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    Showing posts with label Value Of Sex. Show all posts

    The City Where Women Value Sex The Most

    How much do single women value sex? According to a new survey, it depends where you live.

    Online dating site,, asked over 10 million singles across the country whether they strongly believed that sex was an essential part of a relationship. The question was part of a larger personality test, overseen by the website’s chief scientific adviser, biological anthropologist Dr. Helen Fisher and addressed both men and women. After breaking down the data, looked at the 10 cities that held the largest concentration of women who "strongly agreed" that sex was essential.

    While not new, the idea that women are into sex has received particular attention from researchers and the media in the last year. A July 2011 study found that sexual satisfaction was more important to women in long-term relationships than frequent kissing or cuddling. And contrary to popular myth, women rated sexual satisfaction as more key to a lasting relationship than their male counterparts did. When it comes to singles,'s survey of 6,000 men and women from February indicated the single women were significantly less likely to settle for a partner that they didn't find sexually attractive than men were. And in her new book "The Richer Sex," journalist Liza Mundy predicts that in the near future, women will want sex more than men.

    Scroll down to see's top 10 cities where women value sex. While California women overwhelmingly said that sex was very important in a relationship, Southern cities are glaringly absent from the top 10.

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