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  • Christie’s New York Auction Showcases Stunning Luxury Jewelry

    Christie’s New York featured exceptional diamonds and pearls in their fall jewelry auction on October 16. It was Christie’s first auction of the autumn season and featured a dazzling array of magnificent jewels from rare gemstones to flawless diamonds, natural pearls and signed pearls, considered some of the best to come up for sale in the last five years.

    Rahul Kadakia, Head of Jewellery for Christie’s America and Switzerland, explained: “Our team of jewellery specialists has spent the summer months gathering the finest gems to match current collecting tastes, including top-quality diamonds, natural pearls, emeralds, rubies, sapphires, rare vintage jewels and highly coveted, contemporary creations from the best designers.”

    Stunning diamond jewels weighing more than 50 carats each and exceedingly rare double strand of large natural pearls were among the scores of top-quality gems offered from the finest makers. Diamonds in excess of 50ct each achieved in excess of $35 million from 369 lots. Selling for $3.1million, the 68.35ct fancy oval-cut intense yellow diamond is internally flawless and a magnificent sight.

    Even more exquisite was a pear-shaped D-colour impeccable diamond pendant necklace going for an astonishing, $9.5million. This stunning necklace goes well with the diamond ear pendants that went for $4.7million. The stone is mounted in platinum and may be worn dangling from a necklace with a 2.28 carat, circular-cut D-color diamond surmount, available with a GIA certificate noting the stone’s exceptional polish and outstanding symmetry.

    Although diamonds are a girl’s best friend, it wasn’t all about diamonds. Made up of 120 large pearls, ranging in colours from white to light creams, a rare double strand of natural pearls, complete with a 3ct D-colour diamond clasp signed by Cartier, reached its estimate of $3.5 million.

    Also up for auction were a range of signed jewelry by Van Cleef & Arpels … the more colourful of these were two mystery-set pieces. Tripling it’s estimate with a $278,500 sale, the “honeycomb” motif ruby and diamond bracelet uses the exclusive setting technique to great effect – the hexagonal stones create a brilliant contrast with the curve of the bracelet. A pair of ruby and diamond ear clips with matching brooch, also by Van Cleef & Arpels, in the form of a flower blossom with diamond pistils and leaves, went for nearly three times its estimate, selling for $260,500.

    Nicki Minaj Learned British Accent From Scary Spice & Hermoine

    If you were wondering where Nicki Minaj gets her English accent from, you can look no further than Scary Spice and Hermione Granger.

    Speaking to The Gaurdian, Minaj says she perfected her British tone by listening to Mel B from the Spice Girls and "Harry Potter" star Emma Watson. Though she was born in Trinidad, Minaj has been working on her accent for years and credits U.K. celebrities for giving her the perfect model to follow.

    "There are so many, but one person was Scary Spice. I used to listen to her all the time and try to make the same faces she'd make when she was talking," she said. "Oh, and Hermione from 'Harry Potter.'"

    Minaj is currently preparing to release "Pink Friday Roman Reloaded: The Re-Up," an extended version of her sophomore album "Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded."

    She kicked off the project with the Cassie-assisted single "The Boys." "The Re-Up" will hit store shelves on November 19 internationally.

    93-Year-Old Bodybuilder Is A Medical Marvel

    Dr. Charles Eugster, a 93-year-old British bodybuilder, did not begin weightlifting six years ago as a way to stay in shape or to occupy his time. No, Eugster had a more, shall we say, ambitious rationale.

    "The idea is to turn the heads of the sexy young 70-year-old girls on the beach," Eugster told BBC News.

    After an athletic youth in which he was a competitive rower, Eugster lost his sturdy physique during 30 years as a dentist. In his late 80s, he noticed the complexion of his body had changed, and he wasn't happy about it.

    "I'm extremely vain," Eugster said. "I noticed I was getting fat."

    So for the past six years, Eugster's been hitting the gym three or four times a week, even working with a former Mr. Universe as a trainer.

    At a recent competition he did 57 dips, 61-chin-ups and even pulled off 48 abdominal crunches in 45 seconds.

    If Eugster's routine sounds extremely impressive, that's because he's a human anomaly. Most seniors in their 90s are advised to avoid lifting weights and doing other strenuous forms of activity.

    "[Eugster] is unusual and there is a small minority of the population that can undertake that sort of vigorous activity into their 90s, but that's not true of most of us," said Steve Iliffe, a professor of primary care for older people at University College London. "Within reason it is never too late to start exercising, but you do have to remember there is a difference between exercise and physical activity."

    Eugster said that bodybuilding at an older age is like exchanging an old car for a new one. The better shape the car is in, the easier it will be to trade it in.

    "If you have taken care of your old car, it won't cost you so much," Eugster said. "But if you have neglected your car, it's going to cost you a lot."

    सौ तालों की एक चाबी होंगी आंखें

    आंखों का आम इस्तेमाल देखने के लिए होता है। शायरों की राय में आंखों से कत्ल भी हो सकता है। लोग आंखों ही आंखों में संवाद भी कर लेते हैं, लेकिन अब वैज्ञानिक आंखों को सौ ताले की एक चाबी बनाने में जुटे हैं।
    घर का बंद दरवाजा खोलना हो, बैंक खाते में पड़े पैसों की जानकारी करनी हो या कंप्यूटर लाग आन करना हो, अब इसके लिए किसी कोड या खुफिया चाबी की जरूरत नहीं होगी। यह काम चुटकी बजाते हमारी आंखें कर दिया करेंगी। यह किसी साइंस फिक्शन फिल्म की पटकथा नहीं, बल्कि क्विंसलैंड यूनिवर्सिटी आफ टेक्नोलॉजी की शोधार्थी सैमी फैंग का दावा है।
    फिंग ने आंख की पुतलियों के काम करने की पद्धति पर आधारित तकनीक (आइरिस स्कैनिंग टेक्नोलाजी) की अंतिम बाधा को दूर कर लिया है। उन्होंने बताया कि हर व्यक्ति की आंख की पुतलियां किसी दूसरे व्यक्ति की पुतलियों से अलग होती हैं। बिल्कुल फिंगरप्रिंट्स की तरह। यहां तक कि व्यक्ति के बाएं आंख की पुतली दाएं आंख की पुतली से भिन्न होती है। व्यक्ति की पुतलियों का यह जुदा-जुदा स्वरूप जीवनभर के लिए होता है। फिंग के मुताबिक पुतलियों की इसी खूबी या अनोखेपन को व्यक्ति की पहचान बनाया जा सकता है।
    उन्होंने बताया कि दुनिया के कई हिस्सों में इस तकनीक का इस्तेमाल हो भी रहा है। उन्होंने उम्मीद जताई कि अगले 10-20 सालों में यह रोजमर्रा के जीवन का हिस्सा होगा। हालांकि, पुतलियों के जरिये पहचान निर्धारित करने की पद्धति को पूरी तरह सुरक्षित नहीं कहा जा सकता। दरअसल प्रकाश की व्यवस्था में कोई परिवर्तन पुतलियों के आकार (सिकुड़ना या फैलना) पर भारी असर डालता है। कई बार तो इतना कि इसका स्वरूप ही बदल जाता है। यदि पुतली का आकार काफी ज्यादा बदल जाए तो इससे जुड़ी पहचान प्रणाली ध्वस्त हो जाएगी। इसी कमी को दूर करने के लिए फेंग प्रयासरत थीं।
    फेंग कोई ऐसी तकनीक विकसित करना चाहती थीं जिसमें प्रकाश व्यवस्था में बदलाव से पुतलियों की कार्यप्रणाली में होने वाले बदलाव को मापा जा सके। उन्होंने बताया कि प्रकाश को घटा या बढ़ाकर पुतली के आकार में .8 से 8 मिमी तक बदलाव लाया जा सकता है। फेंग ने अपनी रिसर्च में एक हाई स्पीड कैमरे का इस्तेमाल किया जो प्रति सेकेंड 12 सौ तस्वीरें खींच सकता है। इसके माध्यम से उन्होंने प्रकाश के घटने-बढ़ने का पुतलियों पर पड़ने वाले असर को मापा। उन्होंने पाया कि पुतलियों की वास्तविक इमेज और बदलाव के बाद प्राप्त इमेज की तुलना करके पुतलियों द्वारा पहचान स्थापित करने की पद्धति को काफी हद तक सुधारा जा सकता है।

    Adam Levine Defends Christina Aguilera Against Haters

    Adam Levine and fellow mentor Christina Aguilera are known to squabble on the set of "The Voice," but their relationship is like that of a brother and sister, and Levine is quick to defend Aguilera from critics who want to insult her.

    Levine sat down for a press conference Q&A on Friday in New York City and had some pointed words for Aguilera's haters, who have criticized everything from her weight to her hairstyle.

    “People shouldn’t say those kind of things, because, f—k you! Come on guys, grow up!” Levine said about Aguilera's critics, according to Wetpaint Entertainment. “It pisses me off, and of course I have her back, of course I defend her. It’s not nice to just have your bread and butter be trashing other people. That’s bullying.”

    The Maroon 5 frontman doesn't think celebrities should be easy targets."The one thing about the culture right now, celebrity culture particularly, is people feel like they can just say nasty things about other people whether it's Christina or whether it's me," he said, according to People magazine. "She gets a lot and it pisses me off. Of course I have her back and of course I defend her."

    Aguilera embraces her body, which has changed since motherhood. "I've always been one to make it very clear, love me or hate me, take it or leave it, this is who I am," she previously told People. "I embrace my body, and I embrace everything about myself. Coming full circle is a celebration of freedom and happiness because that's what [my new album] Lotus is representing. I'm embracing everything that I've grown to be and learned to be."

    At the press conference, Levine dished on his relationship with Aguilera, denying that there was ever any bad blood between them.

    “The fights that everyone thought we were having were fictional,” Levine said, according to GossipCop. “We never hated each other. We never were having some sort of secret battles that everyone thought we were having.” He adds, “There were silly bickering things like a brother and sister would do… it’s not nearly what everybody thought.”

    Superstorm bears down on US East Coast as residents flee threat of wall of water

     Forecasters warned that the New York City region could face the worst of Hurricane Sandy as it bore down on the U.S. East Coast's largest cities Monday, forcing the shutdown of financial markets and mass transit, sending coastal residents fleeing and threatening high winds, rain and a wall of water up to 11 feet (3.35 metres) tall. It could endanger up to 50 million people for days.

    Sandy strengthened before dawn and stayed on a predicted path toward New York, Washington, Baltimore and Philadelphia— putting it on a collision course with two other weather systems that would create a superstorm with the potential for havoc over 800 miles (1,280 kilometres) from the East Coast to the Great Lakes. Up to 3 feet (0.9 metres) of snow were even forecast for mountainous parts of West Virginia.

    Airports closed, and authorities warned that the time for evacuation was running out or already past. Many workers planned to stay home as subways, buses and trains shut down across the region under the threat of flooding that could inundate tracks and tunnels. Utilities anticipated widespread power failures.

    The centre of the storm was positioned to come ashore Monday night in New Jersey, meaning the worst of the surge could be in the northern part of that state and in New York City and on Long Island. Higher tides brought by a full moon compounded the threat to the metropolitan area of about 20 million people.

    "This is the worst-case scenario," said Louis Uccellini, environmental prediction chief for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

    As rain from the leading edges began to fall over the Northeast on Sunday, hundreds of thousands of people from Maryland to Connecticut were ordered to leave low-lying coastal areas, including 375,000 in lower Manhattan and other parts of New York City, 50,000 in Delaware and 30,000 in Atlantic City, New Jersey, where the city's 12 casinos shut down for only the fourth time ever.

    HMS Bounty Sinks Off N.C. Coast, 2 Crew Missing

    The HMS Bounty, a 180-foot, three-mast tall ship, was last marked about 90 miles southeast of Hatteras.

    The ship has sunk, according to the Coast Guard at 8:45 a.m. Monday.

    Just before 8 a.m., the Facebook page for the HMS Bounty says 14 of the 16 people who had to abandon their ship have been hoisted to safety.

    There have been conflicting reports on how many people were onboard. The manifest reportedly listed 16 people, and that's the number the Coast Guard has."

    WITN-TV Article:

    Seventeen people aboard a replica of the HMS Bounty abandoned ship early Monday while stranded at sea off the North Carolina coast, the U.S. Coast Guard said in a press release.

    "The 17 person crew donned cold water survival suits and life jackets before launching in two 25-man lifeboats with canopies," the Coast Guard said in a statement.

    The ship issued a distress signal late Sunday after taking on water, the U.S. Coast Guard said.

    The owner of the 180-foot, three mast ship -- which was built for the 1962 Marlon Brando movie, "Mutiny on the Bounty" -- lost communication with the crew and alerted the Coast Guard to the situation.

    The Coast Guard then received a distress signal from the ship showing its position. It sent out an aircraft to speak with the crew, which reported that the vessel was taking on water and had no propulsion. It's currently located about 90 miles southeast of Hatteras, N.C.

    The ship, which is still floating upright and intact, is surrounded by 18-foot seas and 40 mph winds as Hurricane Sandy moves through the area.

    The Bounty makes frequent trips around the country, offering a glimpse into maritime history, according to the ship's website. It was originally a British transport vessel, and the replica has appeared in several films, including the 2006 movie "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Mans Chest," with Johnny Depp. Its last stop before its winter hiatus in Galveston, Texas, was to be in St. Petersburg, Fla., on Nov. 10.

    It is unclear why the boat set out to sea with Sandy bearing down. Sandy could be the largest storm ever to hit the United States, according to NOAA's website.

    Alicia Richman Wins World Record For 'Most Breastmilk Donated'

    Alicia Richman of Granbury, Tex. has been declared the new Guinness World Record holder for "Most Breastmilk Donated," CBS DFW reports. Between June 2011 and March 2012, The 28-year-old mother of one donated 11,115 ounces -- or 694 pounds -- of breastmilk to charity, according to Guinness. By volume, that's about 87 gallons.

    Richman told CBS that after she gave birth in March 2011, she began pumping and storing her milk, and quickly realized she was producing much more than her son could consume.

    When two freezers were chock full of pumped milk, Richman contacted the Mothers' Milk Bank of North Texas, an nonprofit that collects breast milk donations for critically ill and premature infants in need.

    Her donations have fed "hundreds, and more likely, thousands of premature babies across the United States," Amy Vickers, executive director of the milk bank, says in a press release.

    Richman says she went for the Guinness record because she wanted to raise awareness for the cause and encourage other women to donate to milk banks.

    "I'm so thankful that I'm able to help not only my own baby, Drake, but all of the little babies who need it and are sick," Richman told News 8. "It really feels amazing and I'm so thankful that I'm able to do it."

    US superstorm threat launches mass evacuations

    Forget distinctions like tropical storm or hurricane. Don't get fixated on a particular track. Wherever it hits, the rare behemoth storm inexorably gathering in the eastern U.S. will afflict a third of the country with sheets of rain, high winds and heavy snow, say officials who warned millions in coastal areas to get out of the way.

    "We're looking at impact of greater than 50 to 60 million people," said Louis Uccellini, head of environmental prediction for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

    As Hurricane Sandy barreled north from the Caribbean — where it left nearly five dozen dead — to meet two other powerful winter storms, experts said it didn't matter how strong the storm was when it hit land: The rare hybrid storm that follows will cause havoc over 800 miles from the East Coast to the Great Lakes.

    "This is not a coastal threat alone," said Craig Fugate, director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency. "This is a very large area."

    President Barack Obama was monitoring the storm and working with state and locals governments to make sure they get the resources needed to prepare, administration officials said.

    New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie declared a state of emergency Saturday as hundreds of coastal residents started moving inland and the state was set to close its casinos. New York's governor was considering shutting down the subways to avoid flooding and half a dozen states warned residents to prepare for several days of lost power.

    Sandy weakened briefly to a tropical storm early Saturday but was soon back up to Category 1 strength, packing 75 mph winds about 305 miles south-southeast of Cape Hatteras, N.C., as of 11 p.m. Forecasters said the storm was spreading tropical storm conditions across the coastline of North Carolina, and they were expected to move up the mid-Atlantic coastline late Sunday. Experts said the storm was most likely to hit the southern New Jersey coastline by late Monday or early Tuesday.

    Governors from North Carolina, where heavy rain was expected Sunday, to Connecticut declared states of emergency. Delaware ordered mandatory evacuations for coastal communities by 8 p.m. Sunday.

    Christie, who was widely criticized for not interrupting a family vacation in Florida while a snowstorm pummeled the state in 2010, broke off campaigning for Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney in North Carolina on Friday to return home.

    "I can be as cynical as anyone," the pugnacious chief executive said in a bit of understatement Saturday. "But when the storm comes, if it's as bad as they're predicting, you're going to wish you weren't as cynical as you otherwise might have been."

    The storm forced the presidential campaign to juggle schedules. Romney scrapped plans to campaign Sunday in the swing state of Virginia and switched his schedule for the day to Ohio. First lady Michelle Obama canceled an appearance in New Hampshire for Tuesday, and Obama moved a planned Monday departure for Florida to Sunday night to beat the storm. He canceled appearances in Northern Virginia on Monday and Colorado on Tuesday.

    In Ship Bottom, just north of Atlantic City, Alice and Giovanni Stockton-Rossini spent Saturday packing clothing in the backyard of their home, a few hundred yards from the ocean on Long Beach Island. Their neighborhood was under a voluntary evacuation order, but they didn't need to be forced.

    "It's really frightening," Alice Stockton-Rossi said. "But you know how many times they tell you, 'This is it, it's really coming and it's really the big one' and then it turns out not to be? I'm afraid people will tune it out because of all the false alarms before ... (but) this one might be the one."

    A few blocks away, Russ Linke was taking no chances. He and his wife secured the patio furniture, packed the bicycles into the pickup truck, and headed off the island.

    What makes the storm so dangerous and unusual is that it is coming at the tail end of hurricane season and the beginning of winter storm season, "so it's kind of taking something from both," said Jeff Masters, director of the private service Weather Underground.

    Paris Hilton's Halloween Costume: Heiress Dons 'Alice In Wonderland' Outfit

    Paris Hilton was in the Halloween spirit last night (Oct. 26) as she made her way to a private party in Beverly Hills, Calif.

    The socialite, 31, flaunted her famous curves in an "Alice in Wonderland" costume, complete with stockings, a choker and ruffles. has photos of Hilton and her boyfriend River Viiperi, who dressed as the Mad Hatter, heading to the bash with some friends.

    "Mad Hatter w my love @ParisHilton "AliceinWonderland" #BestHalloweenEver," Viiperi tweeted last night, with Hilton adding, "Ready for a night out on the town."

    Looks like these two had a spook-tacular evening.

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