President.' I was like, 'Hey, Barack, man…' And Barack said, 'Don't tell me.' And in perfect form, and this is why he's the president, and he stopped and looked at Jaden said, 'The aliens, right?'" The president went on, according to Smith, saying: "'I can neither confirm nor deny the existence of extraterrestrials, but I can tell you if there had been a top-secret meeting and if there would have had to have been a discussion about it, it would have taken place in this room.'" Incidentally, the White House weighed in on the whole alien thing in September, saying in an official statement: The U.S. government has no evidence that any life exists outside our planet, or that an extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engaged any member of the human race. In addition, there is no credible information to suggest that any evidence is being hidden from the public's eye.

    Darlene Love Talks Houstons' Reality Show, Fears For Bobbi Kristina

    Music icon and Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee Darlene Love, who was Whitney Houston’s godmother, has real concerns for the late star's daughter, Bobbi Kristina. “I met Whitney when she was 8-years-old and I was pregnant with my last child," Darlene tells me on the set of "New York Live." "I was working with Dionne Warwick and Cissy Houston, and I was staying at Cissy's house and Whitney would just take care of me. 'What do you want, auntie?' Whitney would always call me auntie. And I said, I’m going to make you my goddaughter and that’s how it started and it stuck." Darlene said she has not seen Whitney’s daughter, Bobbi, since the funeral and only found out about the family's forthcoming reality show from the media. “Everyone is doing good. I saw Cissy on Saturday, she’s doing good," Darlene says. "I heard that they are going to do a reality show and Cissy hasn’t said anything to me about them doing it, so I just kind of wait. I told Cissy I know Whitney had a 12-carat diamond ring she wore on her hand and one day, I saw a picture of Krissie [Bobbi Kristina] with it on her finger coming out of Starbucks and I went 'That’s not good.' They tell me Tyler Perry is taking her under his wing, so I’m just praying and hoping she stays on the right track.”

    Donna Summer Dead: Queen Of Disco Dies At 63

    Donna Summer died Thursday morning after a battle with lung cancer. Lovingly named the "Queen of Disco," the 63-year-old was in Florida at the time of her death, according to TMZ. Born LaDonna Adrian Gaines, the 5-time Grammy award winner rose to fame in the '70s with hits like "Hot Stuff," "Bad Girls" and "Love to Love You Baby." Following the news of Summer's passing, the singer's family released a statement saying that they "are at peace celebrating her extraordinary life and her continued legacy." TMZ also reports that Summer was working on a forthcoming album at the time of her death. "RIP #DonnaSummer - dined with her a few months ago, and she sang Amazing Grace to guests with stunning power. Great lady, wonderful talent," Piers Morgan tweeted about the late singer. Summer is survived by her husband, Brooklyn Dreams co-founder Bruce Sudano, their two children -- Brooklyn and Amanda -- and her daughter, Mimi, from a previous marriage.

    Jimmy Kimmel Cut Rick Santorum Joke From White House Correspondents Dinner Per Jake Tapper's Advice

    Jimmy Kimmel ripped everyone from President Obama to Rupert Murdoch at last month's White House Correspondents Dinner, but not everyone received the full force of Kimmel's wit. During an interview on Howard Stern's Sirius XM radio show, Kimmel revealed that while no WHCD officials asked to review his material before he spoke, he did cut jokes based on feedback from ABC News’ Jake Tapper and other reporters. He provided one example of a joke about then-GOP Presidential candidate Rick Santorum that was cut because Tapper thought it wouldn't be well received. In the transcript below, Kimmel explains the joke which alludes to how Santorum handled the passing of his infant son in 1996: KIMMEL: I had some jokes about — like Rick Santorum. I said something like — well, I didn’t say it, but: Newt Gingrich’s campaign is so dead Mitt Romney wants to baptize it and Rick Santorum wants to put it in a jar and show it to his kids. STERN: You didn’t want any abortion jokes? KIMMEL: People went like, uh-oh. I ran it by people who go to this thing. Tapper confirmed that he suggested Kimmel take out the joke, even going as far as to say there'd be a "tar and feather" incident in the Hilton if it was said aloud (Santorum was also in attendance at the dinner). Kimmel also joked to Stern about censoring himself when it came to mocking President Obama, saying "I decided right off the bat that the N word was out."

    सिर्फ रह गई 2008 की यादें..

    अपने 365 दिनों के आखिरी घंटों में पहुंच चुके 2008 में कई ऐसी हस्तियां हमसे हमेशा के लिए दूर चली गई, जिन्हें कभी नहीं भुलाया जा सकता। इतिहास के पन्नों पर इनके अमिट हस्ताक्षर दर्ज हैं और पीछे रह गई हैं सिर्फ यादें ़ ़ ़
    एवरेस्ट के प्रथम विजेता सर एडमंड हिलेरी का इस साल 12 जनवरी को 88 वर्ष की उम्र में निधन हो गया। न्यूजीलैंड का यह पर्वतारोही 29 मई 1953 को 33 साल की उम्र में शेरपा पर्वतारोही तेनजिंग नोरगे के साथ माउंट एवरेस्ट पर चढ़ने वाला पहला व्यक्ति बन गया था।
    27 जनवरी को इंडोनेशिया के पूर्व तानाशाह सुहार्तो का 86 साल की उम्र में निधन हो गया। 1967 से 1998 तक इंडोनेशिया के राष्ट्रपति रहे सुहार्तो को 20 वीं सदी के सर्वाधिक भ्रष्ट और क्रूर शासकों में से एक माना जाता था।
    वर्ष 1955 से ट्रांसडेंशल मेडिटेशन तकनीक की शुरूआत कर दुनिया के विभिन्न देशों में इसका प्रसार करने वाले आध्यात्मिक गुरू महर्षि महेश योगी का छह फरवरी को 91 वर्ष की उम्र में नीदरलैंड में निधन हो गया।
    टिहरी आंदोलन की जान समझे जाने वाले सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता और गांधीवादी बाबा आम्टे ने नौ फरवरी को महाराष्ट्र के चंद्रपुर जिले में आनंदवन आश्रम में 94 वर्ष की उम्र में अंतिम सांस ली। उन्होंने 1985 में कश्मीर से कन्याकुमारी तक और 1988 में असम तथा गुजरात में भारत जोड़ो आंदोलन चलाया था।
    एक मई को वयोवृद्ध गांधीवादी निर्मला देशपांडे का 79 वर्ष की उम्र में नई दिल्ली में देहांत हो गया। निर्मला गांधीवादी मूल्यों को लोकतांत्रिक समाज का एकमात्र रास्ता मानती थीं।
    शांतता कोर्ट चालू आहे घासीराम कोतवाल और सखाराम बाइंडर जैसे लोकप्रिय एवं बहुचर्चित नाटक लिखने वाले प्रख्यात मराठी नाटककार और लेखक विजय तेंदुलकर ने 19 मई को पुणे में इस दुनिया के रंगमंच को विदा कह दिया। घासीराम कोतवाल का 6000 से अधिक बार मंचन हो चुका है।
    इस साल 27 जून को पूर्व सेना प्रमुख और 1971 के भारत-पाक युद्ध के महानायक फील्ड मार्शल सैम मानेकशा का तमिलनाडु के एक सैन्य अस्पताल में निधन हो गया। इसी युद्ध में पाकिस्तान के 90000 सैनिकों ने आत्मसमर्पण किया था और बांग्लादेश का उदय हुआ था। पद्म विभूषण तथा मिलिट्री क्रास अवार्ड से सम्मानित मानेकशा को 1973 में फील्ड मार्शल का सम्मान दिया गया था।
    नई दिल्ली में एक अगस्त को वयोवृद्ध मा‌र्क्सवादी नेता हरकिशन सिंह सुरजीत ने लंबी बीमारी के बाद अंतिम सांस ली। 1990 के दशक में भाजपा विरोधी गठबंधन बनाने में तथा वर्तमान संप्रग सरकार को वाम दलों का समर्थन दिलाने में उनकी अहम भूमिका थी।
    सोवियत संघ के जबरिया मजदूर शिविरों की दास्तान गुलाग के रूप में दुनिया के सामने रखने के कारण 1970 में देश से निष्कासित किए गए रुसी लेखक और असंतुष्ट अलैक्सांद्र सोल्झेनित्सन का 89 साल की उम्र में तीन अगस्त को मास्को में दिल का दौरा पड़ने से निधन हो गया। उन्हें 1970 में साहित्य का नोबेल पुरस्कार दिया गया था।
    30 अगस्त को भारतीय उद्योग जगत का एक मजबूत स्तंभ ढह गया, जब प्रख्यात उद्योगपति और राज्यसभा के पूर्व सदस्य के के बिड़ला ने संक्षिप्त बीमारी के बाद कोलकाता में अंतिम सांस ली। 90 वर्षीय बिड़ला जीवनपर्यंत समाजसेवा से जुड़े रहे।
    दुनिया भर में मशहूर जूता कंपनी बाटा के मालिक थामस बाटा का कनाडा में एक सितंबर को निधन हो गया। वे 93 वर्ष के थे। चेक गणराज्य में जन्मे बाटा ने टोरंटो के एक अस्पताल में अंतिम सांस ली।
    हमराज, गुमराह, धूल का फूल, वक्त और धुंध जैसी फिल्मों में यादगार गीतों तथा लोकप्रिय टीवी धारावाहिक महाभारत के शीर्षक गीत को स्वर देने वाले प्रख्यात पा‌र्श्व गायक महेंद्र कपूर का 27 सितंबर को मुंबई में दिल का दौरा पड़ने से निधन हो गया।
    लीक से हट कर सामाजिक विषयों पर नया दौर, कानून, गुमराह, हमराज जैसी फिल्में बनाने वाले मशहूर फिल्म निर्माता बलदेव राज चोपड़ा का मुंबई में पांच नवंबर को निधन हो गया। छोटे पर्दे के लिए महाभारत सीरियल बनाने वाले 94 वर्षीय चोपड़ा को 1998 में दादा साहेब फाल्के अवार्ड से सम्मानित किया गया था।
    वर्ष 1989 में राजीव गांधी की सरकार को सत्ता से बेदखल कर गैर कांग्रेसी गठबंधन सरकार बनाने वाले और आरक्षण लागू कर सोशल इंजीनियरिंग के जरिये देश का राजनीतिक परिदृश्य बदल देने वाले पूर्व प्रधानमंत्री विश्वनाथ प्रताप सिंह का 27 नवंबर को नई दिल्ली में निधन हो गया। मांडा के राजा के तौर पर चर्चित 77 वर्षीय सिंह पिछले 17 साल से रक्त कैंसर से पीडि़त थे।
    भारतीय पेंटिंग परिदृश्य में रंगों के साहसिक इस्तेमाल से क्रांति लाने वाले प्रसिद्ध चित्रकार मंजीत बावा ने नई दिल्ली में 29 दिसंबर को अंतिम सांस ली। 67 वर्षीय बावा मस्तिष्काघात के बाद पिछले तीन वर्षों से कोमा में थे। वह पहले चित्रकार थे जिन्होंने पाश्चात्य कला में बहुलता रखने वाले भूरे और धूसर रंगों का वर्चस्व खत्म करके उसकी जगह लाल और बैंगनी जैसे भारतीय रंगों को चुना।

    Anne Hathaway’s In A Bikini Photoshoot

    Here’s Anne Hathaway making her first second bikini debut on The Superficial which I’m sure will be the crowning achievement of her respectable career. “Eh, working with Christopher Nolan was okay, I guess,” I imagine her saying as I realize I picked the wrong moment to walk out of our hotel room bathroom wearing nothing but Batman’s cape and cowl and a smile. SEE MORE PHOTOS

    Madonna’s Daughter’s Hipster Tits of the Day

    Madonna’s Hairy Spic Hipster daughter’s little teen tits are spilling out of her American Apparel shirt and I like it….partially because I am a pervert who likes all tits spilling out of shirts….but mainly because I like little rich cunt who aren’t quite 18 in general….Not only is their style pretty fucking racy cuz they aren’t scared to show off what the hormones in the food makes that made them hit puberty at 7 has done to them, rocking better teen bodies than ever, dressed in clothes that showcase that fact better than ever, to the point where leaving the house makes you feel like a sex offender…..but they attend sex parties where they lick each other’s assholes….at least according to Oprah…that pervert…. Either way, here’s some hipster spic hotness….

    Natalie Portman at the NYC Ballet Spring Gala

    Natalie Portman looks like she bounced back pretty well after having that baby. Here she is with that creepy Benjamin Millepied at the 2012 New York City Ballet Spring Gala. One of the side effects of carrying a parasitic entity in you for almost a year is the temporary increase in breast size. Which is fantastic news for me.

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