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    Showing posts with label January Jones Placenta. Show all posts

    Local Placenta-Eating Moms Look For Energy-Boosting Health Benefits

    Local midwife and doula Claudia Booker has a message for D.C.'s overachieving mom-types who want to take more than the recommended dose of placenta pills: don't.

    On Wednesday, the Feminist Breeder's Facebook page had a feisty discussion with women sharing their placenta-eating plans in light of "Mad Men" actress January Jones' revelation to People magazine that consuming her placenta after giving birth helped her get her energy back.

    New York magazine, among others, posits that placenta-eating is a veritable growing trend -- or at least it was in August 2011.

    But just how common is the practice?

    The always vibrant DC Urban Moms forum has had some of its own placenta-eating discussions -- one back in December, another in February that was especially fiery. (More current DCUM discussions are equally fascinating: they include "I'm fat ask me anything," "I’m 'closet' anti-LBGT" and "What if George Zimmerman DID act in self defense?".)

    Citing purported health benefits and the prevalence of placenta-eating amongst non-human animals, a lot of the moms in these conversations said that they have eaten or will eat their placentas after giving birth. A fair number seemed passive-aggressively horrified.

    I think its gross and that there are other ways to get iron, but to each her own.

    Whatever, Hannibel Lecter. Try it with some fava beans.

    Animals do this to hide their babies and keep them safe from predators. For a human, this is so beyond disgusting.

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