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    Showing posts with label Sammi Sweetheart Dangerous. Show all posts

    'Jersey Shore' Sammi On Living Dangerously And Snooki's Rumored Pregnancy

    Sammi "Sweetheart" Giancola may be the self-proclaimed "sweetest bitch you'll ever meet," but the "Jersey Shore" star contends that "Dangerous," the name of her fragrance line, is also an apt description.

    While in Miami, where she's enjoying some R&R on the beach and an evening at the Joe Boxer South Beach Comedy Festival, Giancola spoke with The Huffington Post about eau de Sammi, cast mate Pauly D's forthcoming spinoff and, of course, whether Snooki is with child.

    You’ve been promoting your fragrance, Dangerous. What’s the most dangerous thing you’ve ever done?
    If you watch the show, you can find some dangerous things that I've done. There are some crazy, out-of-control things going on all the time. I think I have an edgier side, so "dangerous" plays off to me like I can be sweet, or I can be bitchy.

    Snooki and JWoww have fragrances too. Who's the best-smelling cast member?
    Me, of course!

    Have you seen the trailer for Pauly D's new show?
    I haven’t, but I'm so proud of him and I'm so happy for him. It looks really awesome. You're going to see him DJing and doing his thing.

    If you were to have your own spinoff, what would the premise be?
    It would be "Sammi’s World" -- you could see my life.

    What’s your take on Snooki’s rumored pregnancy?
    I don’t know too much about that, but if she's pregnant I'm happy for her, and if she's not pregnant I'm still happy for her. I support my girlfriends.

    Who on "Jersey Shore" would make the best parent?
    Jenni’s, like, the mother of the house, so we always thought that she would be a good parent.

    If Snooki is pregnant, what should the baby's nickname be?

    "Jersey Shore" is known for spawning some choice catchphrases. What’s your favorite, and least favorite?
    I like "GTL" and I don’t like "Get real." It gets annoying after a while.

    What's something that people would be surprised to know about you?
    I play soccer, and I like to draw and paint.

    What’s the biggest misconception about you?
    I think people think that they know me based on the show, but they don’t get to know me for who I am. They just see an hour a week.

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