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  • The Three Key Players Every Woman Needs on Her Divorce Team

    Deciding to proceed ahead with a divorce isn't easy, and whether you reached that conclusion by yourself, were blindsided by a pronouncement from your husband, or something in between, you're probably still a little numb and left wondering, "What do I do now?"

    That question can be answered on many different levels, of course. But, as a Divorce Financial Strategist™ who exclusively works with divorcing women throughout the country, my advice is to direct your focus immediately on creating a solid strategy, one that will help you emerge from divorce in the best possible shape, both emotionally and financially.

    How do you make that kind of game plan? Easy. I believe there is one thing you need to do that can make all the difference between a successful divorce settlement and one that is considerably less favorable:

    Build a winning divorce team.

    Yes, you need a "team." In the past, divorce was a simpler process involving only the divorcing couple and their lawyers. But these days, you'll also need the support of other professionals, particularly those who can help secure your financial interests both in the short- and long-term. To protect your financial stability and personal well-being, build a solid divorce team that includes these three essential players:

    1. A Matrimonial/Family Law Attorney

    Look for an attorney who exclusively handles divorce cases or devotes at least 75 percent of his/her practice to divorce. Ideally, your lawyer will be a member of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, an organization requiring the fulfillment of several stringent professional conditions.

    When interviewing potential candidates, please don't hesitate to get a little nosy. Certainly, you'll want to discuss the individual complexities of your case, but be sure to explore the lawyer's own qualifications and fees as well. Honesty and openness are the best strategies here because there's no need for any "surprises" once you've started working together. Find out answers to questions like these:
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