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    Showing posts with label 10 Research-proven tips for a better memory. Show all posts

    10 Research-proven tips for a better memory, recommended by Harvard Medical School.

    1. Believe in yourself : People who are exposed to positive messages about preserving memory into old age do better on memory tasks.
    2. Economize your brain use : Take advantage of calendars, planners, maps and file folders. Designate a place at home for your glasses, keys and other items of frequent use.

    3. Organise your thoughts : Information broken into smaller chunks such as city code and area code of a phone number is easier to remember than a single long list.

    4. Use all your senses : The more senses you use while learning something, the more of your brain will be involved in retaining the learning.

    5. Expand your brain : Widen the brain region involved in learning by reading aloud, drawing a picture or writing down the information you want to learn.

    6. Repeat it aloud : Repeat it aloud, something which you just heard or thought about.

    7. Space it out : Spacing out your learning instead of cramming in a short period is very valuable especially while learning complicated information.

    8. Make a mnemonic : Mnemonics such as acrostics is a creative way to remember information. Another helpful mnemonics is to create story linking the items you want to remember.

    9. Challenge yourself : Engaging in activities that require you to concentrate and tax your memory will help you maintain skills as you age. Do crossword puzzles, try new recipes, travel and undertake projects or hobbies that require skills you aren't familiar or comfortable with.

    10. Take a course : Memory improvement courses are becoming more common. Select a course that focuses on practical ways to manage everyday challenges. Stay away from courses that center on computer or concentration games. Choose one, run by health professionals or experts in psychology or cognitive rehabilitation.

    Courtesy Harvard Medical School

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