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  • What is a Genius?

    A genius is a person of great intelligence, who shows an exceptional natural capacity of intellect, especially as shown in creative and original work. The term may also applies to someone who is a polymath or a prodigy. Although “genius” is sometimes used to denote the possession of a superior talent in any field (For example, Pele could be called a soccer genius or Mozart a musical genius), in many instances the term is used specifically to denote an exceptional natural capacity of intellect in areas of art, music, science andmathematics.
    A genius is a person with distinguished mental powers. “genius” does specifically apply to mental rather than athletic skills, although it is also used to denote the possession of a superior talent in any field. For example, someone may be called a golf genius, or a genius of diplomacy.The first thing to learn is that a person can become more intelligent.
    In an issue entitled “Genius” from L. Ron Hubbard he is quoting Dr. Alfred Barrios who declared the following:“Most people have the mistaken idea that geniuses are born, not made.”
    Here are some tips to help you improve your brain power and kick-start the genius within…
    1. Supplement your diet with Omega-3 oils. Your brain laps this stuff up! Get good quality fish-oil capsules.
    2. Develop your concentration abilities. Learn a meditation technique and build your ability to remain focused like a laser. Smart people can concentrate for longer periods of time than dummies!
    3. Practice flick-gazing for 2 minutes a day. Another great technique . Only moving your eyes, flick your gaze from point to point, once every second, throughout the range of your vision. Go left, right, up, down, on the diagonals and so on.
    4. Learn to mind-map. Mind-mapping is a great technique invented by Tony Buzan. It helps you think and remember better. You will find it an incredibly valuable and easy skill to learn.
    5. Think positively. This sounds like a right old chestnut, doesn’t it? But thinking positively enables you to access your higher thinking abilities. When you are positive and feeling good your mind functions smoothly. Askyourself emotion-leading questions like, “What am I grateful for right now?” and “Who do I love and who loves me.
    6. Affirm your brain power. You act according to your identity. Identity is based on your self image. If you change the image you have of yourself, you can change your life. Start thinking of yourself as someone who is clever, intelligent and supremely creative. Use affirmations to declare the truth of this and over-ride old limiting beliefs about yourself. Repeating affirmations like, I am really creative, and, I am a genius, is a great way to improve your brain power. Try it and you’ll see!
    7. Play computer brain games. What’s the key to a healthy body and mind? Doing exercise! Right. You go to a gym to keep your body fit., how about your brain? Especially, when you have to sit before the computer for a long time, try to exercise your brain. Left or Right Ambidextrous Challenge, Mindstorm Train Your Brain and other new brain programs being released all the time. It’s a great way to exercise your brain and improve your brain power.
    8. Do puzzles, brain teasers and strategy games. Break out the newspaper crossword puzzle for a quick 5 minute brain workout. Look out for riddles and brain teaser games . Engage your strategic thinking by playing chess, checkers.
    9. Keep journals and notebooks..All the smart people write down their ideas, thoughts and observations. Writing things down lets your brain know that you value “it’s” ideas. How does it reward you? By providing more ideas and better ideas. Writing things down creates a feedback loop that makes you smarter. You objectify your thoughts onto paper (or computer screen) and that helps you think about them in a more powerful way. This is a great way to improve your brain power..)
    10. Practice image streaming. Another super technique courtesy of mind maestro Win Wenger. This technique was created by Dr. Win Wenger and his Project Renaissance. He has also written a book titled “How To Increase Your Intelligence.” Dr. Wenger is considered one of the foremost authorities on genius and intelligence. He has pioneered this unique mental application. Doing this exercise will open up the higher cortical brain areas and allow you to become aware of your.
    . It doesn’t take a genius to realize that sitting in front of the TV for 2-4 hours every night ‘rots’ your brain. If you must watch TV… take notes, discuss what you’ve watched with someone else, think about how the program was made, the filming and camera work, the acting, how you could have made it better.
    For the most part, a genius is born into a life of high brain activity and functionality. Many definitions of the word “genius” use the word “natural” to describe the state, which implies that one can not force themselves into becoming a genius. However, you can not be certain that you are using your brain to its fullest potential. In fact, there is a large chance that you use only a fraction of your brain’s potential, which means that a large amount of your brain’s capacity remains untapped. Do not fear the untapped portion of your brain. Here is top five steps to help you become Genius.
    Step 1
    Perform a detailed self-analysis. So much talk floats around about which side of the brain people use most often. Figure out if you are a right-brain thinker or a left-brain thinker. Maybe your passion lay in math and science. Peruse your transcripts from high school and college. Maybe you received high marks in English and historical-related courses. Find out which part of the brain you use to its maximum potential and then expand on that.
    Step 2
    Read, reread, and read some more. Those who use their brains most productively often use the written words of others as a starting point. An active brain needs inspiration. Reading also facilitates creativity, and many geniuses–past and present alike–were also considered to be at the upper-echelon of creativity. Whether it is math and science or English and philosophy, creativity and brain activity go hand-in-hand.

    Step 3

    Use your time wisely. Whether you were born a genius or are trying to make better use of your current brain activity, wasting time is a worthless notion. Think about how many hours of television you watch throughout the course of an average week. Think about how many hours you spend on the Internet. For the most part, your brain is on “sleep mode” when you participate in those activities. Find a creativity activity to engage in, such as writing or studying your favorite subject.

    Step 4

    Transform your diet and your lifestyle. Some experts suggest that upping your intake of fish can significantly impact your mental capacity. However, taking a more broad and sweeping approach to your nutritional intake might be a better idea. Assess your current diet. Maybe much of your fluid intake is comprised of coffee and cola. Substitute unnatural fluids with water. Increasing your water intake will flush some of the unnatural toxins from your body and keep your body out of “survival mode,” during which your body actually bloats due to a lack of natural water.

    Step 5

    Expand your horizons. Keep your head in the books, but not only in the books you know best. If your strongest area of knowledge is English literature, head to the library and pick up some books about various sciences. Remember, most geniuses have been extraordinarily well-rounded and versed in multiple disciplines of study.
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