Rahman is usually very diplomatic when it comes to sharing his opinion and his cinematic sensibilities. In the recently released book The Spirit of Music by Nasreen Munni Kabir, he says it all, no-holds-barred. We learn that the kind of films that AR wishes to work in are experimental, the cinema that directors like Mani Ratnam make. In the book Rahman tells Kabir that “Mani Ratnam won’t think twice before experimenting. He always tries something new. That’s a great quality. One may fail in the process, but not fearing failure is what makes you try out new things. Shankar can’t do that because he has achieved an almost perfect success rate and can’t fool around with that. Unfortunately, I think Shankar is trapped by his own success.” This may be the boldest statement made to the public by Rahman; kudos to Kabir for getting him to talk without his usual reticent political correctness. The book gives ARR fans a deeper look into the world and, more importantly, into the mind of a musical genius. Have you read it yet?
Lauren Conrad and her boyfriend of three years have called it quits. What do YOU think went wrong?
Almost as quietly as it began, Lauren Conrad and actor Kyle Howard have ended their three year relationship, reports E! News.
“Sources close to the now ex-duo confirm that the breakup was a mutual decision and that no third parties were involved,” they report.
One of the biggest reasons Lauren, 24, quit starring on MTV’s hit reality show, The Hills, was so she could maintain her personal life — especially a relationship — without cameras around 24/7. In fact, Lauren and 33-year-old Kyle’s romance was thought to be going so swimmingly, they were rumored to be engaged earlier this year!