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  • Government spends billions on obesity studies

    The National Institutes of Health (NIH) spent $830 million funding obesity studies in fiscal year 2011. Between 2008 and 2011, NIH spent over $3.3 billion on obesity research. Spending on obesity research also overshadows many other areas of research funded by NIH, including research on Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease and breast cancer, which received $448 million, $437 million and $715 million in 2011, respectively. “Obesity is a very is a very significant cause of current illness in our country and becoming more significant all the time,” said Dr. Francis Collins, NIH director. Because of the rise in obesity, NIH established the Obesity Research Task Force in 2003 and came out with its first Strategic Plan for NIH Obesity Research in 2004. The plan aims “to serve as a guide to accelerate research that will lessen the personal and public health burdens of obesity” with the help of input of external experts, industry professionals, and health-focused organizations through a public comment period. It also “encompasses all levels of research, from basic biological and behavioral research through community and population research.” “The strategic plan is rather sweeping in its set of goals, going all the way from basic science understanding of what are those signals that actually trigger hunger and satiety,” Collins said. “It focuses quite heavily then on interventions. How do you design trials with creative new ideas about how to prevent or treat obesity, and then once you’ve identified possible strategies, how do you develop an approach to find out if they work in the real world.”

    Can't keep away from Marbs... TOWIE's Frankie Essex jets back to Spain after just three weeks at home

    They may star in a TV show about their native county in The Only Way Is Essex, but their second home is just as important to them.

    Reality TV star Frankie Essex loves Marbella, in Spain, so much that she has returned their for yet another quick break. It is the second time this month that the 24-year-old has been in the popular holiday area after partying there just three weeks ago.

    Lazy days: The TOWIE favourite looked very confident in her newly toned body as she worked on her tanThe blonde was in the hot-spot, which her cast mates refer to as Marbs, for business as well as pleasure. The rest of the crew will also be in the area soon to film an episode of TOWIE which will take place in the Costa del Sol region.

    With shooting not due to begin until next week, Frankie decided to fly in a week early for a short stint at a boot camp.
    Her battle with her weight gain has been well documented on the TV show and the results of her fight with the flab have been astonishing.
    She managed to shed a whole stone in just two weeks after beginning a tough fitness regime last month and the fat has continued to fall off.

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    शराब के लिए बेटे को बेचा

    झारखंड के पूर्वी सिंहभूम जिले के एक व्यक्ति पर आरोप है कि उसने कथित रूप से अपने 9 महीने के बेटे को बेच दिया। उसने अपने बेटे को इसलिए बेच दिया, क्योंकि वह शराब पीना चाहता था और शराब पीने के लिए उसके पास पैसे नहीं थे। संजय महतो नाम के इस व्यक्ति ने स्वीकार किया कि उसने पिछले माह अपने बेटे को एक होटल के मालिक के हाथों बेच दिया। राजधानी रांची से सिंहभूम करीब 120 किलोमीटर दूर है। उसने कहा कि जब उसकी पत्नी कमला ने उसका विरोध किया तो वह उसे और उसके दो बच्चों को भी घर से बाहर निकाल दिया। मीडिया में शनिवार को यह खबर प्रसारित की गई है। कमला ने कहा कि इसके बाद वह अपने माता पिता के घर चली गई और अपने बेटे को पाने के लिए लड़ाई शुरू कर दी। उसने कहा कि उसका पति आदतन शराबी है। एक दिन एक होटल मालिक ने मेरे बेटे के बदले मेरे पति को चार हजार रुपए देने का प्रस्ताव रखा। मेरे पति ने इस प्रस्ताव को स्वीकार कर लिया और मेरे बेटे को होटल मालिक के हवाले कर प्राप्त रकम को शराब पीने पर खर्च कर दिया। कमला ने इसके बाद स्थानीय पुलिस स्टेशन से संपर्क किया और अपने बेटे को वापस दिलाने के लिए गुहार लगाई। पूर्वी सिंहभूम जिले के एक पुलिस अधिकारी ने बताया कि हम इस बात की जांच करेंगे कि क्या होटल मालिक ने बच्चे को गैर कानूनी तरीके से गोद लिया है, या फिर सब कुछ मौखिक रूप से किया गया है। पुलिस अधिकारी ने कहा कि जांच पूरी होने के बाद ही हम कोई उपयुक्त कदम उठा पाएंगे। अधिकारी के मुताबिक पुलिस मामले को गंभीरता से ले रही है और इसकी जांच एक सक्षम पुलिस अधिकारी को सौंपी गई है।

    Teen solves Newton’s 300-year-old riddle

    An Indian-born teenager has won a research award for solving a mathematical problem first posed by Sir Isaac Newton more than 300 years ago that has baffled mathematicians ever since. The solution devised by Shouryya Ray, 16, makes it possible to calculate exactly the path of a projectile under gravity and subject to air resistance. Shouryya, who lives in Dresden, eastern Germany, came up with the solutions to this and a second mathematical riddle while working on a school project. He is being hailed as a genius in the German press, but attributes his achievement to “curiosity and schoolboy naivety.” “When it was explained to us that the problems had no solutions, I thought to myself: well, there’s no harm in trying,” he said. The problems he resolved are from the field of dynamics. The first, dealing with the movement of projectiles through the air, was posed by Newton in the 17th century. The second, which relates to the collision of a body with a wall, was posed in the 19th century. Only partial solutions had been discovered up to now, requiring simplified assumptions or calculations by computer. Shouryya’s elegant solutions could contribute to greater precision in fields such as ballistics. Shouryya’s family moved to Germany when he was 12 after his father Subhashis Ray, an engineer, got a job at a technical college. Shouryya spoke no German when he arrived but has mastered the language and is due to take the German equivalent of A-levels this week, two years ahead of his peers. “Ray’s accomplishment is impressive and we are particularly proud of his background as it highlights the achievements of migrants across language and cultural barriers,” said the Youth Research Foundation, which gave him the award. A keen cricketer, Shouryya cites his father as his inspiration and says he instilled a “hunger for mathematics” after teaching him calculus at the age of six.

    जा चार दिन और जी ले यमदूतों ने कहा

    दम घुटने लगा और आंख के सामने अंधेरा छा गया। छत पर चार काले-काले यमदूत आए और उसका हाथ पकड़ कर ले जाने लगे। तभी कहीं से आवाज आई इसे छोड़ दो, इसके अभी चार दिन बाकी हैं। और यमदूत यह कहते हुए चले गए कि-जा चार दिन और जी ले। यह कहना है पुरानी मोहनपुरी निवासी एक वृद्ध का जिसकी सौ बसंत देखने के बाद मौत हुई, लेकिन वह फिर जिंदा हो गया।
    सांस की तकलीफ के चलते यहां के मकान नंबर 129 निवासी रामस्वरूप [100] को पांच दिन पूर्व परिजनों ने हीरालाल नर्सिग होम में भर्ती कराया। रामस्वरूप के पुत्र चमन लाल ने बताया कि मंगलवार को उनके पिता की सांस थम गई। नर्सिग होम के स्टाफ ने भी हाथ खड़े कर दिए और इलाज कर रहे डाक्टर को जानकारी दे दी। नर्सिग होम में रामस्वरूप के परिजनों व रिश्तेदारों ने विलाप शुरू कर दिया। कुछ देर बाद एकाएक ही रामस्वरूप के शरीर में हरकत आ गई। रामस्वरूप के पुत्र चमन लाल के मुताबिक होश में आने के पश्चात उनके पिता ने उक्त बातें बताई।
    रामस्वरूप ने परिजनों के समक्ष दावा किया कि उसकी जिंदगी के बस अब चार दिन और बाकी हैं, लिहाजा उन्हें घर लें जाएं। रामस्वरूप के कहने पर परिजन उन्हें घर ले आए। रामस्वरूप के कहे मुताबिक परिजन शनिवार तक की जिंदगी और शेष मान उनकी सेवा में लगे हैं।
    रामस्वरूप भले ही मरने के बाद दोबारा जिंदा होने का दावा कर रहे हों लेकिन डाक्टर की राय इससे जुदा है। इलाज कर रहे डाक्टर वीएन त्यागी ने बताया कि जिस समय उन्हें भर्ती कराया गया, वह निमोनिया से पीडि़त थे और सांस लेने में उन्हें तकलीफ थी। मंगलवार को उनके परिजनों ने हालत बिगड़ने की सूचना दी, पर जब वह अस्पताल पहुंचे तो रामस्वरूप ठीक थे।
    परिजनों ने उन्हें भी रामस्वरूप के सारे किस्से बताए पर उन्होंने परिजनों को इस पर विश्वास न कर इलाज जारी रखने की सलाह दी। परिजनों के आग्रह पर उन्होंने रामस्वरूप को डिस्चार्ज कर दिया है। उनके मुताबिक कई बार दिमाग में आक्सीजन की कमी के कारण मरीज को इस प्रकार के दिमागी भ्रम हो जाते हैं।
    परालौकिक अनुभव के किस्से गाहे बगाहे सुनने में आते रहते हैं। अक्सर गंभीर रूप से बीमार लोग अस्पताल में मर कर दोबारा जिंदा होने की बात करते हैं। बाकायदा अनुसंधानकर्ताओं ने इसको नियर डेथ एक्सपीरियन्स नाम दिया है। विख्यात साइक्रेटिस्ट डा. रेमंड ए. मूडी ने इस पर प्रकार की घटनाओं पर अध्ययन किया है। उनकी एक किताब लाइफ आफ्टर लाइफ भी इस प्रकार की घटनाओं के संबंध में आ चुकी है। पूरे विश्व में लोगों को इस प्रकार के अनुभव होते रहे हैं। jagran

    Mindfulness for Authentic Relationships

    "God has given you one face and you make yourselves another. You jig and amble, and you lisp, you nickname God's creatures and make your wantonness your ignorance." -- Hamlet, Act III, scene 1 As sentient beings we yearn to be loved unconditionally, and we were raised in a highly competitive society that taught us tools to gain love conditionally -- mostly through doing and accomplishing certain tasks, achieving certain goals, and/or appearing and speaking in particular ways. Ever since we were infants we received positive reinforcement -- smiles and "yes!'s" -- when we behaved or appeared in ways that pleased our caretakers, and we received negative reinforcement -- frowns and "no!'s" -- when we behaved or appeared in "uncivilized" ways that displeased our caretakers. Carl Jung spoke of the personas that we create in order to interact with others. More pejoratively, D.W. Winnicott theorized that we developed "false selves" in order to help survive our childhoods as we acclimated to the demands of our society. I think we can agree that we have facades that we use to interact with most people, and then we have our somewhat unglamorous and often unseemly real or authentic selves that we only show a few close friends and family members. But what if the tools we developed as children that are now part of our personas/facades don't actually help us get our emotional needs met? What if those tools actually inhibit authentic relationships, connections and interactions? Maybe we acquired tools such as fear, suspicion and doubt, which protected us in our youth but now cause us to hack into our lovers' email accounts to see if they are remaining faithful? Maybe we procured the tool of seduction and know how to attract people's attention and provide them with moments of titillation and glee, but remain unsure if they love us? Maybe we discovered the tool of playing the victim, of drawing people into our dramas and forcing them to take care of us? Maybe we cultivated the tool of providing material comforts for others but end up resenting them for being gold-diggers? Maybe we learned how to fill our lives up with busy-ness in order to seem important but are now perceived as frenetic, disorganized and distant by others? Maybe we were taught to smile and look happy on the outside even when we feel alienated, misunderstood and disconnected on the inside? Maybe we learned passive-aggressive language to avoid being vulnerable?

    Pregnancy: My Friend Was Having A Baby. Why Couldn't I Be Happier For Her?

    When I was 26 years old, two of my best friends became pregnant within a month of each other. Upon word of their news, I promptly burst into tears -- and was surprised to find that they weren't the happy kind. Instead of feeling excited for my friends, I somehow felt devastated by their pregnancies. The emotions that rose up for me were a complicated mixture of jealousy, abandonment and insecurity. It wasn't just that I hadn't forseen this era of my life beginning yet, but rather the intense reaction I had was more to do with all the things about my own life that my friends' pregnancies illuminated. In the shadow of their seemingly glorious news, my life suddenly looked like a mess. I had a boyfriend I was ambivalent about, a flailing career as a fledgling writer, a habit of drinking too much, and I had just lost my second parent. Suddenly the stark contrast between my life and that of my two friends' was too blinding. In the beginning, I hid my feelings, feigning both busyness and excitement in an effort to conceal my darker emotions and avoid seeing my friends. But it wasn't long before I couldn't bring myself to be in their company at all. I felt like the worst person in the history of the world. What kind of woman hates her best friend for getting pregnant? But I did. I was angry. I felt left behind, betrayed, and abandoned. On top of that I felt like an utter brat for feeling all of the above. No matter how irrational, part of me felt hurt that they hadn't waited for me to be ready to also make this major life transition. Another part of me thought they were making a huge mistake getting pregnant so young. The rest of me mainly felt jealous. As I struggled poorly to contain these feelings, my relationships with both of them began to crumble. I knew I was being hurtful by not being able to get past my own issues. I also knew that my friends were both going through one of the biggest life transitions any of us had made yet. It was obvious that they felt unsure and scared of the journey they were embarking on, and that they probably could have used my support more than ever. Still, I stewed in my messy feelings. I pulled it together enough to make it through the baby showers and I even made it to the hospital on the day one of their babies was born, but if I'm going to be honest here, I have to say that I never quite made it past my hurt and resentment long enough to be a good friend during that time. I wish I could say that once the babies arrived I turned a corner, but I didn't. As my friends moved into this new phase of their lives, I stayed in mine, fairly oblivious to what they were going through as mothers to newborns. For a long time our friendships cooled on the counter like almost-burned pies. Somewhere in that time we all ended up in different cities, the distance easing the pressure to stay close, and it wasn't until almost four years had passed and I found myself married and pregnant myself that things began to turn around. I'll never forget those trying, early months with my daughter, what it was like to be alone in the house with her after my husband had gone to work, feeling exhausted and overwhelmed, and filled with remorse for how little support I'd given my friends when they'd been in this same place. Over the phone, miles apart, I couldn't stop apologizing to the friend I'd always been closest to. She was warm and accepting and sent me baby presents and helpful advice on a regular basis, and I couldn't have been more thankful -- or humbled. All of these experiences helped me when I became the target of another friend's resentment. When we were both pregnant with our first children, she miscarried and stopped speaking to me. Her hurt and anger is too familiar for me to feel resentful of her silence. She's since had a baby but still hasn't spoken to me. That stings, but it's also something that I understand on a deeper level than I wish to.

    America decaffeinated: The great Starbucks outage of 2012

    Bleary-eyed customers who stumble into their local Starbucks every morning did so literally Wednesday. That's because hundreds of the coffee chain's stores were closed. The forced decaffeination of America's morning commuters was due to overnight maintenance work at stores across the country that wasn't finished on time for the morning rush, Maggie Jantzen, a spokeswoman for Starbucks, told NBC station WCMH of Columbus, Ohio. Jantzen said she didn't know how many stores were affected, but she said about 10 percent to 20 percent of the stores that were due for the work were unable to open on time. The company said the work was routine maintenance on a standardized water filtration system and that no safety issues were involved. But because of it, stores were closed across the country — as many as 1,500, mainly in the eastern half of the U.S., a quick tabulation of local news reports and hundreds of tweets by indicated. (A spokesman for Starbucks told on Thursday that the number of stores was in the "low to mid hundreds.") Coffee drinkers were left dripless from South Dakota to Florida, New York to Texas. "I like to start my day with Starbucks, so I don't really know what to do," Kelly Furnet told NBC station WJXT as she stood outside a shuttered shop in Jacksonville, Fla. "It's a huge problem because, in my office, people go there multiple times in a day for their coffee fix," Rebecca Stockdale, who works near one of the closed Starbucks in Columbus, told WCMH. "You can't have them coming to work without their caffeine!"

    How to Romance a Man

    I know, you’re thinking that to romance a man you just need to show up naked, but I think you might be wrong. So often we hear that the man should be the romantic one, and maybe 50 years ago this would have been so but this is 2008, and men like to be spoiled too. Think back to when you first met. The first dates, wining an dining, making an effort to look your best, breakfast in bed, long weekends having frantic sex. Dont you wish it was the same? Well I bet your partner also does. Instead of waiting for him to make the first move (after all we know how slow men are in the romantic take-up department. No offense guys) you take the lead and add a bit of romance into your relationship. Show off your romantic side. 1. Pick up the phone: Give him a ring while he is at the office just to let him know that you are thinking of him. Or if you are confident with phone sex tell him what you are going to do to him once he gets home and in turn what you would like him to do to you. 2. Fill the stocking: Men love sexy lingerie just as much as women if not more. Let him know how much you want him by getting out your best panties, team them with a pair of fishnets, stilettos and seduce him tonight. 3. Feed his heart: You know the old saying the way to a mans heart is through his stomach! Well you better believe it because it works every time. Get out the best dinner set set the table with candles, put on some soft music and prepare his favorite meal. You wont even need to think of dessert because this is where he will become romantic and wisk you of to the bedroom. 4. Flirt: When was the last time you actually flirted with your partner? Go out in public (to dinner, to a party or nightclub) and try it. It will boost both your egos bring back those old feelings of lust for one an other. Think like a single person and see what happens 5. Bedroom boudoir: Set the mood in your bedroom. Clear out all the clutter, change the bed linen (bring in some silk sheets perhaps) and fill the room with scented candles. Stand a bottle of your favorite bubbly in some ice, lay your sexiest lingerie on the bed and keep a box of his favorite chocolates near by. This is also an inexpensive way to give your bedroom a new look. 6. Use toys: If you want to add some spice to your love making then what better way then to introduce some props. We are not talking about 12? dildos (unless you want to that is) it can be something as small as a silk scarf or as daring as vibrators. Your man will need never be asked to make an effort again. 7. Watch a flick: Rent a romantic movie, order a take away, get out a bottle of your favorite wine, take the phone of the hook turn out the lights and snuggle into each other on the sofa in front of the TV. The romantic flick will soon have the two of you in the mood for love. 8. Love letters: Leave him little notes in his pocket, on his pillow, next to his mother any where that he will find them that will give him a nice surprise. 9. Kiss.. him all of his body slowly 10. 3 little words: Tell him that you love him at least once a day. This will keep the love there even if you havent always got time to express it, those 3 little words is all that you need.source

    Naked man killed by Police near MacArthur Causeway was ‘eating’ face off victim

    One man was shot to death by Miami police, and another man is fighting for his life after he was attacked and his face allegedly half eaten, by a naked man on the MacArthur Causeway off ramp, police said. The bloodshed began about 2 p.m. when a series of gunshots were heard on the ramp, which is along NE 13th Street, just south of The Miami Herald building. Witnesses said a woman saw the two men fighting and flagged down a police officer who was in the area. The officer, who has not been identified, approached and saw that the naked man was actually chewing the other man’s head, according to witnesses. The officer ordered the naked man to back away, and when he continued the assault, the officer shot him. The attacker continued to eat the man, despite being shot, forcing the officer to continue firing. Witnesses said they heard at least a half dozen shots. Miami police were on the scene, which was just south of The Miami Herald building on Biscayne Boulevard. The naked man who was killed lay face down on the pedestrian walkway just below the newspaper’s two-story parking garage. Police requested The Herald’s video surveillance tapes. The other man was transported to the hospital with critical injuries, according to police. Their identities were not released. The incident, which came as crowds descended upon South Beach for the annual Urban Beach Week hip-hop festival, snarled traffic on the causeway for several hours. In a text message, Javier Ortiz, spokesman for Miami police’s Fraternal Order of Police, said the officer who fired the fatal shots was “a hero.” “Based on the information provided, our Miami police officer is a hero and saved a life,’’ he said. Sergeant Altarr Williams, supervisor of Miami police’s Homicide Unit, said a man doesn’t have to be armed to be dangerous.

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