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  • मकर संक्रांति का वैज्ञानिक एवं आध्यात्मिक महत्व

    मकर संक्रांति किसे कहते हैं, इसका भौगोलिक, सांस्कृतिक अथवा आध्यात्मिक महत्व क्या है, इत्यादि प्रश्नों का समाधान ज्योतिषशास्त्र के सिद्धांत ग्रंथों में विस्तार से प्राप्त होता है। सृष्टि के आरंभ में परम पुरुष नारायण अपनी योगमाया से प्रकृति में प्रवेश कर सर्वप्रथम जलमयी सृष्टि में कारणवारि का आधान करते है, जिसे वेदों ने हिरण्यगर्भ कहा है। सर्वप्रथम होने के कारण आदित्य तथा इन्हीं आदित्य से चराचर जीवों की उत्पत्ति होने के कारण इन्हें सूर्य कहा गया है। सूर्य से सोम रूप चंद्रमा की उत्पत्ति, पुन: उसके तेज से पृथ्वी, पृथ्वी से मंगल, सोम से बुध,आकाश से बृहस्पति, जल से शुक्र तथा वायु से शनि को उत्पन्न करके, ब्रह्म ने मन:कल्पित वृत्त को बारह राशियों तथा सत्ताइस नक्षत्रों में विभक्त किया। इसके पश्चात् श्रेष्ठ, मध्यम और अधम स्रोतों से स8व,रज, तम विभेदात्मक प्रकृति का निर्माण करके देवता, मनुष्य, राक्षस आदि चराचर विश्व की रचना की, गुण और कर्म के अनुसार सृष्टि रचकर देशकाल का विभाग किया। उसी प्रकार ब्रह्माण्ड का निर्माण करके उसमें समस्त लोक स्थापित किए। इसी ब्रह्माण्ड की परिधि को आकाश की कक्षा कहते है। इसके भीतर नक्षत्र, राशियां, ग्रह तथा उपग्रह आदि भ्रमण करते रहते है। इसमें समस्त सिद्ध, विद्याधर, यक्ष, गंधर्व, चारण, राक्षस एवं असंख्य प्राणी सदैव भ्रमण करते रहते है। इसी ब्रह्माण्ड के मध्य में यह पृथ्वी ब्रह्म की धारणात्मिकाशक्ति के बल पर शून्य में स्थित होकर सतत भ्रमणशील है। इस पृथ्वी के मध्य को सुमेरु कहते है। समेरु के ऊपर की ओर इन्द्रादि देवता तथा असुर स्थित हैं तथा इसके चारों ओर महासागर पृथ्वी की मेखला की तरह स्थित है। यद्यपि पृथ्वी की गति से राशियों में परिवर्तन दिखाई देता है तथापि लोक में उसे उपचार मात्र से सूर्य का संक्रमण कहा जाता है। जब सूर्य विषुवत वृत्त पर आता है तब इन स्थानों के ठीक ऊपर होता है। इसी सुमेरु के दोनों ओर उत्तरी एवं दक्षिणी धु्रव स्थित है। सूर्य जब देव भाग में अर्थात् उत्तरी गोलार्ध में रहता है तब मेष के आदि स्थान में देवताओं को उसका प्रथम दर्शन होता है और जब दक्षिणी गोलार्ध में रहता है तब तुला के आदि में वह असुरों को दिखाई पड़ता है। ज्योतिषशास्त्र के अनुसार जब वर्तमान राशि का त्याग करके सूर्य अगली राशि में प्रवेश करते है तो उसी काल को संक्रांति कहते है। अतएव संक्रांति प्रत्येक मास होती है। राशियां कुल बारह है, अत: सूर्य की संक्रांति भी बारह होती है। इन संक्रांतियों को ऋषियों ने चार भागों में विभक्त किया है-अयनी, विषुवी, षडशीतिमुखी और विष्णुपदी संक्रांति। जब सूर्य मिथुन राशि से कर्क राशि में तथा धनु राशि से मकर राशि में प्रवेश करता तो उसे अयनी संक्रांति कहते है। इसी प्रकार मेष,तुला राशि पर सूर्य के संक्रमण को विषुवी संक्रांति, मिथुन, कन्या, धनु और मीन राशि पर सूर्य के संक्रमण को षडशीतिमुखी तथा वृष, सिंह, वृश्चिक एवं कुंभ राशियों पर सूर्य के संक्रमण को विष्णुपदी संक्रांति की संज्ञा दी गई है। अब प्रश्न यह उठता है कि संक्रांतियां तो बारह होती है फिर मकर संक्रांति को ही इतना महत्व क्यों दिया जाता है? इसका कारण यह है कि भारतवर्ष में प्राचीन काल से वर्षारंभ का दिन मकर संक्रांति से ही माना गया था। वर्षारंभ के साथ ही हजारों वर्ष की पुरानी भारतीय संस्कृति का इतिहास भी इस मकर संक्रांति से जुड़ा हुआ है। वैदिक काल में जब राशियां अज्ञात थीं, दिनों के नाम भी नहीं रखे गए थे, दिनों के संबंध में निश्चित किए जाने वाले वर्ष के राजा और मंत्री भी नहीं होते थे, उस समय हमारे ऋषियों, महर्षियों ने नक्षत्रों से ही ग्रहों के शुभाशुभ फलों की गणना की थी। उन दिनों भारतीयों के संपूर्ण व्यवहार तिथियों पर ही आश्रित थे। आज हम जिसे मकर संक्रांति कहते है, उस समय उसे युग या वर्ष का आदि कहा जाता था। आज से लगभग पैंतीस सौ वर्ष पूर्व वेदांगज्योतिष में महर्षि लगध ने कहा कि जब चन्द्रमा और सूर्य आकाश में एक साथ धनिष्ठा नक्षत्र पर होते है तब युग या संवत्सर का आदि माघ मास तथा उत्तरायण का आरंभ होता है। धनिष्ठा नक्षत्र पर सूर्य 6/7 फरवरी को होता है, तथा माघ की अमावस्या को चन्द्रमा धनिष्ठा नक्षत्र पर रहता है। यह भी तिथियों और नक्षत्रों के संबंध से स्पष्ट है। फिर उत्तरायण का आरम्भ भी उसी नक्षत्र पर हो, तो सौरमाघमास का आरम्भ भी निश्चित ही उसी दिन होगा। यह बात वेदांग ज्योतिष में वर्णित माघ की अमावस्या को धनिष्ठा नक्षत्र पर होने वाले उत्तरायण में ही सत्य होगी, क्योंकि इसी स्थिति में सौर और चान्द्र दोनों मासों से माघ का सम्बन्ध शास्त्रसम्मत होगा। वैदिक साहित्य में उत्तरायण दिन अत्यंत पवित्र माना गया है। उत्तरायण का अर्थ है-उत्तर की ओर चलना। जब सूर्य क्षितिज वृत्त में ही अपनी दक्षिणी सीमा समाप्त करके, उत्तर की ओर बढ़ने लगता है तो उसे हम उत्तरायण कहते हैं। इसी प्रकार क्षितिज वृत्त में ही जब सूर्य उत्तर जाने की चरम सीमा पर पहुंच कर दक्षिण की ओर बढ़ने लगता है, तो उसे हम दक्षिणायन कहते है। जब सूर्य उत्तरायण के होते है तब दिन बड़ा होने लगता है और जब दक्षिणायन में प्रवेश करते है तब दिन छोटा होने लगता है। ये अयन छह-छह महीने के अंतर पर होते है। उत्तरायण में दिन की अधिकता के कारण सूर्य का प्रकाश पृथ्वीवासियों को अधिक प्राप्त होता है। वृद्धि को शुभ मानने की परम्परा भारतीयों की सदैव से रही है। कृष्णपक्ष एवं शुक्लपक्ष दोनों में चंद्रमा का प्रकाश पृथ्वीवासियों को समान रूप से प्राप्त होता है, तथापि शुक्लपक्ष को वन्द्य माना गया है। इसका कारण यह है कि शुक्लपक्ष में चन्द्रमा बढ़ता हुआ पूर्णता की ओर जाता है और पूर्ण प्रकाश देता है। ठीक यही बात अयन के संदर्भ में भी प्रत्यक्ष है। उत्तरायण से दिन बढ़ना प्रारम्भ होकर अन्त में पूर्णता को प्राप्त होता है, जबकि दक्षिणायन में घटता हुआ अत्यंत छोटा हो जाता है। अत: प्रकाश की न्यूनाधिकता के कारण ही दक्षिणायन की अपेक्षा उत्तरायन को अधिक महत्व दिया गया है। सायन गणना के अनुसार वर्तमान में 22 दिसंबर को सूर्य उत्तरायन और 22 जून को दक्षिणायन होता है, जबकि निरयन गणना के अनुसार सूर्य 14/15 जनवरी को उत्तरायन तथा 16 जुलाई को दक्षिणायन होता है। किंतु सायन गणना ही प्रत्यक्ष दृष्टिगोचर होती है। जिसके अनुसार 22 दिसंबर को सूर्य क्षितिज वृत्त में अपने दक्षिण जाने की सीमा समाप्त करके उत्तर की ओर बढ़ना आरंभ करता है और 22 जून को अपने उत्तर जाने की सीमा समाप्त करके दक्षिण की ओर बढ़ना आरम्भ करता है। इसलिए आज का उत्तरायण 22 दिसंबर से आरम्भ होकर 22 जून को समाप्त होता है। किंतु धर्मशास्त्र निरयन परम्परा को ही मह8व देते है और उसी के अनुसार सभी संक्रान्तियों के पुण्य काल का निर्धारण करते है। अतएव प्रत्येक सनातनधर्मी धर्मशास्त्र एवं ज्योतिषशास्त्र के संयुक्त आदेशों का पालन ही अपना प्रधान क‌र्त्तव्य मानता है। मकर संक्रान्ति का महत्व न केवल भारतवर्ष में अपितु विश्व के अन्यान्य देशों में खिचड़ी रूप में प्रसिद्ध है। इस दिन लोग खाद्यान्न विशेषकर तिल, गुड़, मूंग, खिचड़ी आदि पदार्थो का सेवन करते है। इस समय अत्यधिक शीत भारतवर्ष में पड़ती है। तिल के सेवन से शीत से रक्षा होती है। अतएव तिल का महत्व अधिक दिया गया है। तिलस्नायी तिलोद्व‌र्त्ती तिलहोमी तिलोदकी। तिलभुक् तिलदाता च षट्तिला: पापनाशना:॥ अर्थात् तिल मिश्रित जल से स्नान, तिल के तेल द्वारा शरीर में मालिश, तिल से ही यज्ञ में आहुति, तिल मिश्रित जल का पान, तिल का भोजन इनके प्रयोग से मकर संक्रांति का पुण्य फल प्राप्त होता है और पाप नष्ट हो जाते है। इस समय बहती हुई नदी में स्नान पूर्णकारी होता है। ऐसी मान्यता है कि नदी के जल में स्नान से सम्पूर्ण पाप तो नष्ट होते है साथ ही धन, वैभव और रूप, सौन्दर्य आदि की वृद्धि हो जाती है। ज्योतिषशास्त्र के ग्रन्थों में वर्णन है कि सूर्य के संक्रमण काल में जो मनुष्य स्नान नही करता वह सात जन्मों तक रोगी, निर्धन तथा दु:ख भोगता रहता है। इस दिन कंबल का दान करने से अक्षय पुण्य की प्राप्ति होती है। डा. गिरिजा शङ्कर शास्त्री

    2 Cops Killed In Attack On Chinese Consulate In Karachi, Gunmen Shot Dead

    At least two policemen were killed when unidentified gunmen stormed the Chinese consulate in the Pakistani port city of Karachi on Friday, officials said.
    Up to four gunmen tried to enter the consulate but were intercepted by security guards at a checkpoint, senior local police official Javaid Alam Odho told AFP.

    An exchange of fire resulted "killing two of our constables and critically wounding another", he said.

    He added that the group "ran away" but did not confirm if the attack was over, saying the area had been cordoned off and security forces were conducting a clearing operation.

    Police and Rangers were on the scene, police said. Pictures posted to social media purportedly of the attack showed smoke rising from the area.

    The attack was claimed by a separatist terrorist group from Pakistan's southwestern province of Balochistan, which is at the centre of a major Chinese investment project in the country.

    "We have carried out this attack and our action is continuing," the spokesman for the Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA), Geand Baloch, told news agency AFP by telephone from an undisclosed location.

    The BLA is just one of the terrorist groups operating in Balochistan, Pakistan's largest and poorest province, which is rife with ethnic, sectarian and separatist insurgencies.

    China on Friday condemned an attack on its consulate in the Pakistani city of Karachi that killed two policemen and urged its ally to ensure the security of Chinese citizens.

    "China strongly condemns any violent attacks against diplomatic agencies and requests that Pakistan takes practical measures to ensure the safety of Chinese citizens and institutions in the country," foreign ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said at a regular press briefing.

    China, one of Pakistan's closest allies, has poured billions into the South Asian country in recent years as part of a massive infrastructure project that seeks to connect its western province Xinjiang with the Arabian Sea port of Gwadar.

    The project, the so-called 'China-Pakistan Economic Corridor', is one of the largest projects in Beijing's "One Belt One Road" initiative, comprising a network of roads and sea routes involving 65 countries.

    But for Pakistan, participating in the project presents an enormous challenge in a country plagued by weak institutions, endemic corruption and a range of insurgencies in areas slated to host the corridor.

    The subject of economic dividends from the so-called 'CPEC' is extremely sensitive in some of the areas the corridor will run through -- particularly in resource-rich Balochistan.

    Since the beginning of the project terrorists have repeatedly attacked construction sites and targeted Chinese workers.

    Karachi, Pakistan's largest city and a financial hub, was for years rife with political, sectarian and ethnic militancy.

    Live Cricket Score of Australia vs India, 2nd T20I

    Two sixes and one four from Coulter-Nile's bat had raised some hopes for Australia but Bhuvi gets rid of him. Australia's score goes past 100 but they need at least 140 to give something to their bowlers. This was bowled short and the batsman cuts it to deep point.

    Carey's turn now as Kuldeep gets into the act. Carey wants to break the shackles but if you don't time Kuldeep to perfection, you are always in trouble especially in a ground that is as huge as the MCG. Coulter-Nile joins McDermott. Can he read Kuldeep? Well, he has just smashed his first ball for a six.

    A huge lbw appeal was turned down earlier in the over but Maxwell doesn't survive for a long time. There is a little bit of turn and Maxwell is cleaned up while attempting to defend it. Australia are in tatters.

    You got to be kidding me! Your team is 40/3 and there is a deep point in place. How on earth did Stoinis think it was the right choice to cut one straight to the fielder out there? Ridiculous shot considering the situation Australia find themselves in. Bumrah gets his first wicket. Ben McDermott is the new man.

    And he is going bonkers! Kohli's ploy to give Khaleel another over has worked. He bowls one on a good length and Short wanted to hit out of the park but could only manage an under edge that shatters the stumps. Stoinis has joined Maxwell out in the middle. These two rescued them on Wednesday and need to do it all over again.

    Well, Bumrah's misjudgement didn't cost India a lot. Khaleel strikes in his first over. It was bowled quite wide and Lynn wanted to deposit it into the stands. The change of pace works as Krunal stationed at deep point covers ground to take a smart catch. And India are looking to apply more pressure here by introducing Bumrah into the attack. Maxwell is the new man.

    Bhuvi must be gutted! He has kept Lynn quiet but the batsman finally takes him on but doesn't get the timing right on the pull. It was a knuckle ball and Bumrah had a chance to take the catch at the boundary. He misjudges the ball completely and gets his fingers on the ball but it carries over for a six anyway. Bumrah could have taken two steps back and taken it. Two chances missed in the same over.

    Tough chance! Bhuvi induces Short's edge and Pant dives full length low to his left to take it one-handed but he fails to hold onto that. First slip could have taken it? Hard to tell. Good effort though.

    A pitch that was under the cover, conditions overcast and Bhuvi makes full use of it. Finch is gone for a first ball duck. The ball was bowled slightly fuller, wide and it moved away and the batsman edges it behind while trying to drive. Lynn is in very early. India need to keep him quiet.

    Pregnant Meghan Markle's sister wants to steal her thunder with tell-all book

    Ever heard of the phrase stealing someone's thunder? Well, seems like Meghan Markle's half-sister, Samantha Markle is all set to do that to her.

    Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex and Prince Harry are due to have their first baby in Spring (March-June) of 2019. The Royal couple are very excited and visibly happy about the due arrival of their little prince or princess.

    But Meghan's sister Samantha, who has been bad-mouthing her sister ever since she got married into the Royal family, decided to play spoilsport yet again.

    Samantha is writing a book, In The Shadows Of The Duchess, which is a memoir that claims to reveal all of Meghan's lies. She is planning to release the book around the same time as the birth of the Royal baby.

    Meghan does not have a very good relationship with her father Thomas Markle or any of her family members, except her mother Doria Ragland. Neither her dad, nor any of her siblings attended her wedding in May.

    Going back to the book, Samantha says that it will be a tell-all account of everything from 'lullabies to lies'.

    Samantha also told a leading daily:

    "The world does not know truth total truth...I'm holding nothing back."

    Samantha also claimed that she was being subjected to cyber bullying.

    "On top of it I am dealing with cyber-stalking and cyber-bullying with little Twitter trolls. They're kind of nasty, sending out banners and propaganda about me that's disparaging and not true."

    Given how bitter Samantha is towards this entire situation, we can only imagine the level of destruction this book will cause.

    Ayushmann Khurrana on balancing professional high with personal low

    Having tasted back-to-back success at the box-office with Andhadhun and Badhaai Ho and then facing the harsh reality of his wife Tahira Kashyap's breast cancer scare, actor Ayushmann Khurrana now sees things through a different prism and has called life a "great leveller".

    Tahira revealed her affliction on September 22, posting on Instagram that she was detected with DCIS (ductal carcinoma in situ) in her right breast with high grade malignant cells.

    Asked how he was balancing his professional and personal lives, Ayushmann told IANS: "It was very difficult. I have realised that life is never perfect. You have to celebrate the imperfections of life and you have to accept that there would be a void in your life every time, it cannot be perfect. So, this was just a small imperfection according to us. We are taking it as it is."

    The 34-year-old actor added: "I had two back-to-back films coming and I was going through a professional high and I was wondering life is so beautiful and suddenly this happened, so it is a great leveller. Life is a great leveller."

    On Karva Chauth this year, Ayushmann kept a fast for the good health and long life of Tahira, whom he proudly calls his inspiration.

    "I am glad I have a partner like Tahira who is very brave, strong, who is an inspiration. I have started seeing life through a different prism," said the actor, who has two children with Tahira -- Virajveer and Varushka.

    "I was giving her my time, of course. In the morning I was promoting my films, in the nights I was with her in the hospital... It is not easy."

    Indian-Origin Man Arrested For Luring 11-Year-Old Girl Into Sex In US

    A 22-year-old Indian-origin man in the US has been arrested and charged with sexual enticement of a minor girl through social media, authorities have said.
    Sachin Aji Bhaskar, a resident of New York's Buffalo city, faces a minimum penalty of 10 years in prison, maximum of life in prison and a USD 250,000 fine.

    Assistant US Attorney Wei Xiang said Tuesday that Bhaskar, using a social media application in August, contacted the 11-year-old girl in Buffalo claiming to be 15.

    He picked her up by car and returned her home approximately three hours later after having sex with her.

    He made an initial appearance before US Magistrate Judge Kenneth Schroder and is being held pending a detention hearing.

    IIFA 2018 Day 3: Kriti Sanon channels her inner Disney princess, Shraddha Kapoor disappoints in boring pink gown

    Day 3 of the 19th edition of the International Indian Film Academy Awards (IIFA) that is in full swing in Bangkok currently, saw prestigious honours bestowed upon various cinema legends last night, from Sridevi to Irrfan Khan. This was complemented by the glamorous fashion statements Bollywood celebrities made on the IIFA green carpet, which, needless to say, made things more interesting. Here are some of the looks from the event that caught our eye.

    Keeping up with her strong style streak, Kriti Sanon left onlookers gaping on Day 3 as well, in her beautiful Mark Bumgarner gown. Stylist Tanya Ghavri accessorised the glittery blue-grey voluminous gown with a pair of silver hoops and we like how Sanon complemented the look with a dewy sheen and soft pink lips.

    IIFA 2018 Day 3, IIFA fashion, Kriti Sanon, Kriti Sanon latest photos, Kriti Sanon fashion, Shraddha Kapoor, Shraddha Kapoor fashion, Zaira Wasim fashion, indian express, indian express news Kriti Sanon looked ready to attend a ball in her Mark Bumgarner gown at IIFA. (Source: APH)
    Shraddha Kapoor

    While Shraddha Kapoor impressed us on Day 1 of IIFA in her Reem Acra sheer midnight blue number, the actor’s satin gown from the same designer was a bit of a letdown. While the plunging neckline did add oomph to the baby pink piece, we think the vast swathes of the voluminous creation looked bland.

    The Ishaqzaade actor set the shutterbugs clicking with his black suit-white shirt curation that was accentuated by a colourful blue scarf and ultra cool glasses. We wonder if the usually conventionally dressed actor is taking style inspirations from bestie Ranveer Singh. Source

    IIFA Awards 2018: Shah Rukh Khan’s Jab Harry Met Sejal and Ranbir Kapoor’s Jagga Jasoos take home trophies in technical categories

    IIFA awards 2018 are currently being held at Bangkok, Thailand. The two days event from June 22 to June 24 will see a host of Bollywood celebrities attending the gala night. From Varun Dhawan, Arjun Kapoor, Karan Johar to Shraddha Kapoor, Nushrat Bharucha and Kartik Aryan, the stars are already enjoying their time at IIFA and the videos from the same are creating a havoc on social media. After the mandatory press conference that was organised on Friday morning, IIFA rocks was held later in the night. The event is mainly to give away all the technical awards for best editor, choreographer, singer and so. We got a hold of a complete list of the winners from last night and we were glad to see different movies receiving various honours. You can have a look at the complete winner list of the technical awards below and yes, you can thank us later. Also Read: [Videos] Varun Dhawan, Shraddha Kapoor and Arjun Kapoor had a blast at IIFA Rocks

    Best Background Score – Pritam (Jagga Jasoos)

    Best Choreography – Vijay Ganguly & Ruel Dausan Varindan (Jagga Jasoos)

    Best VFX – Prasad Vasant Sutar (Jagga Jasoos)

    Best Screenplay – Nitesh Tiwari & Shreyas Jain (Bareilly ki Barfi)

    Best Dialogue – Hitesh Kewalya (Shubh Mangal Saavdhan)

    Best Cinematography – Marcin Laskawiec (Tiger Zinda Hai)

    Best Sound Design – Dileep Subramaniam & Ganesh Gangadharan (Tiger Zinda Hai)

    Best Editing – Shweta Venkat Mathew (Newton)

    Best Lyrics – Nusrat Fateh Ali, A1 Melody Fana & Manoj Muntashir (Mere Rashqe Qamar – Baadshaho)

    Best Playback Singer (Male) – Arijit Singh (Hawaayein – Jab Harry Met Sejal)

    Best Playback Singer (Female) –  Meghna Mishra (Main Kaun Hoon – Secret Superstar)

    The main IIFA night is slated for tonight where we’ll see major Bollywood stars including Varun Dhawan, Kartik Aaryan, Arjun Kapoor, Kriti Sanon and Nushrat Bharucha perform live on their iconic songs. Ranbir Kapoor is expected to attend the event amidst his ongoing Sanju promotions. Will Alia join him for the same is a question that needs an answer? But only time will tell if RK Jr makes an entry with his ladylove or she decides to ditch the event completely. Source

    Mahendra Singh Dhoni, Sohail Khan, Salman Khan and Jacqueline Fernandez attend special screening of Race 3

    Salman Khan starrer Race 3 is just two days away from its release and the excitement around the movie is just like any other Salman film. On Tuesday, the makers of the action-thriller held a special screening for industry folks. Those who came to watch the film included Salman’s brother Sohail Khan and wife Seema Khan along with their two sons, filmmakers David Dhawan and Sajid Nadiadwala, cricketer Mahendra Singh Dhoni with wife Sakshi Dhoni and Huma Qureshi with her parents among others.

    The star cast of the movie Jacqueline Fernandez, Daisy Shah, Bobby Deol, Anil Kapoor, Saqib Saleem and Freddy Daruwala looked pepped up for the release of their film.

    Kate Middleton Just Wore a Gorgeous and Affordable Dress on a Day Out With Prince George

    Kate Middleton always has enviable style, and she's also a fan of affordable brands, which she demonstrated this weekend.

    On a day out with two of her children, Prince George and Princess Charlotte, the Duchess of Cambridge attended the Houghton Horse Trials in Norfolk. The event is held every year, and purports to be "a fantastic day out for all the family," so it makes sense that Middleton took George and Charlotte along.

    And for the day out, Kate Middleton selected the perfect outfit, in the form of a subtle blue floral dress from Zara. The dress costs less than $70, although you may have trouble finding one as its popularity skyrocketed thanks to the Duchess. The Daily Mail has photos of Middleton wearing the outfit, and ensuring that George and Charlotte are having fun.

    George and Charlotte's outfits also stood out because they wore matching shoes. The siblings wore Hampton Classic canvas shoes in different colors—George wore navy blue, while Charlotte donned pink. The children's shoes are also affordable and retail for around $47.

    Middleton was also spotted taking Prince George on an air ambulance vehicle—his dad, Prince William, previously worked as a pilot for theAir Ambulance Service, and it's likely that George was excited to find out more about his dad's role.

    The Duchess of Cambridge recently released a letter discussing what she cherishes most about her children. She revealed: "Spending quality time together is such an important aspect of family life and for me, as a mother, it is the simple family moments like playing outside together that I cherish."

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