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    सिगरेट निर्माता कंपनियां युवाओं को आकर्षित करने के लिए सिगरेट में मेंथाल के स्तर के साथ छेड़छाड़ करती है। यह बात एक नए अध्ययन से सामने आई है।
    हावर्ड स्कूल आफ पब्लिक हेल्थ [एचएसपीएच] के प्रोफेसर और अध्ययन के सह लेखक होवार्ड कोह ने कहा कि तंबाकू कंपनियां न केवल युवाओं को आकर्षित करने के लिए बल्कि उन्हे अपना आजीवन ग्राहक बनाने के लिए भी मेंथाल के स्तर से छेड़छाड़ करती हैं।
    एचएसपीएच ने अपने अध्ययन के दौरान तंबाकू कंपनियों के मेंथाल संबंधी दस्तावेजों का अध्ययन किया और उनके उत्पादों का प्रयोगशाला में परीक्षण भी किया। कोह ने बताया कि चूंकि मेंथाल सिगरेट की कड़वाहट को कम कर देता है इसलिए युवा आसानी से निकोटीन की अच्छी खासी मात्रा इसके द्वारा अपने अंदर पहुंचा लेते है। यही कारण है कि अचानक बाजार में मेंथाल वाली सिगरेटों की भरमार हो गई है। कोह ने बताया कि युवाओं को अपना ग्राहक बनाने के लिए सिगरेट कंपनियों ने जानबूझ कर यह रणनीति अपनाई है। जागरण

    ..और आज अपनों से कहिए आई लव यू

    उपभोक्तावादी संस्कृति द्वारा पूरी दुनिया को अपनी चपेट में लिए जाने के बाद आज रिश्तों की परिभाषा ही बदल गई है। संबंधों से गर्माहट के साथ ही एक और मीठी सी चीज जो गायब होती जा रही है वह है, प्यार।
    शायद प्यार के इसी सूखते सोते में फिर से हरा करने के लिए ही दुनिया भर में 19 जनवरी का दिन प्रेम दिवस के रूप में मनाया जा रहा है। हालांकि ऐसा नहीं है कि आप केवल 19 जनवरी को ही आई लव यू कह सकते हैं। साल के 365 दिन ऐसे होते हैं जब रिश्तों को प्यार की चुस्की की जरूरत होती है।
    समाजशास्त्रियों की राय में आधुनिक दौड़भाग की जिंदगी में हर रिश्ते में से प्यार मुट्ठी से फिसलती रेत की तरह होता जा रहा है। आज न तो पति-पत्नी के पास और न ही मां बाप और बच्चों के पास इतना समय है कि वे एक दूसरे को गले लगाकर कह सकें मैं आपको प्यार करता हूं। जब कहने की ही फुर्सत नहीं है तो प्यार करने के लम्हे चुराने की कौन कहे।
    पूरी दुनिया में 19 जनवरी को यह दिवस मनाया जाता है, लेकिन इसकी शुरुआत कब, कहां और कैसे हुई, इसके बारे में कोई अधिकृत जानकारी उपलब्ध नहीं है। इतना जरूर है कि लोग इस दिन अपने प्रियजनों को ग्रीटिंग का‌र्ड्स जरूर भेजते हैं।
    शेल कहती हैं कि परिवार में सभी एक दूसरे को प्यार करते हैं लेकिन कभी कभार प्यार की यह भावना लफ्जों का भी आलिंगन चाहती है। ऐसे में आई लव यू के तीन शब्द रिश्तों की पौध में पानी का सा काम करते हैं और संबंधों में नई जान आ जाती है।
    कुछ लोग शर्मीले स्वभाव के होते हैं तो वे शब्दों का सहारा नहंी ले पाते लेकिन ऐसे लोगों के लिए ही शायद आदम और हौवा ने भावों की भाषा गढ़ी होगी। सबसे बढि़या तरीका है कि फूलों का गुलदस्ता भेजिए और उसमें एक नोट लगा दीजिए आई लव यू का।
    एक प्रतिष्ठित विज्ञापन कंपनी में आर्ट डायरेक्टर रिहालिका कहती हैं कि आप जिसे प्यार करते हैं उसके लिए थोड़ा समय निकालिए। जब वह सोए हुए हों तो अल सुबह ओस की बूंदों से भीगी गुलाब की पंखुडि़यां उनके ऊपर बिखेर दीजिए और एक शानदार नाश्ते से स्वागत कीजिए।
    ऐसा नहीं है कि पति और पत्नी को ही प्यार की जरूरत है, बच्चे भी मां बाप से ऐसी ही उम्मीद लगाते हैं। रिहालिका कहती हैं कि एक क्षण के लिए अपने बच्चे की नाक से अपनी नाक रगड़ कर उसके बालों में हाथ फिरा दीजिए या उसे बांहों में लेकर घूम जाइए। इतना भर करने से उसकी किलकारियों से घर का हर कोना गूंज उठेगा और आप खुद को अपने लाड़ले या लाड़ली के अधिक करीब पाएंगे।
    बच्चों की ही तरह बुजुर्ग भी प्यार के लिए तरसते रहते हैं। उन्हें इन जादुई तीन शब्दों के बजाय उनके अहसास की अधिक जरूरत होती है। इसलिए किसी गुलाबी सी शाम को अपने दादा दादी या नाना नानी का हाथ हल्के से पकडि़ए और फूलों भरे पार्क की बेंच पर बैठकर उनकी गोद में सिर रख दीजिए तो उनके लिए यही आपका आई लव यू है।
    तो ज्यादा सोचिए मत। आज दुनिया को प्यार और अपनेपन की बहुत जरूरत है। इसलिए अभी तक जो नहीं किया या कहा है उसे कर डालिए और धीरे से अपने प्रिय के कान में कहिए आई लव यू। jagran

    Anna Camp, 'Pitch Perfect' Actress, On A Capella, 'The Mindy Project' And Why It's 'Refreshing To See Women Getting Messy'

    Anna Camp is having a big few weeks. The 30-year-old actress, probably best known for her extended guest-starring roles on "True Blood" and "The Good Wife," is being thrust right into the spotlight. She stars as Mindy Kaling's best friend in television show "The Mindy Project" which premiered on September 25th and as a type-A a capella captain in "Pitch Perfect," which opens on October 5th. Camp's character, Aubrey, rules her all-female singing group, The Bellas, with an iron fist and an Ace of Base tune in a quest for a national championship. She spends much of the film attempting to force newcomers Becca (Anna Kendrick) and Fat Amy (Rebel Wilson) to tow the party line. Camp spoke with The Huffington Post about the major release her character gets, working with Mindy Kaling and why it's so exciting to be a woman in the entertainment industry right now.

    Obviously, “Pitch Perfect” is all about the a capella. Did you ever do a capella before this movie?
    You know, I never did. It’s a lot harder than it looks! It takes a lot of practice.

    Your character in "Pitch Perfect," Aubrey, is very buttoned-up and uptight on the surface, but sort of boiling underneath, and I’d say the same thing about your role as Sarah Newlin on "True Blood." Is that a type of part that you're drawn to?
    Well, I’m from the South originally. I grew up in South Carolina definitely learning about manners and being proper and having to go to cotillions. I think once I graduated school, I was desperate to break out of that. But I think there’s that [instinct] inside of me, and that’s how I can have access to these types of women. And I just like playing [these type of characters]. I feel like they have so much going on underneath the surface that they don’t show, and as an actor it’s such a great challenge to suppress things and to play with that inner battle.

    And I feel like for women particularly, there’s always kind of a pressure to push things down.
    Yeah it’s that [sense of] wanting to be crazy and wild but having society’s expectations over your head. [It’s] that fight, that inner struggle that’s been going on for years with women. And I think that really well-written characters [like that] are especially interesting to watch and fun to play.

    Aubrey is such an extreme character. Do you feel like she’s someone that women will relate to?
    I do. I know she’s extreme and that she desperately wants to be perfect. But I think there’s a bit of that in everyone, even men. Aubrey’s identity is her success in this a capella world. [She] takes it to the next level, of course, because she’s consumed by it, but I think people can relate to wanting to be successful and being afraid of not being perfect at all times. I know I can relate to that.

    So, there's a scene toward the end of the film (and one toward the beginning) where your character projectile vomits. When you saw that scene in the script what was your initial reaction?
    When I read the first throw-up scene I was like, “This is awesome, I have to do this. I don’t want anyone else to do that.” And then I got to the final throw-up scene and I thought, “This is crazy. How are they gonna do this? Am I really gonna throw up? Are we gonna CGI this whole thing? Like, how is this going down?” But I just love that [Aubrey] gets that release -- literally and emotionally. Getting to just go crazy after being held so tightly the whole film was awesome.

    You're also in "The Mindy Project." How has it been working with Mindy Kaling, your co-star and the brains behind the show?
    It’s been great. This is her passion project. She’s so invested in [the show] and the cast and in making it a really collaborative process.

    Kanye West Sued For Sampling Songs On 'My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy'

    A New York label is suing Kanye West, claiming the Grammy-winning rapper illegally used portions of a 1969 song by New Orleans legend Eddie Bo on his No. 1 2010 album "My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy," according to The Hollywood Reporter.

    In its complaint, TufAmerica says two tracks on "My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy" -- "Who Will Survive in America?" and "Lost in the World" -- include a bit of "Hook and Sling, Part 1" by Eddie Bo, which TufAmerica says it bought the rights to more than 15 years ago.

    TufAmerica claims West's label Roc-A-Fella paid a license fee of $62,500, but "failed and refused to enter into written license agreements that accounted for their multiple other uses of ['Hook and Sling']." The label is seeking undisclosed damages for copyright infringement.

    In 2010, Kanye West was sued by musician Vincent Peters over a copyright dispute regarding similarities between West's "Stronger" and a song Peters had sent West's business associate in 2006. West's legal counsel referenced the works of philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, whose maxim "that which does not kill us makes us stronger" is quoted in the song, and the court ruled in the rappers' favor.

    TufAmerica is the same label that filed a copyright-infringement lawsuit against the Beastie Boys earlier this year, the day before band member Adam Yauch died of cancer. That lawsuit claimed the Beasties' 1980s albums "License to Ill" and "Paul's Boutiquet" illicitly sampled from two Trouble Funk songs TufAmerica administers.

    Jared Followill, Kings Of Leon Bassist, Marries Model Martha Patterson

    Kings of Leon bassist Jared Followill and model Martha Patterson have tied the knot.

    The couple married Saturday evening during a ceremony with friends and family at Front Porch Farms about 40 miles outside Nashville.

    The marriage means all four members of the Followill family band are off the market. Older brothers Nathan and Caleb and cousin Matthew have already started families.

    The 25-year-old Followill and 21-year-old Patterson were engaged last spring. Patterson wore a white dress with lace bodice and flowing feathered skirt by Monique Lhuillier and Followill wore black Gucci.

    Patterson said in a Tweet earlier Saturday she's "marrying my best friend." Followill quipped that he's "dreamed about this day since I was a little girl."

    Hong Kong Billionaire Offers $64 Million for Man Who Will Marry His Daughter

    Hong Kong real estate tycoon Cecil Chao Sze-tsung has offered a bounty of almost $65 million for any man who will woo and marry his 33-year-old daughter Gigi Chao. Since then, offers to take Gigi’s hand in marriage have been pouring forth from all over the globe. There’s just one slight problem: Gigi’s already taken.

    According to reports, the announcement came on the heels of Gigi Chao’s nuptials to her longtime girlfriend, Sean Yeung, in April. The two reportedly were married in Paris and not in Hong Kong, where gay rights are limited.

    In a recent South China Morning Post article, the tycoon’s daughter criticized the territory’s conservative views toward homosexuality, saying that it lagged behind the U.S. and even mainland China. (Homosexuality was officially decriminalized in Hong Kong in 1991, but same-sex unions are still not recognized.)

    In an interview with the Telegraph, Gigi said she understood the reasons behind her father’s actions. “It’s not that he can’t accept me,” she told the newspaper. “It’s that he can’t accept how society would view me and the status that it would incur. Marriage is still a form of social status. I do understand him. I understand why he’s doing this.”

    Her father, meanwhile, has not publicly acknowledged his daughter’s marriage. As he told the Post:

        I do not mind whether [the man who marries Gigi] is rich or poor. The important thing is that he is generous and kindhearted. Gigi is a very good woman with both talents and looks. She is devoted to her parents, is generous and does volunteer work.

    Gigi, who was initially amused by the monetary offer, told the Telegraph she appreciated the gesture. “At first I was entertained by it, and then that entertainment turned into the realization and conviction that I am a really lucky girl to have such a loving daddy, because it’s really sweet of him to do something like this as an expression of his fatherly love.”

    Arnold Schwarzenegger Admits To 'Hot Affair' With Brigitte Nielsen In New Book

    Arnold Schwarzenegger admitted to cheating on wife Maria Shriver and fathering a love child with a member of their household staff in the 1990s. Now, The Governator is admitting to another affair with actress Brigitte Nielsen.

    Schwarzenegger admits to having had a “hot affair” with Nielsen while he and Shriver were dating in the pages of his new autobiography “Total Recall: My Unbelievably True Life Story," TIME magazine reports.

    He and Shriver were not only dating, but also living together at the time the affair began, but Schwarzenegger writes that he knew the affair with Nielsen would not last. It only made him realize he truly wanted to marry Shriver, according to TIME.

    TMZ reports that the affair started when Schwarzenegger and Nielsen were filming the 1985 film "Red Sonja." Nielsen first disclosed the “outrageous affair” with Schwarzenegger in her own memoir, published last year. The former California governor had not confirmed it until now. Nielsen claimed that she did not know he was involved with Shriver.

    The 49-year-old actress has since been married five times, including a marriage to Sylvester Stallone. She was also involved with rapper Flavor Flav in 2005. In 2008, she appeared on "Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew" for alcoholism.

    Schwarzenegger went on to marry Shriver in 1986. The two split in 2011. In his tell-all memoir, which will be released Oct. 1, the action star offers a glimpse at his betrayal of his wife of 25 years.

    He describes the moment Shriver learned of his infidelity, according to CNN, writing: “The minute we sat down, the therapist turned to me and said, 'Maria wanted to come here today and to ask about a child -- whether you fathered a child with your housekeeper Mildred.' “I told the therapist, ‘It's true.’”

    During an interview with "60 Minutes," Schwarzenegger admitted, "I think it was the stupidest thing I've done in the whole relationship. It was terrible. It inflicted tremendous pain on Maria and unbelievable pain on the kids."

    Miley Cyrus To Star In 'Bonnie And Clyde' Miniseries For Lifetime And History Channel

    Have you ever compared Miley Cyrus to Faye Dunaway? Thanks to a new project from Lifetime and the History Channel, that comparison is now inevitable, since Cyrus is reportedly in talks to star as the infamous bank robber Bonnie Parker in a new "Bonnie and Clyde" miniseries, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

    Deadline also reports that the four-hour biopic was originally developed for History Channel in the vein of their recent hit, "Hatfields & McCoys," but since the network is now a sibling of Lifetime under the A&E Networks umbrella, the project will be aired for both the male-skewing History audience and the female-centric Lifetime viewership.

    The series is being executive produced by Craig Zadan and Neil Meron, who are set up at Sony Pictures TV. According to THR, Cyrus is reportedly meeting with directors for the role. Aside from a recent guest appearance on "Two and a Half Men," this will be Cyrus' first major TV role since "Hannah Montana." No word yet on who would play her partner in crime, Clyde Barrow. Lifetime currently has another high-profile biopic in the works -- the Lindsay Lohan vehicle "Liz and Dick," focusing on the tumultuous relationship between Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton -- which is scheduled to air in November.

    Ryan Lochte Still Getting Love From Vogue Editors

    Vogue and its editors -- specifically the head honcho, Anna Wintour -- have a tendency to develop crushes on athletes.

    For a long time it was tennis players, as avid tennis fan Wintour cast the Williams sisters, Roger Federer, Rafael Nadal and Novak Djokovic in Vogue shoots and sat beside Maria Sharapova and Andy Murray at Fashion Week. Then it was basketball stars, with Dwayne Wayne and Carmelo Anthony crowding the front row and Amar'e Stoudemire shooting an original video with Hamish Bowles.

    Now it's Olympians, with Ryan Lochte still captivating the starry-eyed gaze of Vogue editors over a month after the London Olympics wrapped. The New York Post reports that the Olympic swimmer dined with a pack of Voguettes this week in New York City, followed by drinks with designer Richard Chai.

    Lochte's already landed a Vogue cover (remember that "Baywatch"-esque photo shoot back in June?) but he's got good reason to stay in touch with his magazine contacts. His his much-feared fashion line is in the works and will likely be needing some support to get the bedazzled project off the ground.

    Which means, much to our chagrin, that the goofy swimmer with the hot bod isn't going anywhere. This is one celeb who knows how to push the limits of his 15 minutes... and he's got Anna Wintour to help him do it.

    Amanda Bynes Dropped By Management Team Following String Of Troubles

    More bad news for Amanda Bynes this week: The former teen star is being dropped by her agent, publicist and entertainment lawyer, according to TMZ.

    Bynes, 26, has had a rough ride in the past year, but especially in the past week after her car was impounded due to driving on a suspended license. She's also recently showcased a series of increasingly bizarre antics, including allegedly being thrown out of a gym class for distracting behavior and locking herself in public settings such as a Starbucks restroom and store boutique dressing room.

    TMZ's report says that the star's erstwhile management team "made multiple efforts to help Amanda" before finally concluding that "they can't help someone that doesn't want to be helped."

    Still, Bynes insists that she is okay. She told People in a statement Thursday that she is "retired as an actor" and plans to move to New York to launch a fashion line. "I am doing amazing... I am retired as an actor. I am moving to New York to launch my career. I am going to do a fashion line. I am not talking about being arrested for DUI because I don't drink, and I don't drink and drive. It is all false," she said.

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