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  • 9-Year-Old Mother Is At Least 12, Mexican Officials Say

    Authorities in the Mexican state of Jalisco say tests have revealed that a girl who gave birth two weeks ago is between 12 and 13 years of age, not 9 as the parents had claimed.

    Jalisco state prosecutors also say the girl was impregnated by her stepfather and not her alleged 17-year-old boyfriend.

    Authorities announced last week that a 9-year-old had given birth to a baby girl and that they were looking for her boyfriend.

    But prosecutors said Wednesday that DNA tests revealed the baby's father is the girl's 44-year-old stepfather and that he is under arrest.

    They said an anthropological study of the girl showed she is between 12 and 13. The girls' parents didn't have a birth certificate for her and initially told authorities she was 9.
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