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  • Rock Star Claims Tapeworm Infected Brain

    The lead singer of Australian hard rockers Frenzal Rhomb has revealed he was forced to cancel a recent tour after surgeons discovered a pig tapeworm egg had infected his brain.

    In a tale worthy of the Twilight Zone, Jay Whalley enlightened fans to his recent health crisis, which was four years in the making on the band's Facebook page Tuesday.

    After suffering two seizures after a gig on January 25, the Sydney singer was rushed to hospital where scans showed a 1-centimeter tumor.

    Whalley underwent a three-hour operation on February 14 and, instead of a cancerous tumor, surgeons found a mysterious parasitic infection.

    Further investigation revealed it to be ''basically the egg from a pig tapeworm,'' which the vegetarian rocker may have picked up by accidental contact with an infected person during his Central American travels four years ago.

    ''Once in my stomach they never become tapeworms, but they migrate into the muscle, most of the time causing no problem and you'll never know it's there, the only place you'll have problems is if they make it to your brain or eyes,'' Whalley explained.

    Rare superbug emerging in U.S. elicits advisory warning from CDC

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is alerting clinicians of an emerging untreatable multidrug-resistant organism in the United States.

    There are many forms of Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE), but of the 37 forms reported in the U.S., 15 have been reported in less than a year.

    The CDC said the increase in CRE means health care providers need to “act aggressively to prevent the emergence and spread of these unusual CRE organisms.”

    Enterobacteriaceae lives in water, soil and the human gut. These “surperbugs” have developed high levels of resistance to antibiotics – even carbapanems. Individuals who usually develop CRE infections are those who are taking antibiotics and getting significant medical treatment for other conditions.

    The majority of CRE were “isolated from patients who received overnight medical treatment outside of the United States,” according to the CDC.

    Health care providers that encounter CRE infections should follow the CDC’s recommendations in the 2012 CRE toolkit.

    Persons who shared a room with a patient who has a CRE infection – and maybe even health care providers who treated the infected patient – should be screened to make sure they have not caught the infection.

    'Gold Trans Am': Ke$ha Wrote Recent Single About Her Vagina With Her Mom

    Ke$ha somehow always finds a way to outdo herself.

    The urine-drinking, cannoli-fellating, beard-licking pop star just took it a step further, speaking to Q Magazine about the inspiration behind one of her latest singles, "Gold Trans Am."

    "It began as a song about my car, which is a gold Trans Am, and it works about 40 percent of the time," Ke$ha told Q Magazine. "I don't have another car because I love that one so much. But then like all great pop, it became a metaphor for something else -- my p---y."

    "My vagina is in tip-top working order," she continued. "Valeted and souped-up and working 100 percent of the time."

    Lest she stop there, Ke$ha went on to explain that she gets help on songs like "Gold Trans Am" from none other than her mom. "We write songs about boys and sex together," she said. “That may not be normal to the average psychiatrist out there but I think it's pretty cool."

    New Cars Increasingly Out of Reach for Many Americans

     Looking to buy a new car, truck or crossover? You may find it more difficult to stretch the household budget than you expected, according to a new study that finds median-income families in only one major U.S. city actually can afford the typical new vehicle.

    Audi cars for sale at a dealership on January 16, 2013. REUTERS/Michael DalderThe typical new vehicle is now more expensive than ever, averaging $30,500 in 2012, according to data, and heading up again as makers curb the incentives that helped make their products more affordable during the recession when they were desperate for sales.

    According to the 2013 Car Affordability Study by, only in Washington could the typical household swing the payments, the median income there running $86,680 a year. At the other extreme, Tampa, Fla., was at the bottom of the 25 large cities included in the study, with a median household income of $43,832.

    The study looked at a variety of household expenses, such as food and housing, and when it comes to purchasing a new vehicle, it considered more than just the basic purchase price, down payment and monthly note, factoring in such essentials as taxes and insurance.

    Bottom line? A buyer in the capital can purchase a car with a sticker price of $31,940, slightly more than the new vehicle average for the 2013 model year and about what it would cost for a mid-range Ford Fusion sedan or a stripped-down BMW X1 crossover. The buyer in Tampa? They'll just barely cover the cost of a basic Kia Rio, with $14,516 to spend.

    "If you live in New York City or San Francisco, you're probably going to have to pay a lot for housing, but you don't have to pay a lot for a car," said Mike Sante, the managing editor of, a financial decision-making website.

    Affordability has been a matter of growing concern for the auto industry in recent years as prices have continued to move upward. Even the most basic of today's cars are generally loaded with features that were once found on high-line models a few decades back - if they were available at all - such as air conditioning, power windows, airbags and electronic stability control, as well as digital infotainment systems. They also have to meet ever tougher federal safety, emissions and mileage standards that have added thousands to the typical price tag.

    "The average compact car of today has the features of a midsize model somebody might be trading in - but it may be just as expensive," said David Sargent, director of automotive operations for J.D. Power and Associates.

    That is one reason why many buyers have been downsizing in recent years, said Bill Fay, general manager of Toyota, though he added that "there is still a lot of affordability in the marketplace."

    Perhaps, but industry planners have come to recognize that they are targeting a much smaller segment of the American public than in decades past. That's one reason why most manufacturers are offering more downsized models.

    Anne Hathaway's Prada Oscar Gown Ruffled Feathers At Valentino Photo

    On the Oscars red carpet, Anne Hathaway shared how she had only picked out her dress two hours before.

    She chose the pink Prada for it's "simplicity" and because she found out her original dress choice would be similar to another one worn on the red carpet.

    The problem?

    She had supposedly already committed to wear a Valentino gown, Women's Wear Daily reported.

    The design house had already alerted the media that Hathaway, the favored Oscar winner for supporting actress, would be wearing one of its designs.

    Hathaway has a long-time relationship with the design house and her snub "ruffled some feathers," WWD reported.  The designer even made her a custom gown for her wedding last year.

    Valentino could have also used the exposure -- the only other major celebrity wearing one of its gowns was Jennifer Aniston, who shares a publicist with Hathaway. Aniston's outfit was named on some of the "worst-dressed" lists.

    In a statement, Hathaway apologized for the snafu.

    "Though I love the dress I did wear, it was a difficult last-minute decision as I had so looked forward to wearing Valentino in honor of the deep and meaningful relationship I have enjoyed with the house and with Valentino himself," Hathaway said, according to WWD. "I deeply regret any disappointment caused.”

    BOB WOODWARD: A 'Very Senior' White House Person Warned Me I'd 'Regret' What I'm Doing

    Bob Woodward said this evening on CNN that a "very senior person" at the White House warned him in an email that he would "regret doing this," the same day he has continued to slam President Barack Obama over the looming forced cuts known as the sequester.

    CNN host Wolf Blitzer said that the network invited a White House official to debate Woodward on-air, but the White House declined.

    "It makes me very uncomfortable to have the White House telling reporters, 'You're going to regret doing something that you believe in,'" Woodward said.

    "I think they're confused," Woodward said of the White House's pushback on his reporting.

    Earlier today on MSNBC's "Morning Joe," Woodward ripped into Obama in what has become an ongoing feud between the veteran Washington Post journalist and the White House. Woodward said Obama was showing a "kind of madness I haven't seen in a long time" for a decision not to deploy an aircraft carrier to the Persian Gulf because of budget concerns.

    The Defense Department said in early February that it would not deploy the U.S.S. Harry Truman to the Persian Gulf, citing budget concerns relating to the looming cuts known as the sequester.

    "Can you imagine Ronald Reagan sitting there and saying, 'Oh, by the way, I can't do this because of some budget document?'" Woodward said on MSNBC.

    "Or George W. Bush saying, 'You know, I'm not going to invade Iraq because I can't get the aircraft carriers I need?'" Or even Bill Clinton saying, 'You know, I'm not going to attack Saddam Hussein's intelligence headquarters,' ... because of some budget document?"

    Mississippi mayoral candidate found dead person taken into custody

    The body of a candidate for mayor of Clarksdale, Miss., was found about 15 miles west of town Wednesday, and a person was in custody, sheriff's officials said.

    Authorities had been searching for Marco McMillian, 34, since Tuesday morning, when his sport-utility vehicle was involved in a head-on collision in Coahoma County, the county sheriff's office said in a statement.

    But McMillian wasn't in the vehicle, authorities said. The driver of his vehicle, identified as Lawrence Reed, 22, of Clarksdale, was airlifted to a hospital in Memphis, Tenn., about 60 miles away, NBC station WMC of Memphis reported.

    There was no immediate report on the cause of death, according tothe Coahoma County coroner's office.

    The sheriff's department declined to say whether Reed was the "person of interest" who was taken into custody or whether the action was taken in connection with McMillian's death or as a separate part of the accident investigation. The department said no further information would be immediately provided "due to the fact this is an ongoing investigation."

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    McMillian — who was chief executive of MWM & Associates, a consultant to nonprofit organizations — was widely noted as one of the first openly gay candidates for public office in Mississippi.

    His campaign spokesman, Jarod Keith, told the Clarion-Ledger newspaper of Jackson, Miss., that McMillian's sexuality was never an issue in the campaign.

    The Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund, a national advocate for gay political candidates, tweeted Wednesday:

    "Our hearts go out to the family and friends of Marco McMillian, one of the 1st viable openly #LGBT candidates in Mississippi."

    In a statement Wednesday, McMillian's campaign said: "Words cannot describe our grief at the loss of our dear friend, Marco McMillian. The shocking news of Marco's death is beyond difficult for us to process."

    Two of McMillian's opponents — who, like McMillian, are Democrats — said they, too, were shocked and saddened by the development.

    Tina Fey, Oscars Host Next Year? 'No Way'

    On Sunday night's Oscar telecast, William Shatner -- who appeared on the show "from the future" as Captain James T. Kirk to explain how poorly Seth MacFarlane's hosting gig would be received by the media -- asked, "Why couldn't they get Tina and Amy to host?" The Tina and Amy in question here are Tina Fey and Amy Poehler, who both received rave reviews for their recent efforts hosting the Golden Globes. Fey is currently promoting her new film "Admission" (co-starring Paul Rudd and opening March 22), and we asked her about Shatner's wish and if she had any interest whatsoever in hosting the 2014 Oscars.

    [The full interview with Fey will publish closer to the film's March 22nd release date.]

    Congratulations on William Shatner mentioning your name during the Oscars.
    [Laughs] Thank you. It's an honor to be "Shatnered."

    Admittedly, of all the things I thought I'd see during the Oscars, William Shatner mentioning your name was not one of them.
    No, you didn't write that on a piece of paper and mail it to yourself.


    Is it a possibility that you and Amy Poehler could wind up hosting the Oscars next year? I don't know how that works with NBC, since the Golden Globes were on the same network as both of your shows. Can you two go host the Oscars on ABC if you wanted to?
    No, you can. But I just feel like that gig is so hard. Especially for, like, a woman -- the amount of months that would be spent trying on dresses alone ... no way.

    The reaction to Amy and you hosting the Golden Globes was really great.
    Oh, thank you. We had fun.

    Jennifer Lawrence Forgot To Thank Director David O. Russell & Harvey Weinstein In Oscar Speech

    No one will fault Jennifer Lawrence for forgetting to thank a couple of people when she accepted her Academy Award for Best Actress on Sunday night -- but she missed a couple of big names.

    Lawrence was visibly flummoxed when she fell up the stairs as she went to accept her award, and though she thanked the Academy, her fellow nominees and the film's "producing team -- Bruce [Cohen], Donna [Gigliotti], Jon [Gordon]," as well as co-star Bradley Cooper and her entire cast, the 22-year-old forgot to mention "Silver Linings Playbook" director David O. Russell and the film's producer Harvey Weinstein.

    Though Lawrence already jetted off to Hawaii the day after the awards to shoot more scenes for "The Hunger Games: Catching Fire," she made sure to rectify her oversight by releasing a statement to Entertainment Weekly, thanking the two men who played a huge part in her success with the film:

        In the whirlwind of last night, I was remiss to thank two incredibly important people to this film and in my life.

        David O. Russell: Thank you for the most incredible experience of my life. Thank you for your genius, for your guidance, for teaching me things about myself and nurturing me to be a better actor. You have so much passion and such a bleeding heart, you believe not only in your films but what your films can do for people and that is the most important thing that I have learned from you.

        Harvey Weinstein: You championed this movie and its story from early days. Your passion and unyielding support gave this film the opportunity to thrive and touch so many people.

        Thank you to both. I will never be able to forgive myself for such a brain fart but I hope that you both can. Obviously it was not on purpose, I couldn’t remember what I had already said and my mind went completely blank–your brain does funny things during the most overwhelming moment of your life!

    Missing California Cyclists Found on a Boat in South America

     A young California couple thought to be missing for a month while on a cycling trip through South America has been located on a boat and were surprised to hear of the search for them, according to Peru's tourism minister.

    The couple was found on a slow-moving boat and are expected to arrive at the Ecuador and Peru border Wednesday where they will have access to a phone, according to Miguel Antezana, the communications director of Peru's Foreign Commerce and Tourism Ministry.

    The families and friends of Garrett Hand and Jamie Neal, both 25, had been concerned about the couple who had not been heard from in over a month.

    The couple was found on the Napo River at a place called Angoteros, according to Antezana. There, they spoke to the police and were surprised by all of the questions. They eventually asked what was going on and the police told them that they were considered missing persons.

    The ministry is sending people with video cameras to the location where the boat is going to dock to show that they are alive and well.

    Antezana said that it appears that the couple simply did not want to communicate with their families because they could have done so in Iquitos.

    Earlier today, Hand's mother told "Good Morning America" that they family had checked his bank records and found there was no bank activity since Jan. 25, the same day as the couple's last Facebook post.

    "How is my son traveling without getting any money?" Francine Fitzgerald asked. "How is my son eating?"

    The couple embarked on their journey at the end of November, or early December.

    As the couple cycled through the continent, they frequently posted updates and photos on Facebook, chronicling their journey. They posted photos of camping, the wildlife and the people they met along the way.

    The last post was on Jan. 25 and said, "Finally found Kraft Mac 'n' cheese in South America! Stoked LOL." The couple had not been heard from since, which worried their families and friends.

    "They would post sometimes several times a day, pictures telling us where they were and then we all noticed that his postings stopped," Fitzgerald said on "Good Morning America."

    "Come home," Hand's sister Larkin McGowan pleaded on "GMA." "Your family needs you in California with us."

    The U.S. State Department said that according to their families, Hand and Neal had been traveling from Cusco to Lima, Peru, and were expected to arrive in Lima on Jan. 26.

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