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  • 'Pretty Little Liars' Recap: Is Ezra Or Holden 'A'?

    Spencer and Hanna are on a mission to swap out Garrett's "April Rose has the proof" note under his mom's hospital bracelet with one they've written, thanks to Hanna's expert forging skills. Their note asks A to meet them by the organ at the deserted church that night and Hanna wants to be the messenger since she's still heartbroken that "this A" broke her and Caleb up.

    But when Hanna enters Mrs. Reynolds room and lifts her hand to insert the note, she flatlines and Hanna jets out of there faster than Mrs. Reynolds will ever move again.

    They text Aria, who is apparently living at Ezra's and doing an incredibly cheesy photoshoot to motivate her about her new assistant gig. He's also wearing pajama pants. Just so you know. Despite the literally "so happy" lyrics playing in the background as they snap away, I'm still not okay with this student-teacher relationship, former status aloud.

    Over in another uncomfortable relationship, Spencer and Toby are at the Parentless Hastings House, where Spencer's googling "April Rose, PA." They start making out, I start to gag, and then, Papa Hastings arrives! (After months.) He's been out going for a run. Apparently, he's Forrest Gump because holy s--- that was a long run. "They make it seem like he's always been there," my mom laments, before asking, "When Spencer was googling April Rose--did it say ob/gyn?" The plot thickens.

    Anyway, Toby leaves and Papa Hastings reveals the upsetting information that key evidence from the prosecution in Garrett's case may be dropped, which means Garrett would be free. Upon hearing the news, Spencer quickly leaves in a huff as her dad asks where she's going. "Um Peter, tell me you possibly care when you the most absentee Dad there ever was," my mom scolds. Z snap.

    Over at The Brew, Hanna brings a hard-working Emily the pick-up location of the clothing donations that included the jacket she was wearing the night it (and she) went missing. Em wants to go check it out today, but Hanna says they have to focus on Operation A tonight, so they'll go tomorrow.

    Meanwhile, Spencer has relocated to a bench and traded her laptop for an iPad, on which she is still googling April Rose. Jason appears and he's just the person Spencer wants to talk to. My mom also notes, "He's bow legged ... or maybe he was just riding a horse through the streets of Rosewood." He confirms the news Papa Hastings shared and she says he's their last hope at saving the case.

    She asks if Jason knows April Rose and before we hear his answer, we see Papa Hastings looking -- no, glaring -- at them. Turns out, Jason doesn't remember April Rose, but could have met her with all the girls the NAT Club had hanging around and not even known it. Spencer does her best Chris Hansen and questions Jason about the videos they made. He reveals he thought Ian and Garrett were paying girls to set up their friends, and April Rose could have been one of those employees.

    At the church, Hanna is sorting clothing items by season and Ted is talking about wanting to look like Cat Stevens and wanting to hang out with Hanna's mom. ("I liked Cat Stevens too," my mom says. Note the past tense.) For all Hanna's hard work, Ted also invites her to a thank you party, which will be held at the church ... tonight. Looks like there's a glitch with Operation A.
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