Jesse James Supports NRA: 'I Have Seen More Dead Bodies Than I Can Count'

The former reality show host took to his Facebook page to express support for the National Riffle Association, the day after it finally broke its silence on last week's shooting in Newtown, Conn -- and called for armed officers in every school.
On his Facebook page, the 43-year-old, who used to run West Coast Choppers out of Long Beach, Calif, writes that he witnessed so many shootings that having a gun was the only thing that made him feel safe.
"Since the 1980's California has led the nation with the strictest gun control laws. In the middle of this state I have seen more dead bodies than I can count," he wrote, going on to describe weekly sightings of streets closed off with yellow police tape because someone had been shot dead.
"On a weekly basis Cop friends would always check in to make sure I was carying (sic) a gun at all times. They would want to see it to make sure. They would tell me "You better be packing." For the last 20 years living in California I could never let my guard down, not even for a minute," James wrote in the lengthy message which was accompanied by a photo of himself with a large gun. "This is what living in a state with strict gun control was like."
James went on to state that he doesn't think the country needs fewer guns, and he believes America could do with few gun laws as well. According to his logic, he claims that it's because of California's strict gun control legislation that so many people have been shot and killed. He writes that since moving to Texas, where there are fewer gun laws, he feels much safer:
"I have not seen one dead body, have not experienced any drive-by shootings," he writes. "I can now relax, and live life in this free country."
He argues that enacting stricter laws nationwide will only "keep the honest people, honest," and "people that should not have guns, will still find a way to get them." He also urged others to join the NRA.