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  • 'Nymphomanic' Clip Lars Von Trier's Sex Movie Seems As Creepy As Expected

    Lars Von Trier's sex drama "Nymphomaniac" stars Charlotte Gainsbourg, Shia LaBeouf, Jamie Bell, Uma Thurman, Willem Dafoe, Stellan Skarsgård, Christian Slater and Connie Nielsen, but it's Stacy Martin and Sophie Kennedy Clark who are featured in the first glimpse of the movie.

    The "appetizer" clip, as its creepily being referred to, is indeed quite uncomfortable. In the video, Martin's Young Joe gets an awkward and sad bit of instruction from Clark's B. She then opens the door to a train car, presumably to seduce an older man for sex.

    "Nymphomaniac" has made headlines ever since LaBeouf promised there would be explicit sex in the movie. Folks close to the film have since tempered that claim (body doubles and camera tricks will be used to augment the sexual realities of the movie).

    Part one of the movie debuts in Denmark on Christmas Day. No U.S. date has been set yet, though Magnolia Pictures will distribute the film stateside.
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