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    Showing posts with label HEALTH. Show all posts

    Viagra not universal 'cure-all' for impotency

    If you are suffering from impotence or erectile dysfunction, reaching out for Viagra and other related drugs may help you increase the levels of your sexual activity, but not satisfaction, suggests a new research.

    Moreover, people suffering from erectile dysfunction have higher odds of suffering from high blood pressure and diabetes.

    Viagra and other related drugs, clinically known as oral phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors (PDE5i), cannot address these associated concerns, the researchers pointed out, suggesting that restoring erectile dysfunction (ED) pharmacologically is not a 'cure-all'.
    "It is important that health professionals act on this and offer a more rounded approach to managing ED," said lead author of the study David Lee from the University of Manchester in Britain.

    This should include a well-informed patient with realistic expectations, support from his partner, and an improved assessment of any psychological or relationship issues that may exacerbate sexual concerns and dissatisfaction, Lee pointed out.

    The researchers studied the responses of more than 2,600 English men aged 50-87 years.
    Older men who had recently used PDE5i drugs reported higher levels of sexual activity and function than men without ED, but were more likely to be concerned and/or dissatisfied with their sex lives.

    Toddler With Ebola In Mali May Have Infected Many People

    Many people in Mali are at high risk of catching Ebola because the toddler who brought the disease to the country was bleeding from her nose as she traveled on a bus from Guinea, the World Health Organization warned Friday.

    The U.N. agency is treating the situation as an emergency since many people may have had "high-risk exposures" to the 2-year-old girl during her journey through several towns in Mali, including two hours in the capital, Bamako. The girl was traveling with her grandmother.

    The toddler died in an isolation tent at a hospital in the western city of Kayes on Friday, according to a nurse at the facility, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the press.

    This is the first Ebola case in Mali and may expand to many more. The case highlights how quickly the virus can hop borders and even oceans, just as questions are being asked about what precautions health care workers who treat Ebola patients should take when they return home from the hot zone. Doctors Without Borders insisted Friday, after one of its doctors who worked in Guinea came down with Ebola in New York, that quarantines of returning health workers are not necessary when they do not show symptoms of the disease.
    In the Mali case, however, the girl was visibly sick, WHO said, and an initial investigation has identified 43 people, including 10 health workers, she came into close contact with who are being monitored for symptoms and held in isolation. The child was confirmed to have Ebola on Thursday.

    "The child's symptomatic state during the bus journey is especially concerning, as it presented multiple opportunities for exposures — including high-risk exposures — involving many people," the agency said in a statement.

    The girl first went to a clinic in Mali on Monday and she was initially treated for typhoid, which she tested positive for. When she did not improve, she was tested for Ebola, and she is now being treated in isolation in the western city of Kayes.

    Mali has long been considered highly vulnerable to Ebola's spread since it shares a border with the Ebola-hit countries of Guinea and Senegal, and staff from WHO and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention were already there helping to prepare for a case. More WHO staff are being deployed.

    The Ebola outbreak began in Guinea and has since spread to five other West African countries. The virus has also been imported to Spain and the United States. On Thursday, Craig Spencer, who had been working with Doctors Without Borders in Guinea and returned home to the U.S. about a week before, reported a fever and is now being treated at a New York hospital.

    Some countries have banned travelers from the three main Ebola countries — Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone — and the U.S. started health screening of travelers arriving from there. But Doctors Without Borders said having its staffers quarantine themselves after leaving a country with Ebola is going too far if no symptoms are evident. A person infected with Ebola is not contagious until he or she starts showing symptoms.

    Skin sperm could help cure male infertility

    SCIENTISTS have created early stage sperm from the skin of men who cannot make their own, raising hopes of new treatments for currently incurable male infertility.

    A leading British expert said the stem cell research challenged the widely held view that the "door is closed" on men with the problem who want to have children.

    Although still at a very early stage, the study raises the future prospect of lab-grown sperm that could allow them to become fathers.

    Lead scientist Dr Reijo Pera, from the Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine at Stanford University, US, said: "Our results are the first to offer an experimental model to study sperm development. Therefore, there is potential for
    to cell-based therapies in the clinic, for example, for the generation of higher quality and numbers of sperm in a dish.

    "It might even be possible to transplant stem-cell-derived germ cells directly into the testes of men with problems producing sperm."

    Infertility often affects 10pc to 15pc of couples, and in men it usually has a genetic origin, most commonly the loss of key genes on the male Y chromosome.

    All three infertile men taking part in the new study had missing regions of Y chromosome DNA associated with the production of few or no sperm.

    फैक्ट एनालिसिस- गाजर

    गाजर विटामिन ए का भंडार है। विटामिन ए नेत्रों की सेहत के लिए और त्वचा रोगों से बचाव में सहायक है। गाजर में बी ग्रुप के विटामिंस पाए जाते है। गाजर शरीर की रोग-प्रतिरोधक क्षमता बढ़ाती है। इसमें कैरोटिन, कैल्शियम और फास्फोरस और गंधक जैसे अन्य स्वास्थ्यकर तत्व भी पाए जाते है। गाजर रक्त को साफ करती है।
    माइनस प्वाइंट
    जिन लोगों के पेट में गैस बनती है, उन्हे गाजर से परहेज करना चाहिए। इसी तरह गाजर के मध्य में स्थित पीले भाग को भी न खाएं। ऐसा इसलिए, क्योंकि पीले भाग के खाने से खांसी होने की आशंका बढ़ जाती है। यहीं नहीं गाजर खाने के तुरंत बाद पानी भी न पिएं। तुरंत पानी पीने से खांसी की शिकायत पकड़ सकती है।
    जिन लोगों को पेट में गैस बनने की शिकायत हो, उन्हे गाजर का रस या सूप ग्रहण करना चाहिए। इसी तरह यदि गाजर खाने से पेट में दर्द हो, तो गुड़ खाना चाहिए। गुड़ खाने से दर्द ठीक हो जाता है। वरिष्ठ आयुर्वेद चिकित्सक डॉ. सतीश चंद्र शुक्ला के अनुसार जो लोग रतौंधी से ग्रस्त है, उन्हे मौजूदा मौसम में पर्याप्त मात्रा में गाजर का सेवन करना चाहिए। इसी तरह जो लोग त्वचा रोगों से पीड़ित है, उनके लिए भी गाजर का सेवन विशेष रूप से लाभप्रद है। जागरण

    Breast Milk Protein may Protect Babies From HIV

    Scientists have for the first time identified a protein in breast milk that neutralises HIV and may protect babies from acquiring the virus from their infected mothers.

    The protein, called Tenascin-C or TNC, had previously been recognised as playing a role in wound healing, but had not been known to have antimicrobial properties. The discovery could lead to potential new HIV-prevention strategies.

    Researchers at Duke University Medical Center found the TNC protein in breast milk binds to and neutralises the HIV virus, protecting exposed infants who might otherwise become infected from repeated exposures to the virus.

    "Even though we have antiretroviral drugs that can work to prevent mother-to-child transmission, not every pregnant woman is being tested for HIV, and less than 60 per cent are receiving the prevention drugs, particularly in countries with few resources," said senior study author Sallie Permar, assistant professor of pediatrics, immunology and molecular genetics and microbiology at Duke.

    "So there is still a need for alternative strategies to prevent mother-to-child transmission, which is why this work is important," Permar said.

    In their study, the Duke team screened mature milk samples from uninfected women for neutralising activity against a panel of HIV strains, confirming that all of the detectable HIV-neutralisation activity was contained in the high molecular weight portion.

    Using a multi-step protein separation process, the researchers narrowed the detectable HIV-neutralisation activity to a single protein, and identified it as TNC.

    "TNC is a component of the extracellular matrix that is integral to how tissues hold themselves together," Permar said, noting that co-author Harold Erickson, professor of cell biology at Duke, was among the first to identify and describe TNC in the 1980s.

    Researchers found the protein is uniquely effective in capturing virus particles and neutralises the virus, specifically binding to the HIV envelope.

    Salad Mix Behind Food Poisoning Outbreak, Health Officials Say

     Health officials in Iowa and Nebraska on Tuesday identified prepackaged salad mix as the source of a severe stomach bug that sickened hundreds of people in both states, but federal authorities said it's not clear whether cyclospora outbreaks elsewhere in the U.S. are also linked to that produce.

    Cyclospora is a rare parasite that causes a lengthy gastrointestinal illness, and outbreaks of the illness have been reported in 15 states. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Tuesday that it's not clear whether all of the illnesses are linked to a single source. The outbreak has sickened at least 145 residents in Iowa and 78 in Nebraska.

    Nebraska officials said the salad mix in question included iceberg and romaine lettuce, along with red cabbage and carrots, which came through national distribution chains. They did not identify specific brands. A Nebraska health department spokeswoman said the agency was working with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to get a "clear picture" of which were involved and whether they're tied to one common source, such as the same farm or producer.

    "Our goal is to protect Nebraskans, pinpoint the source of the illness and make sure the risk is eliminated," said Dr. Joseph Acierno, the department's chief medical officer and director of public health.

    In Iowa, officials said they were confident that most if not all of the product was no longer on the shelves. The affected products were traced to grocery stores and restaurants, said Steven Mandernach, the state's top food-safety inspector. Mandernach said cases were reported throughout the state, but the largest number was in the eastern Iowa city of Cedar Rapids.

    Mandernach said officials have traced 80 percent of the Iowa cases to a common source, which he did not identify because officials believe there's no longer any immediate safety threat. Mandernach said it's possible that the parasite spread through contaminated floodwater and onto farm fields after arriving in the state. Before the outbreak, he said, Iowa had seen about 20 cases of cyclospora in the last decade.

    Local health departments are working with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to identify exactly where the contamination originated in the food production chain and where the product was distributed.

    Habits Of Insanely Fit People

    Just a few simple habits can make the difference between a fit person and a couch potato, an everyday worker and the outrageously successful.

    That's because those simple habits work. And these ultra-fit examples are proof.

    Fit People Don't Diet

    Michelle Obama, champion of nutrition and physical activity (and owner of some of the most inspiring arms in America), knows that obsessing over every calorie is no way to live. "The truth is, being a healthy woman isn't about getting on a scale or measuring your waistline -- and we can't afford to think that way," she wrote in Women's Health in 2010. "Instead, we need to start focusing on what matters -- on how we feel, and how we feel about ourselves."

    They Find A Way To Enjoy Exercise

    Fitness is not one-size-fits-all -- and the fittest people understand that and dedicate the time to finding an exercise routine they actually enjoy. Bob Harper, devoted CrossFit fan, takes it to the next step: "For me, working out is a form of therapy, it's cathartic for me, it's a good stress reliever," he told Parade in 2013. "I know that when I go to the gym I am taking care of myself and I know I'll feel so much better afterwards."

    They Don't Compare Their Bodies To Other People's Bodies

    Bow down to Queen Bey! The singer/actress/mama/superstar's weight has fluctuated for a number of movie roles, but she knows where she's most comfortable -- and accepts it. "I feel best when I'm not really thin and not really heavy, when I'm still curvy," she told SELF. "I really believe that everyone is supposed to be different, and whatever is a natural weight for you is usually what looks best."

    They Get Enough Sleep

    Jillian Michaels, tough-as-nails trainer of Biggest Loser fame, considers a good night's sleep her secret weapon. Get "as much as you can," she told Spry Living: "Sleep is critical for a strong immune system, metabolism, anti aging -- the list goes on and on." And she's right: Skimping on sleep ups your risk for a number of serious health conditions. Plus, even just an extra hour of sleep can help your athletic performance. "I really do prioritize my sleep," she told Health magazine. "I get seven to eight hours a night."

    They Cheat

    Even the most fit know that a healthy-eating plan needs a little wiggle room. Jessica Biel values a "cheat" day: "When I'm working and I eat healthily all week, I then give myself one day -- usually Sunday -- when I eat what I want," she told Glamour UK. "You have to, otherwise your mind goes a little nutso."

    They Make Fitness A Priority

    We're all busy, but if you want to be fit you have to make time to work for it. The most fit people strike a balance between work and family obligations, social lives and exercise. In fact, it may be what differentiates the fittest folks from everyone else, boxing champ Laila Ali told Ebony:

        I do my best to work out five days a week. There are times when I can only get in three days a week because I am traveling or just need rest due to a hectic schedule. But working out is always a priority and if I fall off due to my schedule, it is not long before I get back on track. People who are fit are the same as anyone else. The only difference is their level of commitment. If looking good and being fit was easy, everyone would do it! Most people don't want to put in the work or make the sacrifices needed in order to be fit.

    Could Parasitic Worms Treat Obesity Related Disease?

    Chalk this story up in the “eww gross” category. You know those pesky little parasitic worms that we humans try so hard to avoid? Well, it turns out those little parasites may be more helpful to humans than once thought. A study published recently in Nature Medicine has revealed that these dreaded creatures may indeed play a role in preventing obesity related metabolic disorders. The research was done by a team from the University of Georgia, the Harvard School of Public Health, the Université François Rabelais in Tours, France, and the Central South University, Changsha, Hunan, China.

    In a University of Georgia press release, Donald Harn, Georgia Research Alliance Distinguished Investigator in the UGA College of Veterinary Medicine’s Department of Infectious Diseases said, “Prevalence of inflammation-based diseases is extremely low in countries where people are commonly infected with worms… But the minute you start deworming people, it doesn’t take too long for these autoimmune diseases to pop up”. The researchers hypothesized that this might be a result of sugar-based molecule called glycan, which is excreted by these parasitic worms. This molecule helps protect the worms from our body’s immune defenses which in turn, reduces the amount of inflammation present in the tissues that surround them. Apparently, this reduction in inflammation also helps the human host. Harn and his fellow researchers believe this may have implications for treating all sorts of metabolic disorders.

    The researchers tested their theory on mice. They fed a control group a high fat diet and the other group they fed a glycan sugar diet. Both groups gained weight, bu the control group experienced all of the common problems that come with obesity such as, insulin resistance and high triglycerides. The mice on the special sugar diet did not experience the negative health effects in spite of their increased weight.

    सिगरेट पीने के लिए लेना होगा परमिट

    ब्रिटेन में अब जल्द ही दस पाउंड मूल्य तक की सिगरेट खरीदने के लिए सरकार से अनुमति लेनी होगी। ब्रिटेन की सरकारी स्वास्थ्य सलाहकार समिति ने इस बाबत सलाह दी है ताकि कोई भी व्यक्ति अनुमति के बिना सिगरेट खरीद न सके।
    सलाहकार समिति के अध्यक्ष जुलियन ले ग्रांड ने बीबीसी रेडियो-5 लाइव से कहा कि इस योजना से धूम्रपान की लत छोड़ने वाले की संख्या बढ़ाने में मदद मिलेगी। पूर्व प्रधानमंत्री टोनी ब्लेयर के भूतपूर्व सलाहकार ने कहा कि प्रस्तावित योजना से प्राप्त होने वाला धन राष्ट्रीय स्वास्थ्य योजना में समाहित किया जाएगा।
    उधर, धूम्रपान के शौकीनों के समूह ने प्रस्तावित योजना के विरोध में आवाज मुखर करते हुए कहा है कि वे पहले से ही धूम्रपान के लिए बड़ी राशि का भुगतान कर रहे हैं।

    Foods to power up your spring photo

    There's a food movement afoot: Eating well to look, feel, and perform our very best is hot.

    And as Jamie Oliver and Michelle Obama alike are showing us, this isn't a matter of choking down foods because they're good for you. It's about filling your plate with delicious fare.

    "Food, if it's chosen well, can reshape our medical destinies for the better," says Dr. David Katz, director of the Yale Prevention Research Center. It can also improve our mood and focus. Here's how to graze your way to a supercharged you.

    Artichokes. If you've been huffing and puffing up the stairs lately, try these spiky-leafed vegetables. They're loaded with magnesium, a mineral vital for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body, including one of the most important -- generating energy, says Forrest Nielsen, a U.S. Department of Agriculture research nutritionist."If you're not getting enough magnesium, your muscles have to work harder to react and you tire more quickly."

    And about 68% of us aren't getting our proper share of this mighty mineral. For women, the goal is 320 milligrams (mg) per day. One medium artichoke gets you 77 mg of magnesium (a good deal for only 60 calories!). Other top sources include nuts, legumes, and whole grains.

    Spinach. These tasty leaves are a great source of iron (especially if you don't eat meat), which is a key component in red blood cells that fuel our muscles with oxygen for energy. But researchers in Sweden recently identified another way in which these greens might keep you charged: Compounds found in spinach actually increase the efficiency of our mitochondria, the energy-producing factories inside our cells. That means eating a cup of cooked spinach a day may give you more lasting power on the elliptical machine (or in your daily sprint to catch the bus). The best foods for every vitamin and mineral

    Walnuts. Walnuts are packed with tryptophan, an amino acid your body needs to create the feel-great chemical serotonin. (In fact, Spanish researchers found that walnut eaters have higher levels of this natural mood-regulator.) Another perk: "They're digested slowly," Katz says. "This contributes to mood stability and can help you tolerate stress."

    Asparagus. Those green spears are one of the best veggie sources of folate, a B vitamin that could help keep you out of a slump. "Folate is important for the synthesis of the neurotransmitters dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine," says Dr. David Mischoulon, associate professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. All of these are crucial for mood.

    A cup of cooked asparagus has 268 micrograms (mcg) -- two-thirds of the 400 mcg RDA for women. Add a cup of enriched pasta -- which is fortified with folic acid, the synthetic form of folate -- and you'll have a feel-good meal indeed.

    Risks of Multiple Pregnancy Mother and Babies

    As women get older, it becomes more common for them to have twins or triplets (or even more!). In part, this is because the ovaries of older women sometimes release more than one egg per cycle. Older women are also more likely to become pregnant with the help of assisted reproductive technology, which increases the chances of twins or triplets.

    Although a multiple pregnancy can be an amazing gift, there is a higher risk to both the mother and the babies in these special situations, and all multiple gestations are carefully monitored.
    Testing for abnormalities

    Multiple gestation complicates testing for genetic abnormalities early in pregnancy. First or second trimester serum screening for Down syndrome is considerably less accurate in twins, and cannot be used at all in triplet pregnancies. Many women decide either to forgo testing or go directly to conclusive testing by chorionic villus sampling or amniocentesis. Testing for abnormalities is further complicated if an abnormality is found in only one twin. Choices must then be made about continuing the pregnancy or attempting to reduce the pregnancy to a single baby.
    Risks to the mother

    With multiple pregnancies, there is a greater risk of preeclampsia (two to three limes higher than with a single pregnancy), a slightly increased risk of gestational diabetes, and a 50 percent higher rate of cesarean delivery. With triplets, the risk of gestational diabetes soars, and almost all women deliver by cesarean.

    Later in pregnancy, multiple gestation results in more maternal discomfort and weight gain ¡ª typically 35-451b (16kg-20.5kg).
    Risks to the babies

    Multiple gestation creates several risks for the babies, the main one being preterm labor. Half of twin pregnancies will have delivered by 1 month before their original due date, although the risk of very early preterm delivery (before 28 weeks) is low ¨C approximately 4-5 percent. Triplet pregnancies are at a much greater risk of preterm labor ¡ª almost all triplet pregnancies will deliver before 57 weeks and 12 percent will deliver before 28 weeks.

    As well as the risk of preterm delivery, twins and triplets are more likely than single babies to be growth restricted in the uterus. There is also a small chance that one may die around the time of birth. Although this risk is relatively to w (less than 3 percent), most doctors will monitor the babies frequently during the third trimester by regular ultrasound scans to check growth, and nonstress testing to check the babies’ well-being. Most doctors also recommend delivery of twin pregnancies by 38-39 weeks.

    The risk of cesarean delivery increases with twins for several reasons, first, there is an increased chance that the first twin will be in a breech position (feel or bottom first). In these cases, cesarean delivery is recommended. Second, there is an increased risk of placental problems and to w birth weight in one or both of the twins, decreasing the chances that they will be able to tolerate labor.

    However, if your first twin is in a head-down position, and the twins are about the same size, you should be able to try to have a vaginal delivery. Even if your second twin is in a feel first position, a breech delivery can usually be accomplished quickly and safely because the way has already been paved by the first twin. Most hospitals have monitors that can track each twin’s heart rate separately throughout labor

    Bra Size Linked To Breast Cancer Risk Might Be Tied To Breast Size, Study Says PHOTO

    The same gene that can determine a woman’s breast size could also be linked to her odds of developing breast cancer, with larger cup-sizes more likely to develop tumors, according to the results of a new study California-based personal genomics and biotechnology company 23andMe.

    The firm reported that they were able to identify “seven single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) significantly associated with breast size, including three SNPs also correlated with breast cancer,” according to CBS News reports. The study, which has been published in the journal BMC Medical Genetics, marks the first time that a genetic correlation between breast size and the risk of developing breast cancer has been made.

    In the study, the researchers contacted more than 16,000 women of European ancestry. Each study participant identified their bra size on a 10-point scale, ranging from smaller than AAA to larger than DDD, and also answered questions regarding their age, genetic ancestry, pregnancy history, breast surgery history, and breast feeding status, CBS News and Tamara Cohen of the Daily Mail reported.

    The women were then grouped into 10 categories based on their cup sizes, and the researchers identified genome regions associated with differences in breast development, the UK National Health Service (NHS) explained.

    The 23andMe scientists then compared those genome regions with those known to be associated with increased breast cancer risk, before conducting a secondary analysis of 29 DNA variations also linked to breast cancer and finding out whether or not those variations were also associated with breast size among the study group, the NHS added.

    They found that two out of seven unique genome variations “significantly associated” with breast size were also associated with breast cancer, and a third variation, discovered in the secondary analysis, had a “possible association” but one that was not statistically significant.

    “There are surprising connections between some of the genes involved in determining breast size and the genes involved in breast cancer,” lead author Nick Eriksson told The Huffington Post. However, he also emphasized that the link is somewhat “uncertain” and that “based on current knowledge, it’s not a strong risk factor” in terms of breast cancer development.

    “While the precise relationships between breast size, density, obesity and breast cancer remain difficult to untangle, understanding the biology… may aid in the development of novel screening tools,” Eriksson added in a separate interview with the Daily Mail’s Cohen.

    Source: redOrbit Staff & Wire Reports - Your Universe Online

    Women with severe endometriosis may be more attractive

    Observing that women with the most severe form of endometriosis happen to be unusually attractive, researchers in Italy speculate that the qualities that led to the women's good looks also predisposed them to the painful gynecological condition.

    In the study, independent observers rated 31 percent of women with severe endometriosis as attractive or very attractive, while just 8 percent of women with milder endometriosis, and 9 percent of women without the condition were rated that highly.
    "Several researchers believe that a general phenotype exists which is associated with the disease," said study researcher Dr. Paolo Vercellini, an obstetrician and gynecologist at Universita degli Studi in Milan.

    It may be that a more feminine body type is the result of the same physical characteristics that predispose women to develop severe endometriosis, Vercellini said.

    Female attractiveness is linked with higher estrogen levels, and it's possible that the hormone "might favor the development of aggressive and infiltrating endometriotic lesions, particularly in the most feminine subjects," the researchers wrote in their study.

    The study was published online Sept. 17 in the journal Fertility and Sterility.

    A more feminine silhouette
    In endometriosis, cells that normally line the uterus leave the organ and become deposited in other sites within the body, such as on the ovaries, rectum, bladder or pelvic area. These deposits respond the same way as normal uterine cells do to the hormone changes that occur over a woman's monthly cycle — they thicken, and then shrink — which can cause pain in the pelvic region, and bleeding.

    Endometriosis is thought to affect 5 to 10 percent of women. The severe form, called rectovaginal endometriosis, is much less common than milder forms, Vercellini said.

    In the new study, researchers looked at 100 women with rectovaginal endometriosis, 100 women with less severe endometriosis, and 100 women without endometriosis who were undergoing gynecologic surgery for other reasons. Most of the women in the studies were in their late 20s or early 30s.

    Two male and two female doctors who did not know the women's diagnoses met with each woman for a few minutes, and rated her overall attractiveness on a 5-point scale.

    Other researchers took measurements of the women, and calculated their body mass indexes, their waist-to-hip ratios, and their "breast-to-underbreast" ratio — a measure of breast size.

    Results showed that the women with severe endometriosis had lower body mass indexes, and larger breasts, than those without the disease.

    8 Diet and Exercise Mistakes That Age You

    Eating too much sugar certainly isn't wise for your waistline, but did you know that overindulging in dessert can add years to your face? And even if you do strenuous cardio workouts each week, you'll be missing out on potential anti-aging body benefits if your schedule doesn't include yoga, weight training, and rest. "Good nutrition is a fundamental building block of healthy skin," explains Leslie Baumann, MD, a Miami Beach dermatologist. The natural ingredients in whole foods such as romaine lettuce and strawberries help increase cell turnover, and boost production of collagen fibers to help keep skin smooth and firm. Conversely, foods with little-to-no nutritional benefits, like sugar-packed doughnuts, can actually damage the collagen and elastin that keep skin firm and youthful. These aging effects start at about age 35 and increase rapidly after that, according to a study published in the British Journal of Dermatology. Even if your diet is wholesome, you could be making exercise mistakes that age you as well. For example, if you only do cardio at the expense of other types of exercise, like yoga and strength-training, you could be missing out on skin-protective benefits. Find out if you're making one of these 8 common aging diet and exercise mistakes, and get smart prevention strategies that can keep you slim and youthful for years to come.
    The breakdown of sugars, called glycation, damages the collagen that keeps skin smooth and firm. To prevent this natural process from careening out of control, Naila Malik, MD, a derm in Southlake, TX, sticks to low-glycemic carbs like whole grains; they're naturally low in sugar, and the body processes them slowly to limit the loss of collagen. If you want to sweeten up your tea or oatmeal without making your skin look older, try all-natural stevia. It's an easily digested herbal sweetener that doesn't trigger glycation, according to board-certified dermatologist Nicholas Perricone, MD, an adjunct professor of medicine at Michigan State University's College of Human Medicine. Taking your work angst out on the Spinning bike or treadmill might make you feel better for a little while, but incorporating yoga into your fitness routine regularly may help you look younger and prevent breakouts while whittling away stress. Sounds like a winning workout to us! "Yoga moves like Child's Pose, Downward-Facing Dog, and Sun Salutations improve circulation--the boost of oxygen is what gives skin that lovely yoga glow," says Hema Sundaram, MD, a Washington, DC - area dermatologist. New research finds regular yoga practice may reduce the inflammation and stress that speed skin aging. If you need another reason to om away your stress: High levels of tension can spike hormone production that leads to breakouts or aggravates conditions like psoriasis. "Controlling stress keeps your skin calm," says Annie Chiu, MD, a derm in LA.


    I saw my Guava Soup recipe on my 'popular post' list, last week. I am surprised to saw my 2 yrs old post got your attention but it also hit me to one of my post drafts that been been queuing since...uhm well since.. 2010?! X_X. How time flies! LOL.
    To make it worst, I said on that post that I will talk about the health benefits of Guava on the next post too! Big time. I should finish the post draft before the Guava recipe appears again on my popular post list and you read what I promised you there. Haha.
    Well, I sure tried that for the last couple days and am glad I finally can post it today. So aye aye captain, lets go to the topic right meow. YAY.

    Guava is one of my fav fruit and since I live in tropical country, it easy to find it.

    From all types of Guavas, my fav are "Red" guava like shown in the picture above- bought them in the traditional market this morning and couldn't get the bigger size and as you read on my title, another type of Guava on my favorite list is definitely the strawberry Guava.

    Its called Strawberry guava because this red-fruited variety has an excellent strawberry like flavor

    I used to call them Jambu England- as the seller told me.I was kinda raised my eyebrows when I heard how they named them-makes these tropical fruits comes from a non tropical country so to my curiosity I decide to investigate more and found out that Strawberry guava was originate from Colombia and Brazil, I found out also that Psidium cattleilanum  a.k.a Strawberry Guava named in honor a notable English horticulturist Sir William Cattley. Still according to my source, the strawberry guava also commonly known as Cattley Guava or Peruvian Guava- I guess those names are a bit hard to be spelled for local so they just call them Jambu England or England Guava in English for practicality reason.

    Anyway, if you are not familiar with strawberry guava. Here's how they look like.

    I have the tree at my front yard besides the mango tree and also Durian tree- my brother Rio, just planted last week.

    I bought the Strawberry guava tree about 3 years ago, it cost almost $40. Glad it grows on the new soil I also bought along with the tree coz me and my family like the taste very much, even the kids in my neighborhood likes them. Those kids like to pick the fruits even when they are not ripe yet and yea so its everybody's tree now. Its okay, hehehe.

    As you can see the fruits are  small, to 1-2 inch around. The strawberry guava I have at home is the 'Longpipes' variety so the fruit turns red when ripe. The fruit will fall and disappear quickly into the soil if it is not picked.

    Here's the strawberry guava my other brother Angga picked for me- fresh from the tree. Sorry for the poor quality pic. I took the pic when I type this with my webcam and forgot to clean the lens. D'oh.

    Because the tree and the fruits looks pretty, some might prefer to use the tree just for their house ornament but we like the fruit so its not just an ornament at our house.

    This dark red skinned guava tastes sweet, a bit sour and very juicy with very soft and sweet pulp - excellent strawberry like flavor . The seed are small and white in color.

    You might ask why I like and fav Guava. Its because of its richness in nutrients. Guava has brilliant health benefits.

    "A few guavas in the season keeps the doctor away for the whole year"

    Guava is very rich of vitamins, protein and minerals with no cholesterol and less digestible carbohydrates is very filling and satisfies appetite very easily.

    Because of its richness in nutrients, Guava also helps people who want to lose weight but ironically it helps gaining weight in lean or thin people. They keeps your metabolism right helping proper absorption of nutrients.

    When I am doing my research for guava a.k.a browsing :D, it said that guava leaf extract helps control diabetes. From another source, it said that Guava was used for century to treat diabetes in China.

    I am not diabetic but I have diabetes gen in the family so I always interesting with how to treat and most importantly how to prevent diabetes  and that sounds like a good news for me so again to my curiosity I investigate it more and found out that recent study conducted in rats shown eating guava with its skin increase blood sugar  91% so if you have high blood sugar make sure you peel off its skin and eat before it too ripe. (research published in the Indian Journal of Medical Research and conducted by researchers at the Medicinal Research Laboratory of the University of Allahabad blood sugar levels in rats injected with guava peel extract rose by 91% in sub-diabetic rats within two hours of administration and by 27% in normal rats after eight hours of administration)

    Speed Up Weight Loss by Eating Slow

    Very often you will see me write stories on our Health Channel that are technical in nature and often built around some study recently performed at a major research institution. Today, I would like to start something a little different. What I would like to do puts me in a very vulnerable position. I hope for some of you that this will be helpful and that I build my credibility with you not only as an author, but as a real person going through some of the same challenges that many of you face. You see, I struggle with being overweight and have for a while now. It has been a steady increase and is a result of many factors, but mostly inactivity and over eating are to blame. Why do I say all of this? I say this because I am in the trenches just like many of you and I want you to know you’re not alone. I also want to be able to share, from time to time, some of the things that have worked for me and some that haven’t. I’d like to call this segment “Just One More Bite” because that seems to be a very big problem for me. Maybe I could call it “I’ll Have Another”, hmmm…, but I digress. Before I go any further, I must add a disclaimer. I am not a doctor, so please consult your doctor before you take any advice that I, or any health publication for that matter, might give. There’s a lot of pseudoscience out there, so please be careful!

    I came across some good advice lately, that has really been a big help for me. When it comes to eating, slow and steady wins the race!
    Put the Fork Down

    I am sure some of you probably heard things like “chew your food 32 times”, or “don’t inhale your food” from your Mom at the dinner table. It turns out, there is quite a bit of wisdom in those words. Paul McKenna, author of I Can Make You Thin, introduced a concept to me in his book. Basically, he says to “eat consciously and enjoy every mouthful”. This is one of his 4 golden rules that he lays out in his book. The gist of this statement is that you put the fork down between every bite.

    Anti-Nicotine Vaccine Could Prevent Cigarette Smoking Addiction

    Cigarette smoking is one of the major addictions prevalent in modern society and a vaccine may be on the way to cure it. Unlike other addiction treatment options which attempt a gradual replacement of nicotine with a similar chemical, this treatment removes the pleasure that cigarette smoking provides, by preventing nicotine from reaching the brain. Why Smoking is Addictive The nicotine in cigarettes crosses the blood-brain barrier and facilitates the production of the hormone dopamine. Dopamine is the ‘happy hormone’ of the body, also released when we’re in love. With regular smoking, the body gets used to a certain level of dopamine being present, and experiences withdrawal when the frequency of smoking drops. Cigarette Smoking Cigarette smoking is a common addiction, and accounts for 1 in every 5 deaths in the United States (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). Inserting Nicotine Binders in the Body
    Anti-nicotine vaccines have been on the market for a few years now. These contain antibodies which bind to nicotine in the blood and prevent it from reaching the brain. Smokers who have been administered this vaccine would not experience the pleasure associated with smoking, and could wean themselves off the habit more easily. However, the vaccines used so far have to be administered so frequently that the costs are prohibitive. Researchers at Cornell have now discovered a new method of planting these anti-nicotine antibodies in a patient’s blood. They have used a non-infectious virus which contains the gene for this antibody. Once the virus enters the body, it enters liver cells. The genetic sequence of the virus inserts itself into the liver’s genetic sequence, and the liver turns into a factory that manufactures the anti-nicotine antibody. This means that body is engineered to produce its own antibodies. While infectious viruses use this very mechanism to invade the host body, this is now being used to produce the chemicals that we want inside the host cells. ‘Immunity’ For a Lifetime This vaccine has been tested on mice, and it has been found that a single dose of the vaccine is enough to prevent nicotine entering the brain for an entire lifetime. Safety trials on humans are now needed before it can enter the market. Besides curing addiction, this vaccine has great potential in preventing addiction to cigarette smoking by being administered to non-smokers. Read more

    Sex After Baby: One-Third Of Swedish Parents Have Had Sex While Infant Is In Their Bed

    Swedish moms are already known to benefit from living in a country with universal healthcare and outstanding maternity leave policies. Now, it appears they also have more sex. Mothers living in the "land of the midnight sun" may have even found a solution to age-old questions American parents are still asking: Where and when do you have sex once kids are in the house?

    Their answer? The Local reports that, according to a survey done by the Swedish magazine "mama,” one-third of Swedish parents have sex while their infants are asleep in the same bed.

    Yes, you read that right.

    And, as poll after poll reveals U.S. parents as having generally unsatisfactory sex lives, Swedish moms have fewer complaints. The Swedes agree that everyday life sometimes stands in the way of "fulfilling their sex dreams," yet they seem to be more sexually active than their American counterparts. Of the over 600 Swedish moms surveyed, 48 percent have sex once or twice a week (4 percent said daily, the rest varied greatly). In comparison, 40 percent of American parents, cited in a different survey, said that sex was so rare, they might as well be sleeping in separate beds.

    The usual excuses are, We’re too tired, The kids are always around, and, of course, There just isn’t time. When HuffPost blogger Jenny Isenman took women's and parenting magazines to task for running so many "hot sex life" tips for moms, she joked, "Whoever writes those stories somehow has more than 24 hours in her day." And writer Liz Ryan says she's had such a difficult time finding time and privacy for sex with her husband that they choose to pay $100 for a hotel room just to have an hour to themselves.

    Of course, Walsh only had to get creative like this once her kids were old enough to know what goes on behind closed doors. With babies in the house, moms may be exhausted, but 59% of U.S. parents admitted to doing it while an infant was in the room. Still, having sex while bed-sharing is a much more shocking concept to Americans.

    American actress and attachment parent Mayim Bialik advocates co-sleeping and says that one of the questions she gets asked the most is how she is able to be intimate with her husband. Bialik says they simply don't use the bed for sex. “We can be intimate in any other room of the house,” she explained in her book.

    Choosing to be intimate while babies are in the bed doesn't necessarily mean Swedish parents are "freakier” or even more desperate to get it on. Co-sleeping is just much more widely accepted there. "Swedish children often co-sleep with both their parents until school age,” a 2005 study concluded. In contrast, bed-sharing is controversial in the States -- a large number of American co-sleeping parents go so far as to hide their choice which makes any data on how common the practice is likely to be inaccurate.

    It's not all roses and romance for the Swedes, though. The new survey revealed that Swedish parents do have complaints about their sex lives -- having a baby in the bed isn't exactly preferred. Most participants said they wish they could have more -- and better -- sex. In a perfect world, one 32-year-old mother of two revealed her fantasy, "New positions and not just quickies. And in more exciting places like outside.”

    Weight Loss Discovery Making National Headlines

    Did you know you can lose weight without dieting? That’s what one new weight loss product wants you to believe, after claiming you can lose 30 pounds in six months, without changing what you eat.

    It’s called the Sensa Weight Loss System, and it’s one of the most talked-about diet products on the market today –featured in The New York Times, Time Magazine, and Dateline NBC. Some are calling the Sensa diet “revolutionary” because of its radically new approach to weight loss.

    Sensa boldly claims to help users lose significant weight, without changing their existing diet or exercise routine. All dieters have to do is sprinkle scented "Tastants" on their food, and watch the weight fall off.

    We were skeptical to say the least.

    The Sensa Weight Loss System goes against everything we’ve been taught about losing weight, so we dug a little deeper to find out the truth about Sensa. Is it just another weight loss scam or does Sensa actually work?

    Our intrigue and skepticism soon turned to excitement as we uncovered what could be the future weapon in the war on obesity.

    Is Sensa the Celebrity Diet Secret?

    Always on the forefront of weight loss technology, Hollywood celebrities were eager to try Sensa for themselves.

    Millionaire Matchmaker Patti Stanger recently told Access Hollywood she lost 25 pounds using Sensa, and says it fits perfectly into her busy schedule.

    “I noticed my body was changing and the weight was just floating off,” says Patti, who was named by EXTRA as one of the most amazing weight loss success stories of 2010. “Sensa fits perfectly into my lifestyle, because I don't have to change anything.”

    Patti’s dramatic weight loss has been featured in US Weekly, People Magazine, and Life & Style where she was quoted as saying, "Sensa was the easiest solution. You just sprinkle the pounds away."

    Sensa Reviews in the Media

    Hollywood celebrities weren’t the only ones catching on to this non-diet craze.

    Harper’s Bazaar reviewed Sensa in a two-page article called “Easiest Diet Ever?” The review said Sensa sets “no restrictions on what you may put on your plate--or how much--Sensa practically pleads, 'Eat. Have some more! You want butter with that?'"

    When Sensa was featured on Dateline NBC, they interviewed a group of study participants who had been asked to sprinkle Sensa on all their normal foods. Shockingly enough, every single person they interviewed had lost weight. None of them ever reported feeling hungry or deprived, because they were still able to eat their favorite foods--they just ate less of them.

    Iran: Discovery will collapse Christianity

    Iran’s Basij Press is claiming that a version of the Gospel of Barnabas, found in 2000, will prove that Islam is the final and righteous religion and the revelation will cause the collapse worldwide of Christianity. Turkey confiscated a leather-bound text, written on animal hide, in an anti-smuggling operation in 2000. Turkish authorities believe the text could be an authentic version of the Gospel of Barnabas, one of Jesus’ apostles and an associate of the apostle Paul. This version of the Barnabas Gospel was written in the 5th or 6th century and it predicted the coming of the Prophet Mohammad and the religion of Islam, the Basij Press claims. The Christian world, it says, denies the existence of such a gospel. However, religious scholars have said another version of the Barnabas Gospel, discovered a century ago, was written less than 500 years ago, which would post-date Mohammad. In Chapter 41 of the Barnabas Gospel, Basij claims, is this statement: “God has hidden himself as Archangel Michael ran them (Adam and Eve) out of heaven, (and) when Adam turned, he noticed that at top of the gateway to heaven, it was written ‘La elah ela Allah, Mohamad rasool Allah,’” meaning Allah is the only God and Mohammad his prophet. The Turkish army has taken possession of the Barnabas Gospel because the “Zionists” and the governments of the West are trying to suppress its contents, Basij Press claims. According to the Barnabas Gospel in Turkey’s hands, Basij Press says, Jesus was never crucified and that not only is He not the son of God, but that He himself predicted the coming of the Prophet Mohammad. The book even predicts the coming of the last Islamic messiah, the report says. “The discovery of the original Barnabas Bible will now undermine the Christian Church and its authority and will revolutionize the religion in the world,” the Basij report says. “The most significant fact, though, is that this Bible has predicted the coming of Prophet Mohammad and in itself has verified the religion of Islam, and this alone will unbalance the powers of the world and create instability in the Christian world.” The Basij report concludes that the discovery is so immense that it will affect the world’s politics and that the world powers are aware of the coming effects of this event. Turkey plans to put the Bible on public display. Though Turkish authorities believe this could be an authentic version of the Gospel of Barnabas, others believe it only goes back to the 16th century and is a fake because it would have been written centuries after Mohammad’s life. “The Iranian regime is committed to stamping out Christianity by any means necessary, whether that means executing Christian converts, burning Bibles or raiding underground churches,” said Erick Stakelbeck, host of the Christian Broadcasting Network’s “Stakelbeck on Terror” show and a close observer of Iranian affairs. “In promoting the so-called Barnabas Bible – which was likely written sometime in the 16th century and is not accepted by any mainstream Christian denomination – the regime is once again attempting to discredit the Christian faith. Record numbers of young Iranians are leaving Islam and embracing Christ, and the mullahs see Christianity as a growing threat to their authority.”

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