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    Showing posts with label Snl. Show all posts

    Post 50 Saturday Night Live Alums

    In honor of tonight's Saturday Night Live season finale, we were inspired to check up on a few of our favorite post 50 SNL alums -- the stars baby boomers remember from the early days of the show -- to some interesting results (remember when Senator Al Franken was on the show?). Check out the slideshow below to see what they've been up to:SEE MORE

    The Real Housewives Of Disney: 'SNL' Pitches A New Bravo Series

    Lindsay Lohan's fourth time hosting "Saturday Night Live" brought forth some memorable sketches, but perhaps none more so than "The Real Housewives of Disney."

    Sure, thanks to Bravo we all know what the Real Housewives of New York, Atlanta and Beverly Hills are like (in the words of Tina Fey, "a fire in a wax museum"), but what about our favorite fictional women of privilege? What are their dinner parties and fundraisers and balls-to-the-wall brawls like? Finally, our questions are answered.

    The true highlight might be Taran Killam as Prince Charming, but we'll let you guys be the judges.

    'Bridesmaids' Sequel? Director Paul Feig Talks Possibility

    There are few things guaranteed in the upside down, always changing world of Hollywood, but here's one thing you can bank on: a successful film, if at all possible, will get a sequel.

    And as the summer moves forward, "Bridesmaids" is becoming more than just a success.

    A big opening weekend got the speculation started, but having just passed "Sex and the City" as the highest grossing R-rated female-driven comedy of all time, there's little doubt that Universal will be hungry for another helping of the Kristen Wiig-starring, Paul Feig-directed and Judd Apatow-produced laugh factory (with names like those, was there any doubt it'd be a hit?).

    Thus far, no green light has been given, but Feig already is licking his chops to get it made -- if the script is worthwhile.

    "It's not officially been moved toward, but I'd be very open to it," he told Movieline. "It would just have to be as good or better than this one. What you don't want to do is the one that ruins the memory of the first one. But nothing would make me happier if we could make another one with this amazing cast, and people go, 'That's awesome!' If it's as good or as better than the first one, that would be fantastic. Because everything around it was great -- the cast, the people behind the scenes, the stories we're telling, the fact that we get to do movies for and with hugely talented women. What could be better than that? It would be great to carry that on, but, again, it has to be high quality."

    Feig made similar comments back in May, when he wasn't quite sure how well the film would do at the box office.

    "Who knows? I mean, it depends how we do in the next couple weeks, but I know there's definitely ... it's already been brought up," he told NY Magazine. "So, um, you know, when you get a group that's this deep and this good, it's a crime to not use them again. You just want to make sure that you do it as well as you did the first one and try to make it better, even. So, we're up for the challenge."

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