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  • Famous Quotes by Chanakya

    Must Read collection of famous quotes by the great Indian Political Pundit and economist Chanakya !

    Dharma is at root of Happiness
    Sukha Mula Dharma

    By happiness , Chanakya Means to happiness of the people and by dharma is meant the dutifulness of the rulers. As long as the the ruler or the administrator is conscious of his duties towards the people , they will be happy and contended.

    Wealth is at root of Dharma ( Dutifulness)
    Dharmasya Mulartha

    In order to govern the state well and to keep his people happy and contented , wealth is essential welfare of the people is not possible without money.

    Prosperity or wealth depends on ( Good governance ) of the state
    Arthasya Mula Rajyam

    In order to promote prosperity of the people and stability of the state. It is essential that the state is run efficiently.

    Victory over the senses ( self control ) is the root of ( stability of ) state.

    One who is able to control and conquer his desires , is alone , competent to rule the state in a just , impartial and benovolent manner.

    Humbleness is at the root of sense control.
    Indriajayasya Moola vinaya

    In order to control over one's senses, one has to be humble and modest. It is the learning that makes man humble. A ruler with an inflated ego and arrogance cannot be a good ruler. If he gets down to solving the people's Problems , He has to become humble to succeed.

    Attending the elders is the root of humbleness.
    Vinayasya Moola vradhopsewa

    Irrespective of their status in the society , the ruler has to begin by looking after the needs of the aged.

    True Knowledge ( or wisdom ) results from the service of elders.
    Vradhasewya Vigyanam

    Methods and Techniques of governance can be learnt from the texts but the wisdom of the aged and experienced provides accurate practical knowledge.When the theory and practice come together. It is called Wisdom.

    With wisdom one becomes capable.
    Vigyanenatmanam sampadyet

    Wisdom raises the quality of governance the wisdom is the combination of theory and practice. It makes the ruler more capable and more efficient.

    A capable king only become victorious.
    Sampaditatma Jitatma Bhavati

    Once the ruler has conquered his desires, He becomes wise and strong enough to conquer others.

    The Victorious ( King) happens to attain all the riches.
    Jitatma Sarvarth sanyujayat

    It is necessary for a good and successful ruler to keep his desires under control. If he succeeds in doing so. He cannot only get his wishes fulfilled but also gain prosperity.

    Economic Prosperity of the state create prosperity for the people
    Arthasampat Prakratisampada karoti

    A prosperous ruler will govern the state well , take up welfare activities for the people and promote commercial activities with the result that soon the people also become prosperous.

    Kristen Stewart, Ben Affleck Really Will Star Together In Sexy Comedy 'Focus'

    Kristen Stewart has told HuffPost Entertainment that she will indeed star opposite Ben Affleck in a comedy titled "Focus."

    "I can confirm that rumor," she said, referring to Internet reports that began surfacing last month. "It's a comedy. I'm really excited about it. We start shooting in April."

    On November 2, Deadline Hollywood reported that Stewart had entered talks to appear in the Warner Bros. production as "an inexperienced con artist who hooks up with the more seasoned Affleck." According to the report, the film will be written and directed by Glenn Ficarra and John Requa, who previously teamed up on "Crazy, Stupid, Love."

    Subsequent reports claimed that the role would call on Stewart, 22, to shoot some "passionate" love scenes with Affleck, 40. Affleck was also quoted saying that he hoped Stewart would take the role because she's "terrific."

    Stewart told HuffPost that she does not have any other projects lined up, but "would love to find some micro-project before then, because April is kind of a ways away."

    Stewart recently finished a world tour promoting "Breaking Dawn 2," the fifth and final installment in the "Twilight" series, which turned her into a global superstar. She is now making the awards-circuit rounds in support of her next film, "On the Road," an indie adaptation of the famous Jack Kerouac novel, due out on December 21.

    "On the Road" could give Stewart a shot at an Academy Award nomination for best supporting actress, but Affleck is deep in the Oscar hunt with "Argo," which is expected to snag nominations for best picture, best director, and best supporting actor, among others.

    Obama & PSY President Will Attend Performance, Despite Outrage Over Anti-American Song

    South Korean rapper and Internet sensation PSY is apologizing to Americans for participating in anti-U.S. protests several years ago.

    Park Jae-sang, who performs as PSY, issued a statement Friday after reports surfaced that he had participated in concerts protesting the U.S. military presence in South Korea during the early stages of the Iraq war.

    At a 2004 concert, the "Gangnam Style" rapper performs a song with lyrics about killing "Yankees" who have been torturing Iraqi captives and their families "slowly and painfully." During a 2002 concert, he smashed a model of a U.S. tank on stage.

    "While I'm grateful for the freedom to express one's self, I've learned there are limits to what language is appropriate and I'm deeply sorry for how these lyrics could be interpreted," he wrote in the statement. "I will forever be sorry for any pain I have caused by those words."

    The 34-year-old rapper says the protests were part of a "deeply emotional" reaction to the war and the death of two Korean school girls, who were killed when a U.S. military vehicle hit them as they walked alongside the road. He noted anti-war sentiment was high around the world at the time.

    PSY attended college in the U.S. and says he understands the sacrifices U.S. military members have made to protect South Korea and other nations. He has recently performed in front of servicemen and women.

    "And I hope they and all Americans can accept my apology," he wrote. "While it's important that we express our opinions, I deeply regret the inflammatory and inappropriate language I used to do so. In my music, I try to give people a release, a reason to smile. I have learned that thru music, our universal language we can all come together as a culture of humanity and I hope that you will accept my apology."

    His participation in the protests was no secret in South Korea, where the U.S. has had a large military presence since the Korean War, but was not generally known in America until recent news reports.

    PSY did not write "Dear American," a song by the Korean band N.EX.T, but he does perform it. The song exhorts the listener to kill the Yankees who are torturing Iraqi captives, their superiors who ordered the torture and their families. At one point he raps: "Kill their daughters, mothers, daughters-in-law, and fathers/Kill them all slowly and painfully."

    Lady Gaga Helps Toni Braxton's Sister Top iTunes

    Lady Gaga broke one of her personal rules to offer a little support to her friend Tamar Braxton.

    Braxton released her new single "Love & War" on Thursday, receiving an extra promotional push from Lady Gaga through a tweet the singer sent to her fans.

    After just one day on iTunes, the single claimed the top spot on the U.S. chart -- beating out Rihanna and Taylor Swift during it's ascent. Tamar performed the track during an episode of her television show "Tamar & Vince" and teased an acapella version of the track during an interview with ABC News Radio.

    Tamar Braxton rose to fame through the hit WE reality show "Braxton Family Values." It followed the interactions of her and her four sisters, including R&B legend Toni Braxton. Tamar released her debut album "Tamar" in "2000," but according to Billboard, the album never charted.

    Tamar was shocked by the single's instant success, telling it surpassed her expectations.

    "I definitely did not expect this kind of response," said Braxton. "The single came out [yesterday], and it's number one!"

    One Million Moms 'moving on' from Ellen Christmas commercial protest

    The group that complained about Ellen DeGeneres' appearance in a Christmas commercial for JC Penney is not going to pursue further protests of the ad, a group spokeswoman said Thursday.

    "We're not taking action, we're moving on," One Million Moms director Monica Cole told The Christian Post. "We've already contacted the company."

    On Tuesday, the group posted about the ad on its website, saying "JCP has made their choice to offend a huge majority of their customers again. Christians must now vote with their wallets."

    The commercial in question is a 30-minute spot featuring DeGeneres in a diner accidentally making short jokes while chatting with three of Santa's elves.

    Cole told The Christian Post that the group's web post was not "an attack on any one person or company," but was targeted at "the agenda behind it." She described DeGeneres to the Post as "a strong gay activist" and said that her appearance, not the ad's content, was at issue.

    She also told the Post that the group's web alert was posted due to requests by members of the organization.

    The group first drew attention to JC Penney's use of DeGeneres as a spokeswoman back in February. The store did not drop DeGeneres.

    "They wanted to get me fired and I am proud and happy to say JC Penney stuck by their decision to make me their spokesperson," DeGeneres told her studio audience in March, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

    The group's protest of the elf ad drew plenty of puzzled reaction online.

    Mom Cacia Griggs Loses 112 Pounds: Inspired By Daughter

    Cacia Griggs knew she had to do something about her obesity when she broke her daughter's bed while tucking her in one evening.

    Since that horrible night one year ago, Griggs, 26, has lost 112 pounds and married her fiancé in a beautiful wedding dress with the help of a local weight center in Peterborough, England.

    Her daughter, Isabelle, now four, noticed Griggs's incredible transformation. "She commented about how I didn't have a big belly anymore and she loved doing exercise with me," Griggs told Yahoo! Shine. "She was also great at reprimanding me when I tried to take something from her plate. She would say, 'mummy you're not allowed these, you'll get a big belly again!'

    In fact, the major motivating factor for Griggs was concern for her daughter's future weight. After reading an article in the newspaper about how children of obese parents are more likely to be obese themselves, Griggs strengthened her resolve to lose weight. "It might as well have been written about me and my daughter," she said in an interview with the Daily Mail. "She was already starting to copy my bad eating habits, asking for the fizzy drinks and junk food that I was eating. The thought of subjecting my beautiful little girl to a lifetime of weight-battling misery and ill health was too much for me to bear."

    [Cacia on her wedding day.] Cacia on her wedding day.The Journal of Pediatrics conducted the study Griggs read about, which determined that there are five factors in whether a child will become obese. The main risk factor is parental weight. "Nearly 80 percent of obese 10- to 14-year-olds with an obese parent will be obese as adults," the Yale Medical Group summarized.

    Griggs's commitment required major lifestyle changes, such as cutting out high calorie foods and introducing regular exercise into her schedule. She began her diet on a meal replacement plan, only drinking shakes and eating protein bars. She then slowly reintroduced healthier foods, mostly vegetables and protein. "Now I love seafood and vegetables. I noticed how colorful my plate was becoming," Griggs told Yahoo! Shine. "The increase of water made a massive difference not only to weight loss but to my skin and energy levels."

    Chad Henne Looks Great in Stripes Photo

    Doesn't look like Chad Henne's doing too badly after getting let go by Miami only to sit on the bench behind Blaine Gabbert in Jacksonville. Check out this cuddly little photo courtesy of the Facebook page of Henne's wife, Brittany, his girl since he was 14.

    His and hers onesies? You're either throwing up or jealous right now. Either way, give it up to Chad for his perfect execution of a happy-wife-happy-life end around.

    Henne could have more reasons to smile if Jacksonville figures out it's better off with him under center rather than Gabbert, who's out for the season with an arm injury. All Henne has done in the three games since taking over at quarterback for the Jaguars is throw for 817 yards and seven touchdowns.

    Court upholds $319M verdict in 'Millionaire' case

     A federal appeals court on Monday upheld a $319 million verdict over profits from the game show "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" and rejected Walt Disney Co.'s request for a new trial.

    A jury decided in 2010 that Disney hid the show's profits from its creators, London-based Celador International. The ruling Monday by a three-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals found no issues with the verdict or with a judge's rulings in the case.

    "I am pleased that justice has been done," Celador Chairman Paul Smith said in a statement.

    Disney did not immediately comment on the decision.

    The ruling comes more than two years after the jury ruled in Celador's favor after a lengthy trial that featured testimony from several top Disney executives. The company sued in 2004, claiming Disney was using creative accounting to hide profits from the show, which first ran in the United States from August 1999 to May 2002 and was a huge hit for ABC.

    The jury found that Celador was owed $269.2 million, and a judge later added $50 million in interest to the judgment.

    The appeals court determined the verdict was not "grossly excessive or monstrous" and that it was not based on speculation or guesswork.

    David Letterman and wife Regina Lasko step out for Kennedy Honors

    Late-night talk show host David Letterman was honored at the 35th Annual Kennedy Center Honors on Saturday night in New York. There to help him celebrate was his wife, Regina Lasko.

    Lasko, a former staff member on Letterman’s show, began dating Dave in 1986. Their son was born in 2003. Normally, the attendance of a spouse at a prestigious ceremony wouldn't be particularly noteworthy. However, Lasko's appearance marked what may have been the couple's first public outing together since the Letterman blackmail scandal of 2009.

    Back then, Letterman admitted to having had an affair with an assistant and told authorities that a staff member was attempting to blackmail him with the information. Rather than pay up, Letterman went public on his show, apologizing to Lasko, who he married just a few months before, in front of his late-night audience.

        "My wife, Regina, she has been horribly hurt by my behavior. And when something happens like that, if you hurt a person and it's your responsibility, you try to fix it. At that point there is only two things that can happen: Either you are going to make some progress and get it fixed, or you're gonna fall short and perhaps not get it fixed. So let me tell you folks, I got my work cut out for me."

    Of course, none of this was alluded to at the Kennedy Honors. Letterman was introduced by Stephen Colbert, who praised Letterman for his "stupid" comedy. "Dave was stupid. Dave was ours. Dave was like us," Cobert said. "We wanted to throw things off of buildings... We would love to stick our heads out the window of 30 Rock and yell at passers-by, 'I'm not wearing any pants!'"

    President Obama also poked fun at Letterman: "It's different when you're not the one with the mic, isn't it, Dave? You're looking a little stressed, aren't you? I'd also point out it's a lot warmer here [at the White House] than it is on Dave's set."

    The Kennedy Center Honors will be broadcast on CBS on December 26. Also honored this year: musician Buddy Guy, actor Dustin Hoffman, rock band Led Zeppelin, and dancer Natalia Makarova.

    McCain To Kerry ‘Thank You Very Much, Mr. Secretary’

    Sen. John Kerry, the next secretary of state?

    Republican Sen. John McCain had some fun Monday at the expense of his friend and Democratic colleague. Responding to a Kerry introduction at a news conference on a disabilities treaty, McCain said, “thank you very much, Mr. Secretary.”

    It was a clear reference to the recent talk that Kerry is a top candidate to replace Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton. It was also a nod to McCain’s opposition to the current front-runner, U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice.

    Kerry gave it back with his own quip, one that pained McCain.

    “Thank you very much Mr. President,” Kerry said when he returned to the microphone. McCain unsuccessfully sought the presidency in 2000 and 2008.

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