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    Showing posts with label Black' Season 2. Show all posts

    Every Pop-Culture Reference Made In 'Orange Is The New Black' Season 2

    Amid all the rich character drama and humorous anecdotes that populate "Orange Is the New Black" is a cornucopia of pop-culture references. The Litchfield inmates are a well-read, well-watched group. They know their celebrity gossip even while behind bars, finding fodder for their conversations in everything from Fiona Apple to "Goodfellas" to "Toy Story."

    Many TV comedies ("Friends" comes to mind) are written as if their characters don't exist outside the confines of any individual episode's plot. Conversely, inmates on "Orange Is the New Black" successfully position themselves within the real world, in spite of where they rest their heads at night. In keeping, we've compiled a list of every pop-culture reference from Season 2 (along with the speaker):

    Episode 1, "Thirsty Bird"

    1. "Anna Karenina" by Leo Tolstoy (Piper)
    2. Angry Birds (Prison guard en route to Chicago)
    3. Mila Kunis (Prison guard)
    4. "The Sopranos" (Piper)
    5. The Invisible Woman (Alex)

    Episode 2, "Looks Blue, Tastes Red"

    1. Christina Aguilera's "Beautiful" (Taystee)
    2. Pinterest (Morello)
    3. Judge Joe Brown (Taystee)
    4. Judge Judy (Taystee)
    5. Mo'Nique (Poussey)
    6. Wesley Snipes (Poussey)
    7. "Orlando: A Biography" by Virginia Woolf (Piper)

    Episode 3, "Hugs Can Be Deceiving"

    1. Steve Irwin (Taystee)
    2. Tom Cruise (Poussey)
    3. LeBron James (Poussey)
    4. Dwayne Wade (Taystee)
    5. Michelle Williams (Poussey)
    6. Us Weekly (Poussey)
    7. Jessica Simpson (Morello)
    8. Rihanna (Morello)
    9. Omar from "The Wire" (Sophia)
    10. The Rockettes (Black Cindy)
    11. Popeye (Bennett)
    12. Lil Wayne (Taystee)
    13. George Jefferson (Poussey)
    14. "Sinful Chocolate" by Adrianne Byrd (Taystee)
    15. "Fighting for Air: The Unknown Adventures of Young Doc Holliday" by Jack Kincade (Vee)

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