Reason And Prevention Of Bad Breath(Halitosis): "
Bad Breath (Halitosis)
Bad breath is more serious than you think. Not only can it make it difficult to talk to people daily, but it can also put havoc in your work and love life. Learn what the causes are concerning bad breath and how to take care of the serious problem.
According to the British Dental Health Foundation “one in four adults suffer from bad breath on a regular basis”. But without somebody actually telling you your breath smells bad how are you supposed to know? Characteristics of bad breath are-
- A white tongue
- Thick saliva
- A dry mouth
- A constant sour, bitter or metallic taste in the mouth
- A bad taste after drinking beer, milk, coffee or mouthwash.
These are all likely signs your breath smells but bad breath can still occur without any of these characteristics being present. Your dentist can measure bad breath with a Halimeter, an instrument that detects the levels of volatile sulfur compounds when you breathe into the tube attached.
Why People Get Bad Breath
The reason we can’t smell our own bad breath is because the source of our breath is in the soft palate at the back of the mouth which is connected to the nose. The nose blocks out most background smells including the odour in the mouth commonly refered to as bad breath.
The main cause of bad breath is oral bacteria. The waste that the bacteria in our mouths create are full of sulfur compounds which smell. The many different compounds produced by the bacteria are referred to as Volatile Sulfur Compounds – VSCs, the fact that they are volatile, meaning they evaporate quickly even at room temperature is why other people can smell them.
The majority of sulfur compounds that produce bad breath are…
- Hydrogen Sulfide – the smell of rotten eggs.
- Methyl Mercaptan – the smell associated with farms and feed lots.
- Skatole – the smell of human faeces.
- Putrescine – contributes to the smell of decaying meat.
- Cadervine – the smell associated with corpses.
These compounds are the waste of “anaerobic” bacteria which means they thrive in an environment which lacks oxygen. So contray to common belief these bacteria do not live on the direct surface of the tongue but inbetween the fibres of the tongue. They also thrive under the coating at the back of the tongue, known as “white tongue”. Bad breath bacteria particularly like this area as it is completely deprived of oxygen. They can also survive in between teeth and underneath the gum.
Preventing or eliminating halitosis requires that you know what is causing the problem in the first place. Most of the time, the main cause of bad breath comes from the mouth. This is likely to happen when you are suffering from gum disease or your mouth has not been properly cleaned or if there are spaces in your mouth that trap bacteria. Other possible causes of bad breath include sinus or respiratory infections, gastrointestinal problems, or tonsils. In most cases, these situations need you to seek help from medical professionals, who can give you advice on how to cure such bad breath.
There are many reasons why people get bad breath. Here are a few of the most common and what to do about it.
- 1.First off, you need help in the hygiene department. The mouth is one of the dirtiest places that harbors bacteria that if left unclean can create some of the foulest smells known to man. So, keep it clean. . A clean mouth is less likely to smell. Brush twice a day, thoroughly, and floss daily. Flossing is particularly important, since food can get trapped between teeth and at the gum line. Decaying food is a great haven or bacteria, which release smelly gases that will make your breath smell bad
So make sure to brush after after every meal or snack particularly meals high in protein as the oral bacteria digest protein and then excrete it in the form of volatile sulfar compounds
. But, brushing alone isn’t the answer. Use mouthwash too, which can really clear out the food debris, plaque and dead cells, which cause bad breath. Flossing is huge. It gets in between teeth, where brushing and mouthwash miss. Also, invest in a tongue scraper. Bacteria tend to gather on the tongue, especially the back of the tongue, which can be major grounds for unpleasant scents.
2 . The tongue is another big source of mouth odor. At the back of your tongue, bacteria can live for a long time without being seriously disturbed. To eliminate this source of bad breath, scrape your tongue gently with a scraper or other device designed for this purpose. Usually, you will need to do this twice a day. Be sure not to press too hard and injure your tongue, and avoid toothbrushes, because they can make you gag.
3. Gargle at night with either an effective, non alcohol based mouthwash, or a 1.5% dilute solution of hydrogen peroxide. Be sure to wait a little while after brushing, as the detergents in toothpaste can prevent these gargles from working as well as they should. This method may help to reduce bacteria growth in the mouth while you are sleeping.
4Use a Chlorine Dioxide or Sodium Chlorite mouthwash – These both release oxygen in the mouth which the anaerobic bacteria don’t like and they neutralise volatile sulfuric compounds eliminating bad breath.
5.Replace your toothbrush every three to four months. A new toothbrush is most effective for removing plaque and food particles, and for eliminating bad breath. Choose a soft-bristled brush
6.Some foods such as fish, tuna, onions and garlic can produce bad breath. If you breath tends to have awful output, avoid the foods that can cause worse breath. Add vegetables and fruits to your diet
People on diets can also change how their breath smells. This is sometimes known as hunger breath. You can actually change how your breath smells, by cutting out things like carbs. The best advice is to do everything in moderation.
7.. Avoid foods that you have noticed to cause your breath to get worse, and aim for ones that clean your mouth and the back of your tongue of plaque. Celery, carrots and other abrasive foods can act as good mouth cleaners and help you avoid halitosis.
8.Another well-known cause for bad breath is smoking and a bad cigarette habit. Make a goal to stop smoking and switch that coffee break for a Green Tea break, which is known for fighting cavities. Not only will it help fight cavities (which come from bacteria), it can also help fight cancer and make you lose weight..
9. . Chew parsley or mint leaves to quickly freshen your breath. Parsley and mint are both effective for short-term elimination of bad breath
Parsley is a great natural breath freshener. You can also get parsley capsules to help curb bad breath.
10.Try an Anticavity fluoride rinse. Fluoride is a great component for fighting awful smelling breath.
Water (which contains fluoride) is another great tip for combating the problem. Drink lots.
11.Always clean things like cups, silverware or anything else you put in your mouth. These are the perfect places for bacteria to harbor. And, if not thoroughly cleaned with hot water, the bacteria can easily go from a cup to your mouth.
Visit your dentist twice a year. With a dentists’ know how, tools and treatments, your dentist can help you for all of your dental needs, including better breath.
12.Cut out sugary sweets – they can increase bacteria in your mouth. If you do slip up, brush your teeth or use mouthwash right away.
13.Always go that extra mile for your dental hygiene, not only will you have fantastic smelling breath, but you’ll keep your pearly whites beautiful for a lifetime.
14.Drink plenty of water to keep your mouth hydrated: Dry mouth can cause mouth odor. For the same reason, limit your intake of caffeinated beverages like coffee that can dry out your mouth.
15.Chew gum or suck candy to stimulate your mouth to produce more saliva. Saliva helps clean and refresh your mouth, removing odor-causing bacteria. Choose sugar-free gum and candy for the best results. . Chewing can help you cure bad breath. Whether you choose sugarless gum, fennel seeds, or fresh parsley Chew sugarless gum – chewing gum increases saliva which contains oxygen, which the anaerobic bacteria dislike, the action of chewing gets saliva going and provides a pleasant scent that can help or cover up bad smells.. Saliva actually dissolves those volatile sulfur compounds.
16.Don’t smoke. Smoking dries out your mouth and contributes to bad breath.
Keep in mind that mouthwash may temporarily mask bad breath, but it doesn’t correct the problem that’s causing bad breath. If your bad breath persists, see a dentist to make sure an underlying dental health issue isn’t causing your breath problem. If your dentist approves your dental health, see a doctor.